Original Hamas Charter - From the River to the Sea


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma

Anyone who reads the founding charter of Hamas, and does not come away believing Hamas will not be satisfied until every Jew is dead and they reclaim Israel 100%? Is a certifiable idiot, or a Hamas terrorist. Be it a passive or aggressive terrorist. I took the PDF and converted it to Word and posted just a small sampling of this "movement" whose goal is the same as Hitler's.

Just a small sampling from the charter, which is full of death:

The Holy Quran Sura 3: Ali-'Imran:110-112

Israel will be established and will stay established until Islam nullifies it as it nullified what was before it.

Chapter One Introduction to the Movement

Ideological origin Article 1:

The Islamic Resistance Movement: Islam is its system. From Islam it reaches for its ideology, fundamental precepts, and world view of life, the universe and humanity; and it judges all its actions according to Islam and is inspired by Islam to correct its errors.

Differentiation and Independence Article 6:

The Islamic Resistance Movement is an outstanding type of Palestinian movement. It gives its loyalty to Allah, adopts Islam as a system of life, and works toward raising the banner of Allah on every inch of Palestine. Therefore, in the shadow of Islam, it is possible for all followers of different religions to live in peace and with security over their per son, property, and rights. In the absence of Islam, discord takes form, oppression and destruction are rampant, and wars and battles take place.

The Muslim poet Muhammad Iqbal eloquently declares:

When faith is lost there is no security nor life far he who does not revive religion;

And whoever is satisfied with life without religion then he would have let annihilation be his partner.

The Universality of The Islamic Resistance Movement

Article 7:

Muslims throughout the world adopt the system of the Islamic Resistance Movement; they work towards aiding it, accepting its stands, and amplifying itsJihad

The Islamic Resistance Movement is a link in [a long] chain of the Jihad against the Zionist occupation, which is connected and tied with the initiation [of the Jihad] of the Martyr 'Izz al-Din al-Qassam and his Mujahid brothers in 1936. And the chain continues on to connect and tie another episode to add to theJihad of the Palestinians and theJihad of the Muslim Brotherhood in the war of 1948 and the Jihad operation of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1968 and thereafter. Even though the episodes were few and far between, and were not continuous inJihad due to the obstacles placed by those in the sphere of [influence of] the Zionist entity in the face of the Mujahidin. Even though the Islamic Resistance Movement looks forward to fulfill the promise of Allah no matter how long it takes​
because the Prophet of Allah (saas) says: The Last Hour would not come until the Muslims fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them, and until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim or Servant ef Allah there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree ef Gharqad would not say it, for it is the tree of the
(Bukhari and Muslim).

  • The Motto of The Islamic Resistance Movement:
Article 8:

Allah is its Goal.

The Messenger is its Leader. The Quran is its Constitution. Jihad is its methodology, and

Death far the sake of Allah is its most coveted desire.

Chapter Three Strategy and Means

The Strategy of The Islamic Resistance Movement: Palestine is an Islamic

Article 11:

The Islamic Resistance Movement [firmly] believes that the land of Palestine is an Is lamic Waqf [Trust] upon all Muslim genera tions till the day of Resurrection. It is not right to give it up nor any pan of it. Neither a single Arab state nor all the Arab states, neither a King nor a leader, nor all the kings or leaders, nor any organization-Palestinian or Arab-have such authority because the land of Palestine is an Islamic Trust upon all Muslim generations until the day of Resurrection. And who has the true spokesmanship for all the Muslim generations till the day of Resurrection?

Nation and Nationalism from the Point of View of The Islamic Resistance

Movement Article 12:

Nationalism, from the point of view of the Islamic Resistance Movement, is pan and parcel of religious ideology. There is not a higher peak in nationalism or depth in devo tion thanjihad when an enemy lands on the Muslim territories. Fighting the enemy be comes the individual obligation of every Mus lim man and woman. The woman is allowed to go fight without the permission of _ha husband and the slave without the permzsszon of hzs master.

Jihad becomes obligatory for every Muslim. In the struggle against the Jewish occupation of Palestine, the banner of Jihad must be raised. That requires that Is lamic education be passed to the masses lo cally, in the Arab [world] and in the Islamic [world], and that the spirit of]ihad-fighting and joining the ranks-must be broadcast among the Umma (Muslim community).

Initiatives, Peace Solutions and International Conferences

Article 13:

The initiatives conflict, what are called "Peaceful Solutions" and "International Conferences" to solve the Palestinian problem. As far as the ideology of the Islamic Resistance Movement is concerned, giving up any part of Palestine is like giving up part of its religion. The nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its religion, in that it educates its members, and they perform Jihad to raise the banner of Allah over their nation.

From time to time the invitation is made for an international conference to look into solving the problem. Some accept and some reject the idea, for one reason or another, ask ing for some condition or conditions to be fulfilled in order to agree to attend and par ticipate in the conference. Due to the Islamic Resistance Movement's knowledge of the par ticipating parties of the conference, and the participants' past and present opinions and stands on Muslim interests, the Islamic Resistance Movement does not perceive that the conferences are able to deliver the de mands, provide the rights, nor do justice to the oppressed. Those conferences are nothing but a form of enforcing the rule of the unbelievers in the land of Muslims. And when have the unbelievers justly treated the believers?

There is no solution to the Palestinian Problem except by Jihad. The initiatives, options, and international conferences are a waste of time and a kind of child's play.

Training the Muslim Generation Article 16:

We must train the Muslim generation in our area, an Islamic training that depends on performing the religious obligations, studying the book of Allah very well, the Prophetic narration (sunna), the Islamic history and heritage from its authentic sources with the advice of specialists and scholars, and using the curriculum that will provide the Muslim with the correct world view in ideology and thought.
Also, there is the importance of planning for the present and the future, and studying every trend where the fighting Muslim (mujahid) can live in his time with the full knowledge of his destiny, purpose, path, and the events surrounding him.
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I put my original post in to ChatGPT, here is summarized version for dummies:

The text provided offers an overview of Hamas' founding charter, outlining its ideological foundation, goals, and beliefs. Key points from the document include:

  • Ideology: Hamas is committed to Islam as its guiding system and aims to establish a society governed by Islamic principles. The movement seeks to reclaim all of Palestine and rejects any peace negotiations that would involve compromising on Palestinian territory.
  • Anti-Israel Sentiment: The charter stresses that Palestine is an Islamic trust (Waqf) that must be preserved for all Muslims until the Day of Resurrection. It explicitly states that the Jewish presence in Palestine is a source of conflict, invoking religious justifications for violence against Jews.
  • Jihad: Hamas views Jihad (holy war) as a religious duty and the primary method to achieve its goals. This includes not only armed struggle but also a broader ideological campaign to instill Islamic values in the Muslim community.
  • Rejection of Peace Talks: Hamas dismisses peace initiatives, international conferences, and other non-violent solutions, viewing them as futile and compromising their religious duty to liberate Palestine through Jihad.
  • Radical Vision: The charter draws parallels to historical religious and political ideologies, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and earlier Palestinian resistance movements, and stresses the importance of spreading the message of Jihad to future generations.
Overall, the text presents Hamas as a militant group focused on the destruction of Israel, the establishment of an Islamic state, and the promotion of violent Jihad.
I put my original post in to ChatGPT, here is summarized version for dummies:

The text provided offers an overview of Hamas' founding charter, outlining its ideological foundation, goals, and beliefs. Key points from the document include:

  • Ideology: Hamas is committed to Islam as its guiding system and aims to establish a society governed by Islamic principles. The movement seeks to reclaim all of Palestine and rejects any peace negotiations that would involve compromising on Palestinian territory.
  • Anti-Israel Sentiment: The charter stresses that Palestine is an Islamic trust (Waqf) that must be preserved for all Muslims until the Day of Resurrection. It explicitly states that the Jewish presence in Palestine is a source of conflict, invoking religious justifications for violence against Jews.
  • Jihad: Hamas views Jihad (holy war) as a religious duty and the primary method to achieve its goals. This includes not only armed struggle but also a broader ideological campaign to instill Islamic values in the Muslim community.
  • Rejection of Peace Talks: Hamas dismisses peace initiatives, international conferences, and other non-violent solutions, viewing them as futile and compromising their religious duty to liberate Palestine through Jihad.
  • Radical Vision: The charter draws parallels to historical religious and political ideologies, such as the Muslim Brotherhood and earlier Palestinian resistance movements, and stresses the importance of spreading the message of Jihad to future generations.
Overall, the text presents Hamas as a militant group focused on the destruction of Israel, the establishment of an Islamic state, and the promotion of violent Jihad.
If anyone ever had doubt before, this post proves without qualification that every Palestinian deserves to be murdered.
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If anyone ever had doubt before, this post proves without qualification that every Palestinian deserves to be murdered.
It proves if Hamas and Palestinians disavowed radical religious behavior and put down their arms, peace in the region will exist. Only one side in this conflict has a choice. The other side (Israel) has been forced to protect itself from extinction.
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If anyone ever had doubt before, this post proves without qualification that every Palestinian deserves to be murdered.
Nah, Dunce, they should just stop supporting jihadist shitbag terrorists and seek peace for the first time ever. That shouldn't be such a difficult concept for you and the rest of the smooth brained tantrum throwing college toddlers.
[P-DAN], ..look in the mirror, boy.... Don't know what you see but this is what you look like. It's good to be king, right. Deference to Tom Petty, of course.
  • Maintains a zealot-level support of the most virulent, violent & unapologetic group of terrorists that as a population export only hate & murder for an entire ethnic group. It has been since Vlad put skulls on pikes that this kind of pestilence existed & was exalted & advocated.
  • Insists that he is deeply in touch with & can opine on the feelings, desires, objectives, and personal motivations of multiple groups that have been at war since time immemorial yet has never been within 6,000 miles of the actual conflict.
  • Continues to support terroristic positions-based-on-his beliefs that are historically and factually not true. All in the face of simple opportunities to gain a thorough and factual human & political chronology which he avoids like an Arab at a luau.
  • Advocates like Brother Love the religious drivers for the terroristic behaviors while refusing to actually read their bible, the Koran. A book that cannot be legally possessed by non-cleric Muslims. Only the Imams can “interpret” the “true” meaning of it. It is a book of love and caring but bastardized & criminalized by the godless Imams.
  • Is desperate to visit Israel/Gaza but insists on someone accompany him. He has a death wish to go “hang” with his Muslim terrorist brothers in Gaza but won’t go alone. (He actually believes that he can secure a visa after all his electronic footprints of tripe & hatred for the Jews)
  • Hammers posters that point out his modest intellect, word smithing & lies claiming that they are too weak to direct their responses to his fealty & fact-less claims resulting in them name calling him. (Which makes him mad/sad)
  • Opines vigorously on political issues & expecting others to adopt his stances & toe his lines while acknowledging he does not vote.
  • Has an Ad Hominem bumper sticker on his car(s)
  • His favorite Koranic Hadith number is 72.
There’s more but I’m going to grab one of my burka’s and a grandson and head to the shooting range. Today we work at 200 yds with the .243 & 30-06.

Anyone who reads the founding charter of Hamas, and does not come away believing Hamas will not be satisfied until every Jew is dead and they reclaim Israel 100%? Is a certifiable idiot, or a Hamas terrorist. Be it a passive or aggressive terrorist. I took the PDF and converted it to Word and posted just a small sampling of this "movement" whose goal is the same as Hitler's.

Just a small sampling from the charter, which is full of death:

The Holy Quran Sura 3: Ali-'Imran:110-112

Israel will be established and will stay established until Islam nullifies it as it nullified what was before it.

Chapter One Introduction to the Movement

Ideological origin Article 1:

The Islamic Resistance Movement: Islam is its system. From Islam it reaches for its ideology, fundamental precepts, and world view of life, the universe and humanity; and it judges all its actions according to Islam and is inspired by Islam to correct its errors.

Differentiation and Independence Article 6:

The Islamic Resistance Movement is an outstanding type of Palestinian movement. It gives its loyalty to Allah, adopts Islam as a system of life, and works toward raising the banner of Allah on every inch of Palestine. Therefore, in the shadow of Islam, it is possible for all followers of different religions to live in peace and with security over their per son, property, and rights. In the absence of Islam, discord takes form, oppression and destruction are rampant, and wars and battles take place.

The Muslim poet Muhammad Iqbal eloquently declares:

When faith is lost there is no security nor life far he who does not revive religion;

And whoever is satisfied with life without religion then he would have let annihilation be his partner.

The Universality of The Islamic Resistance Movement

Article 7:

Muslims throughout the world adopt the system of the Islamic Resistance Movement; they work towards aiding it, accepting its stands, and amplifying itsJihad

The Islamic Resistance Movement is a link in [a long] chain of the Jihad against the Zionist occupation, which is connected and tied with the initiation [of the Jihad] of the Martyr 'Izz al-Din al-Qassam and his Mujahid brothers in 1936. And the chain continues on to connect and tie another episode to add to theJihad of the Palestinians and theJihad of the Muslim Brotherhood in the war of 1948 and the Jihad operation of the Muslim Brotherhood in 1968 and thereafter. Even though the episodes were few and far between, and were not continuous inJihad due to the obstacles placed by those in the sphere of [influence of] the Zionist entity in the face of the Mujahidin. Even though the Islamic Resistance Movement looks forward to fulfill the promise of Allah no matter how long it takes​
because the Prophet of Allah (saas) says: The Last Hour would not come until the Muslims fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them, and until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim or Servant ef Allah there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree ef Gharqad would not say it, for it is the tree of the
(Bukhari and Muslim).

  • The Motto of The Islamic Resistance Movement:
Article 8:

Allah is its Goal.

The Messenger is its Leader. The Quran is its Constitution. Jihad is its methodology, and

Death far the sake of Allah is its most coveted desire.

Chapter Three Strategy and Means

The Strategy of The Islamic Resistance Movement: Palestine is an Islamic

Article 11:

The Islamic Resistance Movement [firmly] believes that the land of Palestine is an Is lamic Waqf [Trust] upon all Muslim genera tions till the day of Resurrection. It is not right to give it up nor any pan of it. Neither a single Arab state nor all the Arab states, neither a King nor a leader, nor all the kings or leaders, nor any organization-Palestinian or Arab-have such authority because the land of Palestine is an Islamic Trust upon all Muslim generations until the day of Resurrection. And who has the true spokesmanship for all the Muslim generations till the day of Resurrection?

Nation and Nationalism from the Point of View of The Islamic Resistance

Movement Article 12:

Nationalism, from the point of view of the Islamic Resistance Movement, is pan and parcel of religious ideology. There is not a higher peak in nationalism or depth in devo tion thanjihad when an enemy lands on the Muslim territories. Fighting the enemy be comes the individual obligation of every Mus lim man and woman. The woman is allowed to go fight without the permission of _ha husband and the slave without the permzsszon of hzs master.

Jihad becomes obligatory for every Muslim. In the struggle against the Jewish occupation of Palestine, the banner of Jihad must be raised. That requires that Is lamic education be passed to the masses lo cally, in the Arab [world] and in the Islamic [world], and that the spirit of]ihad-fighting and joining the ranks-must be broadcast among the Umma (Muslim community).

Initiatives, Peace Solutions and International Conferences

Article 13:

The initiatives conflict, what are called "Peaceful Solutions" and "International Conferences" to solve the Palestinian problem. As far as the ideology of the Islamic Resistance Movement is concerned, giving up any part of Palestine is like giving up part of its religion. The nationalism of the Islamic Resistance Movement is part of its religion, in that it educates its members, and they perform Jihad to raise the banner of Allah over their nation.

From time to time the invitation is made for an international conference to look into solving the problem. Some accept and some reject the idea, for one reason or another, ask ing for some condition or conditions to be fulfilled in order to agree to attend and par ticipate in the conference. Due to the Islamic Resistance Movement's knowledge of the par ticipating parties of the conference, and the participants' past and present opinions and stands on Muslim interests, the Islamic Resistance Movement does not perceive that the conferences are able to deliver the de mands, provide the rights, nor do justice to the oppressed. Those conferences are nothing but a form of enforcing the rule of the unbelievers in the land of Muslims. And when have the unbelievers justly treated the believers?

There is no solution to the Palestinian Problem except by Jihad. The initiatives, options, and international conferences are a waste of time and a kind of child's play.

Training the Muslim Generation Article 16:

We must train the Muslim generation in our area, an Islamic training that depends on performing the religious obligations, studying the book of Allah very well, the Prophetic narration (sunna), the Islamic history and heritage from its authentic sources with the advice of specialists and scholars, and using the curriculum that will provide the Muslim with the correct world view in ideology and thought.
Also, there is the importance of planning for the present and the future, and studying every trend where the fighting Muslim (mujahid) can live in his time with the full knowledge of his destiny, purpose, path, and the events surrounding him.
Surah Al Imran verses 110-112 does not say what you have written. Therefore maybe this whole thing about hamas charter is bullshit
Surah Al Imran verses 110-112 does not say what you have written. Therefore maybe this whole thing about hamas charter is bullshit
The Hamas charter that they wrote, released, and even took the time to try to revise to not look so bloodthirsty about killing all the Jews doesn't actually exist? Does Hamas know that, Alibaba? You might want to phone Sinwar and let him know that his charter is bullshit. Oh wait...

The Hamas charter that they wrote, released, and even took the time to try to revise to not look so bloodthirsty about killing all the Jews doesn't actually exist? Does Hamas know that, Alibaba? You might want to phone Sinwar and let him know that his charter is bullshit. Oh wait...

An Muslim Arab will not misquote the Quran that I can guarantee you. This was probably written by Israeli mossad and put it on social media for naive Americans and Europeans to have some fodder against Hamas
An Muslim Arab will not misquote the Quran that I can guarantee you. This was probably written by Israeli mossad and put it on social media for naive Americans and Europeans to have some fodder against Hamas
Why would a Mooslum Arab not misquote the Quran? Is he afraid he would go to Hell as opposed to Going to Hell anyway?
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Why would a Mooslum Arab not misquote the Quran? Is he afraid he would go to Hell as opposed to Going to Hell anyway?
Because it is absolutely not done infact it does not say anywhere where this translation is listed.
Palestinians know are Arabs and they would not accept such ridiculous translation.
Who goes to heaven or hell according to our belief is up to god
Not televangelists.
  • Haha
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An Muslim Arab will not misquote the Quran that I can guarantee you. This was probably written by Israeli mossad and put it on social media for naive Americans and Europeans to have some fodder against Hamas

Only Muslim clerics can "quote" / "misquote" the Koran.
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Because it is absolutely not done infact it does not say anywhere where this translation is listed.
Palestinians know are Arabs and they would not accept such ridiculous translation.
Who goes to heaven or hell according to our belief is up to god
Not televangelists.
Then maybe you can explain and define taqiyya without practicing it? Sorry but you are not dealing with ignorant, lazy leftist that will just buy your bullshit without question.
If your life is in danger you can hide the fact that you are Muslim. What is wrong with that.
Moreover it is practiced by minority sects in Islam.
Palestinians who are sunni do not practice it.
If your life is in danger you can hide the fact that you are Muslim. What is wrong with that.
Moreover it is practiced by minority sects in Islam.
Palestinians who are sunni do not practice it.
Qur'an 3:54
Allah is the best of the deceivers

John 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

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