Looked pretty sharp. The #2 Women's Gymnastics team is also competing against ISU, Arizona State and whooping them both.
125 - Milhoff wins 7-1. Real close to a major with a TD attempt at the end.
133 - Cody Brewer dominated Hall, 12-4. Pretty solid win. I think Earl got a TD and 2-point near fall, but Cody dominated.
141 - Trae Blackwell with a good win. Can't remember score.
149 - Davion pinned Moreno. 4-4 when he put him on his back. Nice win.
157 - Wingbermuehle loses.
165 - Weatherspoonbeats Clark Glass in dominating fashion. Not real close.
174 - Matt Reed with a nice win.
184 - Andrew Dixon replaced Lance, comes out with a win with a TD in overtime.
197 - Brad Johnson gives up a TD at the end to lose 3-1.
HWT - Ross Larson with two TDs and a fall over Quean Smith.
125 - Milhoff wins 7-1. Real close to a major with a TD attempt at the end.
133 - Cody Brewer dominated Hall, 12-4. Pretty solid win. I think Earl got a TD and 2-point near fall, but Cody dominated.
141 - Trae Blackwell with a good win. Can't remember score.
149 - Davion pinned Moreno. 4-4 when he put him on his back. Nice win.
157 - Wingbermuehle loses.
165 - Weatherspoonbeats Clark Glass in dominating fashion. Not real close.
174 - Matt Reed with a nice win.
184 - Andrew Dixon replaced Lance, comes out with a win with a TD in overtime.
197 - Brad Johnson gives up a TD at the end to lose 3-1.
HWT - Ross Larson with two TDs and a fall over Quean Smith.