[P-DAN], Mea Culpa, conditional or I'm weary of pablum


Oct 15, 2003
[P-DAN], I will be the 2nd to admit that our discourse over the last several weeks has not been at a diplomatic level and I will take responsibility for my fervor addressing my frustrations with your positions particular to a certain political/population that I believe could behave better in all respects. I hold 2nd place to my wife that has finally thrown down the gauntlet about our conversations/rhetoric. I’ve been married to her for 40-years and know when the fuse is near the powder.

I’ve related to this board that I had an aunt in the UN that for 30+ years served the economic projects of the leaders of the dregs of the planet. You go look these posts up, I won’t belabor them here. Combine that with the extensive travels I endured for my profession that encompassed, with the exception of Western Europe, nearly every upstream oil & gas producing country on the planet. There are more than you can imagine. Regardless of how large they are in revenues they all required the technology & services that my companies & teams provided.

Face it, most of the planet is a pile of $hit. Even the civilized Eastern Europeans & Asians weren’t like they are now in the ‘90’s. I cannot even recall the countless hours I spent with company HR and hired HR consultants in how to deal with, negotiate and not pi$$ off national officials & ministers of these “oil producing countries”. Not to mention the weeks of FCPA (foreign corrupt practices act) training had to endure. Many times, I had to bite my tongue until it bled. Thank God for single malt scotch, paperback novels and later, the internet.

Anyway, you claim to have, and I paraphrase from your own post, “have been in Japan and a couple of other Asian countries.” If you had travelled more and listened to your pi$$ant internet personalities with 50k subscribers, you might have a different perspective. You dismiss my actual experience on the ground in these countries with a wave. WHATEVER.

I will offer a conditional olive branch to you if you want me to respect you. That has a single requirement based upon your one-minded focus on the enemies of the civilized portion of Israel. I’m not talking about Netanyahu and his criminal enterprise. If you cannot separate the decent citizens of Israel from him and his thugs, the deal is off.

Lastly, as an internet warrior I expect you to at least investigate those $20 words you use to fabricate your $0.10 logic. If we can agree, we can start over. If not, it doesn’t matter because with your post history you will never be able to travel to Israel and return to the states.

What say you?

If you pull a Custer, all bets are off. If you have any doubts about this gesture use your friendly search site and look up the true Australian interpretation of fairdinkem.

Also, don't deign to suggest that I don't understand what I am posting.

To my conservative brothers & sisters on this site, maybe I was a little harsh, maybe not but I do enjoy being married to my great wife. Savvy?

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