@ostatedchi, Whatever You Do Don’t Read This

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
Or at least be in your safe space holding your calming stuffed animal in one hand and have your asthma puffer at the ready for when you hyperventilate, because this guy (I don’t know who he is) is clearly an antisemite of massive proportions who writes in a new language known as “dog whistles.” Does he seem a little nutty? Yes, yes he does. But you have to admit his writing is top notch. So whatever you do steer clear of reading anything by this antisemite, I think this is the kind of tripe he always writes, and reading it will put your mental health at risk.

Reading your antisemite posts is enough. No need to click on any of your links.
Well don’t stop at antisemite. You’re leaving out all my anti-black racist comments, my homophobic diatribes, my transphobic rants, my misogyny, my rails against vegans, vegetarians, not to mention my hatred for anybody that doesn’t think exactly like me, which, come to think of it is everybody but me! You’re right, there’s no need to even click on my posts. So why do you?
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One month ago you’d have to go to 4chan to see that.
I don’t know about 4chan so I’ll take your word for it and assume you do. Putting all that aside I trust you’ll agree with me that the writing, not the opinion but the actual writing, is first rate. And maybe he has half a point about the dual citizenship if not the dual loyalty of so many of the movers and shakers in our government and society. I don’t think he necessarily claimed that’s a bad thing (although he certainly implied it), but it is informative to know the motives behind some of those same movers and shakers, don’t you agree? Isn’t it important to know the undercover reasoning behind why our troops might be put in harm’s way, reasons that do very little if anything about protecting or preserving our own country, and in fact put us in harm’s crosshairs when maybe we shouldn’t be? No, you’re right. Let’s just call it antisemitism and ignore it.
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I don’t know about 4chan so I’ll take your word for it and assume you do. Putting all that aside I trust you’ll agree with me that the writing, not the opinion but the actual writing, is first rate. And maybe he has half a point about the dual citizenship if not the dual loyalty of so many of the movers and shakers in our government and society. I don’t think he necessarily claimed that’s a bad thing (although he certainly implied it), but it is informative to know the motives behind some of those same movers and shakers, don’t you agree? Isn’t it important to know the undercover reasoning behind why our troops might be put in harm’s way, reasons that do very little if anything about protecting or preserving our own country, and in fact put us in harm’s crosshairs when maybe we shouldn’t be? No, you’re right. Let’s just call it antisemitism and ignore it.

One month ago your post would’ve branded you a Neo Nazi and you’d be on a White Supremacist watch list.
One month ago your post would’ve branded you a Neo Nazi and you’d be on a White Supremacist watch list.
I’m not already on such a list? Let me ask you this, it’s a sincere question looking for an honest answer that’s actually an answer, not a deflection: why is Rashida Tlaib’s dual loyalty the subject of constant criticism to the point she's been censured by her colleagues, and many people want her thrown out of office if not the country, and this guy is considered a loon who’s opinion should be dismissed out of hand as antisemitic because he points to the dual loyalty, even dual citizenship, of people with the influence to drag America into a war on behalf of their “other” country?
why is Rashida Tlaib’s dual loyalty the subject of constant criticism to the point she's been censured by her colleagues, and many people want her thrown out of office if not the country,

The Palestinian American Congress group, of which Tlaib is a member, has featured pro-Hamas posts in the wake of the deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

On Oct. 12, one group member posted: "We don't want to throw you in the sea...we want you to ride it back from where you came." The message was accompanied by a picture of an elderly Israeli woman and a Hamas fighter holding her captive.

The Palestinian American Congress group, of which Tlaib is a member, has featured pro-Hamas posts in the wake of the deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

On Oct. 12, one group member posted: "We don't want to throw you in the sea...we want you to ride it back from where you came." The message was accompanied by a picture of an elderly Israeli woman and a Hamas fighter holding her captive.
You’re missing the point, dodging a legitimate answer. American politicians give undying support to the Israeli government whose leader, Netanyahu, has invoked a biblical command that allows him to murder every living Palestinian, every man, woman, child, infant, all their livestock, simply erase them from the face of earth, without condemnation, without so much as a whisper of criticism. Why no criticism for them when they embrace organizations that advocate such horror? Why only Tlaib?
Comedy Central 19X04 GIF by South Park
Donald Jefferies seems to be a uit case. His claims are insane and wrong.
So those people he identified as having dual citizenship don'thave dual citizenship? The ones he says have dual loyalties don't have dual loyalties? He's just making it up, they didn't really say the things he says they said? I agree he seems nutty, but his writing is very good.
Nah, I don't have any antisemitic ways, just legit criticism of some of the things the Israeli government does. Actually if you thnk about it, awestruck adherence to everything the Israeli government does, as you seem to do, is supremicist.
That's hilarious. You drop more antisemitic tropes than a joint David Duke and Rashida Tlaib appearance on Alex Jones.

I might also mention that your views represent the very worst of both far-right and far-left hatred of Jews, and that what's makes you doubly loathsome.
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That's hilarious. You drop more antisemitic tropes than a joint David Duke and Rashida Tlaib appearance on Alex Jones.

I might also mention that your views represent the very worst of both far-right and far-left hatred of Jews, and that what's makes you doubly loathsome.
I'll ask you the same question I aked @Ostatedchi, which he made no attempt to answer: Please name some of the anitsemitic tropes you say I have "dropped." And please understand, when one criticises or condemns something one finds "loathsome" the Israeli government does, that is not an antisemitic trope, it's an anti-government trope. The Israeli lobby in America has done a masterful job in getting Americans to think something said negatively about the Israeli government is antsemitic, equating that government as the Jewish faith in and of itself. It's a betrayal of the definition of the word, and actually advocates for a supremicist government, a Jewish supremicism that we should all denounce on its face.
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Nah, I don't have any antisemitic ways, just legit criticism of some of the things the Israeli government does. Actually if you thnk about it, awestruck adherence to everything the Israeli government does, as you seem to do, is supremicist.
Yet you spend all your time criticizing Israel, while spending none criticizing the Palestinians. This is one of those times where your actions speak so loudly we can not hear your words.
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Yet you send all your time criticizing Israel, while sending none criticizing the Palestinians. This is one of those times where your actions speak so loudly we can not hear your words.
Come on, Bearcat, you know me better than that. My criticism of the actions of the IDF are based on criticizing the bully with his knee on the prostate victim's neck. I don't criticize "the Palestinians" because I don't think they deserve it. I have called Hamas virtually every dirty name in the book, but that doesn't seem to satiate the desire for killing Palestinians as part of Israel's revenge many of you lust for. Some of you have even said you're good with killing as many innocent Palestinians as necessary to eradicate Hamas, even if it means killing all of them. You do know that's what genocide looks like, don't you? You can't hear my words because you are so filled with rage you refuse to consider the "revenge tour" can go too far.
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Yeah well I don't sit around with my thumb up my ass bashing Jews all day like you do, so you might have to wait awhile. Unfortunately it probably gives you time to go in and edit your posts.
Haven't bashed a Jew yet, just some of the things the Jewish state does. Plus, I have way too many posts on this subject to edit any of them, and I wouldn't do it anyway, even if I worried I needed to. Look, I get it, I've said things that have offended your emotional sensibilities and you have reacted in anger. It's a perfectly normal thing to do, we all do it. But nothing I have said can logically be construed as bashing the Jewish faith or the Jewish people. I have bashed the hell out of the Israeli state and its leaders like Bibi Netanyahu, but none of it has been done in the context of its Jewishness.
Come on, Bearcat, you know me better than that. My criticism of the actions of the IDF are based on criticizing the bully with his knee on the prostate victim's neck. I don't criticize "the Palestinians" because I don't think they deserve it. I have called Hamas virtually every dirty name in the book, but that doesn't seem to satiate the desire for killing Palestinians as part of Israel's revenge many of you lust for. Some of you have even said you're good with killing as many innocent Palestinians as necessary to eradicate Hamas, even if it means killing all of them. You do know that's what genocide looks like, don't you? You can't hear my words because you are so filled with rage you refuse to consider the "revenge tour" can go too far.
I've seen reports showing the Palestinians support Hamas by as much as 70% of the population, that's an overwhelming majority. I've seen numerous videos of Palestinian school children saying their goal in life is to kill Israelis. Sure they are indoctrinated but as we have seen with many of the leftist in this country that indoctrination is deep and there is not much anyone can do to overcome it.
I don't know if you've seen any of the videos of the Hamas attack but if you had you would be appalled with the brutality and the way they took glee in carrying out the brutality. IMHO that shows just how bad the Palestinians hate the Israelis and justifies the Israelis making sure the Palestinians can never carry out another attack like that again. If innocent Palestinians are killed so what, innocent Israelis were killed. I don't see you crying in anywhere near the same manner you are crying about the Palestinians.
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I've seen reports showing the Palestinians support Hamas by as much as 70% of the population, that's an overwhelming majority. I've seen numerous videos of Palestinian school children saying their goal in life is to kill Israelis. Sure they are indoctrinated but as we have seen with many of the leftist in this country that indoctrination is deep and there is not much anyone can do to overcome it.
I don't know if you've seen any of the videos of the Hamas attack but if you had you would be appalled with the brutality and the way they took glee in carrying out the brutality. IMHO that shows just how bad the Palestinians hate the Israelis and justifies the Israelis making sure the Palestinians can never carry out another attack like that again. If innocent Palestinians are killed so what, innocent Israelis were killed. I don't see you crying in anywhere near the same manner you are crying about the Palestinians.
Okay, Bearcat, you’re getting your way, not me. Palestinians are being killed by the thousands and will continue being killed until Israel decides they killed enough to make their point. Netanyahu has said once he’s decimated Hamas, which means he’ll have to decimate most of the Gaza Strip, he intends to stay there and rule, the UN is not invited. Here’s hoping he’ll rule with a gentle hand.
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Okay, Bearcat, you’re getting your way, not me. Palestinians are being killed by the thousands and will continue being killed until Israel decides they killed enough to make their point. Netanyahu has said once he’s decimated Hamas, which means he’ll have to decimate most of the Gaza Strip, he intends to stay there and rule, the UN is not invited. Here’s hoping he’ll rule with a gentle hand.
If I had my way Israel and Muslims would live in peace together but I'm not naïve.
You don't seem to understand the Iranian regime, what they want or what they are willing to do to get there.
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If I had my way Israel and Muslims would live in peace together but I'm not naïve.
You don't seem to understand the Iranian regime, what they want or what they are willing to do to get there.
Why don’t you explain it to me? Tell me what they want and what they are willing to do to get there. Do you have anything explicit, or just a generic brief from soundbites you’ve pick up?
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Why don’t you explain it to me? Tell me what they want and what they are willing to do to get there. Do you have anything explicit, or just a generic brief from soundbites you’ve pick up?
I would suggest reading different articles about Mahdism and the 12th Imam if you want to understand what is truly going on.

My step father is Iranian, he and his friend have warned me about this since 1979 when the Iranian regime took over Iran. For years I thought it was them opposing the regime because they were supporters of the Shaw. Over the years as more of their predication became reality I started paying better attention, coming to the conclusion they knew WTF they were talking about.
You can dismiss it if you wish but I think you are smarter than that. Try to avoid the typical peacenik mentality, open your mind and try reading up on the subject, once you do things start making sense. The Iranian regime is responsible for all the current conflicts going on in the Middle East. They think if they can destabilize the Middle East and the world enough the 12th Imam will rise out of the well to return to earth.
I would suggest reading different articles about Mahdism and the 12th Imam if you want to understand what is truly going on.

My step father is Iranian, he and his friend have warned me about this since 1979 when the Iranian regime took over Iran. For years I thought it was them opposing the regime because they were supporters of the Shaw. Over the years as more of their predication became reality I started paying better attention, coming to the conclusion they knew WTF they were talking about.
You can dismiss it if you wish but I think you are smarter than that. Try to avoid the typical peacenik mentality, open your mind and try reading up on the subject, once you do things start making sense. The Iranian regime is responsible for all the current conflicts going on in the Middle East. They think if they can destabilize the Middle East and the world enough the 12th Imam will rise out of the well to return to earth.
I appreciate your reply. I can tell it was heartfelt and sincere. But it doesn’t answer the question with much detail, or really any detail at all. If Iran is a true enemy and as an enemy its goal is to maximize chaos in order to achieve global dominance, and their dominance rising from the chaos is a real possibility, then from an American perspective would it behoove us to not participate in the chaos? Would it not be better to stand aside as a peacenik and encourage those involved to consider that what they’re doing, roiling up the chaos the enemy so desires, is not in our mutual interest? So step back and stop the madness, you’re just aiding and abetting your enemy by your actions. Shouldn’t that be the approach we should take rather than gleefully encourage more slaughter and create even more chaos?
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I appreciate your reply. I can tell it was heartfelt and sincere. But it doesn’t answer the question with much detail, or really any detail at all. If Iran is a true enemy and as an enemy its goal is to maximize chaos in order to achieve global dominance, and their dominance rising from the chaos is a real possibility, then from an American perspective would it behoove us to not participate in the chaos? Would it not be better to stand aside as a peacenik and encourage those involved to consider that what they’re doing, roiling up the chaos the enemy so desires, is not in our mutual interest? So step back and stop the madness, you’re just aiding and abetting your enemy by your actions. Shouldn’t that be the approach we should take rather than gleefully encourage more slaughter and create even more chaos?
If you are truly interested you wouldn't get as much from me providing details as you would from reading about it yourself.

History has shown us the peacenik method doesn't work, see Neville Chamberlin for evidence to that. The Iranian regime is truly evil in their beliefs and their actions. Evil can not be defeated by sitting back and hoping they come to their senses. It can only be defeated if it is squashed like a bug. Evidence to that is our foreign policy towards Iran over the last 40 plus years, their evil has only expanded caused untold suffering and no telling how many deaths.
I understand the peacenik thinking to avoid confrontation in the hopes peace has a chance, but as we have seen throughout history when evil is not confronted it only becomes more emboldened, which in turn leads to far more suffering and deaths in the long run. Better to defeat evil early rather than allowing it to expand causing greater suffering later. Kicking the can down the road only increases the carnage.
If you are truly interested you wouldn't get as much from me providing details as you would from reading about it yourself.

History has shown us the peacenik method doesn't work, see Neville Chamberlin for evidence to that. The Iranian regime is truly evil in their beliefs and their actions. Evil can not be defeated by sitting back and hoping they come to their senses. It can only be defeated if it is squashed like a bug. Evidence to that is our foreign policy towards Iran over the last 40 plus years, their evil has only expanded caused untold suffering and no telling how many deaths.
I understand the peacenik thinking to avoid confrontation in the hopes peace has a chance, but as we have seen throughout history when evil is not confronted it only becomes more emboldened, which in turn leads to far more suffering and deaths in the long run. Better to defeat evil early rather than allowing it to expand causing greater suffering later. Kicking the can down the road only increases the carnage.
But you contradict yourself. One the one hand you fear Iran will become the dominate world power by creating chaos, while on the other hand you demand that Israel and the US jump feet first into the chaos and create more of it. If chaos is the means by which Iran will rise to power then the sensible thing to do is lessen it. Perhaps rather than add to the mutual hatred a better approach would be to tamp down the rhetoric. You want to squash Islam like the evil bug you have convinced yourself it is, while Islam wants to squash you like a bug for exactly the same reason. Both sides have left themselves no out beyond rampant unhinged slaughter. Both sides embrace madness in the name of destroying madness. Your Patrick Swayze notion that you must make things worse before they can get better has been going on in Palestine for 75 years and nothing ever gets better.
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If you are truly interested you wouldn't get as much from me providing details as you would from reading about it yourself.

History has shown us the peacenik method doesn't work, see Neville Chamberlin for evidence to that. The Iranian regime is truly evil in their beliefs and their actions. Evil can not be defeated by sitting back and hoping they come to their senses. It can only be defeated if it is squashed like a bug. Evidence to that is our foreign policy towards Iran over the last 40 plus years, their evil has only expanded caused untold suffering and no telling how many deaths.
I understand the peacenik thinking to avoid confrontation in the hopes peace has a chance, but as we have seen throughout history when evil is not confronted it only becomes more emboldened, which in turn leads to far more suffering and deaths in the long run. Better to defeat evil early rather than allowing it to expand causing greater suffering later. Kicking the can down the road only increases the carnage.
Give me the title of a book to read that rationally justifies your opinion that Israel has a moral responsibility to murder Palestinians and I’ll read it. In exchange I ask you to watch this

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But you contradict yourself. One the one hand you fear Iran will become the dominate world power by creating chaos, while on the other hand you demand that Israel and the US jump feet first into the chaos and create more of it. If chaos is the means by which Iran will rise to power then the sensible thing to do is lessen it. Perhaps rather than add to the mutual hatred a better approach would be to tamp down the rhetoric. You want to squash Islam like the evil bug you have convinced yourself it is, while Islam wants to squash you like a bug for exactly the same reason. Both sides have left themselves no out beyond rampant unhinged slaughter. Both sides embrace madness in the name of destroying madness. Your Patrick Swayze notion that you must make things worse before they can get better has been going on in Palestine for 75 years and nothing ever gets better.
Wrong. Trump had the right approach, we cut off Iran's money it cuts off their ability to support terrorism, advance their nuclear ambitions and causes domestic turmoil that will lead to the toppling of the regime. Every time the regime is close to being toppled Democrats come running to their aide to hold them up only for the regime to continue their terrorism.

Was Hitler evil? Would sitting back watching while doing nothing but the typical peacenik approach have prevented WWII? How many times in history have we seen people whose goal was ruling the world no matter the consequences? That's what we are dealing with in this regime. You don't need to believe me, read about it, in their own words.

Military action should be the last resort but if it comes down to that, the action needs to be fierce, overwhelming, unapologetic and end with the destruction of whatever enemy it is without remorse, as quickly as possible, while putting the safety of American soldiers above any and all civilians.
Give me the title of a book to read that rationally justifies your opinion that Israel has a moral responsibility to murder Palestinians and I’ll read it. In exchange I ask you to watch this

I've never read a book on the subject but I have read countless articles from both sides of the argument and have years of listening to Iranians on the subject. Yes those Iranians are opposed to the current regime but they also know what Iran was like before and after the fall of the Shah. They also visit Iran at least twice a year to visit their families.