Okay, I'm with you re: Elon. Sorry, squeezing in posts b/n work. I don't know what Elon's politics are (Most young billionaires are for their bottom line)
I guess you're setting down the computers once and for all. You'll be missed. I applaud your morality and integrity. As for me, I'm going to think on it and let you know where I come down.
Until then, I'll be filling in as board moderator. Don't worry, the board is in good hands.
New sheriff in town, gentlemen. If you want to keep posting we'll need one dank meme for every three posts and someone get me some funyuns and a 2 liter purple drink. I'm gonna be here a while getting this mess straightened out.
@CBradSmith would you please get over to Sutton Court and post some epic NBA fights? Something? It's dead over there. Bird v. Laimbeer is a good start.