Otard sent 400M USD

All Muslim nations or wannabe nations/groups which worked against Israel and the US in the Middle East were Obama's buddies. Those not in the ME were also his buddies. Notice how many times he went to Indonesia, a very populace Muslim nation but strategically unimportant.
You leave anything out of your narrative that may inform an objective analysis?
Maybe he can also tell us all the things Biff has done to help Russia too.

They gotta be loving this! Farmers fvcked, stock market tanking, 62% dispproval... I'm seeing why our enemies worked so hard on his campaign!
Obama thought his classic grab ankles routine would make Iran our friends. It worked so well with Russia...

otard obviously went against every aspect of decades united states foreign policy

otard maneuvered via presidential decree

They gotta be loving this! Farmers fvcked, stock market tanking, 62% dispproval... I'm seeing why our enemies worked so hard on his campaign!
Remember that the 1980s called and wanted their foreign policy back. When did Russia become our enemy again? Obama continuously grabbed his ankles for them. Do I need to refresh you on the list of all the things Obama did to appease them?

What all has Trump done to appease Russia? It should be a long list, no?
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Nothing. Now you go.


Do you honestly think that’s going to work? Do you think someone who constantly starts shit posts just to argue with people he doesn’t respect can get away with that argument?

You are cursed with an addiction to looking stupid. I feel sorry for you.
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Do you honestly think that’s going to work? Do you think someone who constantly starts shit posts just to argue with people he doesn’t respect can get away with that argument?

You are cursed with an addiction to looking stupid. I feel sorry for you.
What do you expect from a gurl who posted that zhe wanted to fight Alpha Poke but then deleted zher Rivals account like a scared little bitch when zhe thought Alpha Poke would have the information to cash that internet tough gurl check?
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What do you expect from a gurl who posted that zhe wanted to fight Alpha Poke but then deleted zher Rivals account like a scared little bitch when zhe thought Alpha Poke would have the information to cash that internet tough gurl check?

If the leftist nuts here didn’t represent the leftist nuts running for president I wouldn’t worry. Sys is completely intellectually detached just like they are. But instead of hiding his deficiencies he celebrates them. It’s crazy.
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