Pardoning War Criminals On Memorial Day.

There are a set a rules called "The laws of armed conflict" which every person in the US military has to study and has to follow. Making a mistake in the heat of battle can sometimes be taken into exception, but murdering a 15 year old with with a hunting knife as he is about to receive medical attention , shooting civilians as they walk along a river, firing indiscriminately into a civilian community , none of those fall under those rules......If he is found guilty of these offenses it is a stain on all of us who have ever severed honorably, and if he would also be pardoned, that would go against just about everything this country stands for,
Knew you were a liberal hack from the beginning. Obama pardoned 1,927 individuals convicted of federal crimes. Largest ever. More commutations than the last 13 presidents combined. Included were terrorists who killed Americans. Liberal fagits.
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Knew you were a liberal hack from the beginning. Obama pardoned 1,927 individuals convicted of federal crimes. Largest ever. More commutations than the last 13 presidents combined. Included were terrorists who killed Americans. Liberal fagits.
Obviously you have never served in the military.........I am not against pardons, I am against pardoning convicted war criminals. We have a strict set of laws that all US military personnel must follow, it is one of the major things that set our military apart from many other countries..........would you want a Police officer pardoned if he was convicted of murdering civilians?
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Obviously you have never served in the military.........I am not against pardons, I am against pardoning convicted war criminals. We have a strict set of laws that all US military personnel must follow, it is one of the major things that set our military apart from many other countries..........would you want a Police officer pardoned if he was convicted of murdering civilians?
Face it. You hate Trump?
And he has yet to pardon anyone. He has asked for info, but that hasn’t kept liberal media like NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, and MSNBC from attacking him.
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Face it. You hate Trump?
There are a set a rules called "The laws of armed conflict" which every person in the US military has to study and has to follow. Making a mistake in the heat of battle can sometimes be taken into exception, but murdering a 15 year old with with a hunting knife as he is about to receive medical attention , shooting civilians as they walk along a river, firing indiscriminately into a civilian community , none of those fall under those rules......If he is found guilty of these offenses it is a stain on all of us who have ever severed honorably, and if he would also be pardoned, that would go against just about everything this country stands for,
Well just like like pokeabear you have lapped up the prosecution talking points of this case and given nothing of the defense. There is plenty of evidence, hidden by the prosecution, that he did not murder a prisoner, who was an enemy combatant btw not an innocent kid, including a video.

You Trump haters will ruin lives and keep people in jail just to deny him any kind of success. It's disgusting.
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Well just like like pokeabear you have lapped up the prosecution talking points of this case and given nothing of the defense. There is plenty of evidence, hidden by the prosecution, that he did not murder a prisoner, who was an enemy combatant btw not an innocent kid, including a video.

You Trump haters will ruin lives and keep people in jail just to deny him any kind of success. It's disgusting.
Unless I mis read the article, his General Courts Martial has not occurred yet, I believe it is next week, and if there is evidence for his defense it will be presented, this is not a civilian court, the prosecution cannot "hide" evidence and he will be be judged by a panel of his peers, if the evidence exonerates him, he will be found innocent..........The 15 year old was a prisoner in the custody of the US Military, no matter what he did, he is afforded the same rights as all prisoners, there are laws which must be followed, they are intended, in part, to keep individual soldiers from exacting revenge from these prisoners..........BTW I just read your last line.....rightly convicting someone for murder is not trying to deny someone of success, murder is a crime, in the civilian world and the military
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Well just like like pokeabear you have lapped up the prosecution talking points of this case and given nothing of the defense. There is plenty of evidence, hidden by the prosecution, that he did not murder a prisoner, who was an enemy combatant btw not an innocent kid, including a video.

You Trump haters will ruin lives and keep people in jail just to deny him any kind of success. It's disgusting.
Well said.
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Okay went and did some internet research on this subject and found out that apparently the prosecution spied on the defense with spyware and that there is video evidence exonerating Chief Gallagher of what he was primarily accused of which was stabbing a prisoner to death.

Murphy is a good follow for military insight, and his podcast (SOFREP) is a good listen. He’s definitely not a TDS guy.
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You Trump haters will ruin lives and keep people in jail just to deny him any kind of success. It's disgusting.
I'd like to keep bad guys in jail and let good guys walk.

From everything I've seen on the Behenna story, there was enough to merit a pardon, and I have no issue with it. Good on Trump here.

Contrast that to the Gallagher case, where there has yet to be a trial, let alone a verdict. So why bother addressing a pardon for someone who (at the moment), is not in need of one? Red meat for the base? Seems irresponsible.
There is plenty of evidence, hidden by the prosecution, that he did not murder a prisoner, who was an enemy combatant btw not an innocent kid, including a video.
Could you please share your source? The existence of such evidence would greatly sway my position.
My primary source is interviews I've heard from Congressman Duncan Hunter who is the one pushing Trump for the pardon of Gallagher. I personally think he's a straight shooter and a big supporter of the military.

According to him this prosecution is FUBAR. I'll try to find some print articles on his accusations but the MSM ignores people like Duncan Hunter.
There is more than one side to this story and he will face a General Courts Martial which will sort each side out, if he is convicted there is no way he should be pardoned, a US military member cannot do stuff like that, if he is found innocent, he needs to be treated as innocent
There is more than one side to this story and he will face a General Courts Martial which will sort each side out, if he is convicted there is no way he should be pardoned, a US military member cannot do stuff like that, if he is found innocent, he needs to be treated as innocent
This is common sense that we all knew as small children, but we abandoned it when we became adults and winning the internet became important.
I also condemn @Pokeabear and his left wing nut media for putting this out there. Glad we can agree on something wino.
Let wing nuts and right wing nuts both making a circus of this for PR purposes.

Why would POTUS be “considering” a pardon for someone who has yet to have his day in court? Oh right, PR circus.

Why are the pardons planned for Memorial Day? Isn’t the focus of Memorial Day supposed to be on those servicemen who have lost their lives? Couldn’t the pardons be issued on any other weekend?

To repeat: I’m all for pardoning good soldiers who got a raw deal. I’m against doing it as a PR stunt.
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APRIL 13, 2018
Download PDF Clemency Warrant

I. Lewis Libby, aka Scooter Libby, aka Irve Lewis “Scooter” Libby
Offense: Obstruction of justice; false statements; perjury (two counts) (District of Columbia)
Sentence: 30 months' imprisonment, two years' supervised release, $250,000 fine (June 14, 2007)
APRIL 13, 2018
Download PDF Clemency Warrant

I. Lewis Libby, aka Scooter Libby, aka Irve Lewis “Scooter” Libby
Offense: Obstruction of justice; false statements; perjury (two counts) (District of Columbia)
Sentence: 30 months' imprisonment, two years' supervised release, $250,000 fine (June 14, 2007)