One Catholic’s Opinion Of War

And your point is?
My point is that you've probably been to Kansas, but not many times. I have called you on your assertions to establish your bona fides to expect anyone to take your typed words as more than Sanskrit. Face it P-Dan, you've been nowhere but to Google to assemble your screed. A real fakir.
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My point is that you've probably been to Kansas, but not many times. I have called you on your assertions to establish your bona fides to expect anyone to take your typed words as more than Sanskrit. Face it P-Dan, you've been nowhere but to Google to assemble your screed. A real fakir.
I have not been to Israel. I've offered to go with you a couple of times now. We can visit Israel and you can show me the hardships the Israelis face on a daily basis. Then we can spend an equal amount of time in Gaza or the West Bank, preferably somewhere the IDF is attacking, and we can both discover what life is like for the Palestinians. While I have not been to either Israel or Gaza or the West Bank many, if not most, of my links are from people who live there and report what they are witnessing. I maintain they know more about the goings on than you. Please enlighten me if I am in error.
I have not been to Israel. I've offered to go with you a couple of times now. We can visit Israel and you can show me the hardships the Israelis face on a daily basis. Then we can spend an equal amount of time in Gaza or the West Bank, preferably somewhere the IDF is attacking, and we can both discover what life is like for the Palestinians. While I have not been to either Israel or Gaza or the West Bank many, if not most, of my links are from people who live there and report what they are witnessing. I maintain they know more about the goings on than you. Please enlighten me if I am in error.
Where have you been Dan? Just answer the question. BTW, I wouldn't go to Walmart with you.
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BTW, I never claimed to know you & would not acknowledge it if I did.
If you knew me you wouldn’t say the things to me and about me that you say. By the way, if you don’t want to go to Israel & Gaza with me, let’s go separately. I’ll go to Israel (you, being the world weary traveler that you are, can send me a list of places I can visit to get a feel for what it’s like to be Israeli). And you can go to Gaza (anywhere in Gaza is fine with me as long as you are embedded with Palestinians, not the IDF). Then we can share our experiences on this board. I can relay what it’s like to be Israeli and you can tell us all about your Palestinian experience.
If you knew me you wouldn’t say the things to me and about me that you say. By the way, if you don’t want to go to Israel & Gaza with me, let’s go separately. I’ll go to Israel (you, being the world weary traveler that you are, can send me a list of places I can visit to get a feel for what it’s like to be Israeli). And you can go to Gaza (anywhere in Gaza is fine with me as long as you are embedded with Palestinians, not the IDF). Then we can share our experiences on this board. I can relay what it’s like to be Israeli and you can tell us all about your Palestinian experience.
[P-Dan], you've missed the point. I have been many places, you have not. That in and of itself is no big deal or sin. I had many myths exploded upon visiting places I had only heard about. Both in good ways but mostly in horiffic ways. Nothing is stopping you from visiting your personal Mecca & chosen ones but your own inactions. If you're to continue down this path of homicide worship, you need to go stand on the grounds and do a reality check.

BTW, I already gave you a list of places to visit in Israel. If need be, you can get a guide at the airport after clearing security, they are lined up like the real estate sales people in the Cabo airport. You might want to ensure that they will take you where you want to go before engaging though.

Hint: Don't be obvious if taking pics of the wailing wall on Saturdays and Bebe is not a good guy.

Bon voyage!
[P-Dan], you've missed the point. I have been many places, you have not. That in and of itself is no big deal or sin. I had many myths exploded upon visiting places I had only heard about. Both in good ways but mostly in horiffic ways. Nothing is stopping you from visiting your personal Mecca & chosen ones but your own inactions. If you're to continue down this path of homicide worship, you need to go stand on the grounds and do a reality check.

BTW, I already gave you a list of places to visit in Israel. If need be, you can get a guide at the airport after clearing security, they are lined up like the real estate sales people in the Cabo airport. You might want to ensure that they will take you where you want to go before engaging though.

Hint: Don't be obvious if taking pics of the wailing wall on Saturdays and Bebe is not a good guy.

Bon voyage!
I'm not going to Israel unless you go to Gaza and report what you find. Hint: keep low and don't show yourself to IDF forces, they'll blow you to smithereens.

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