Olympics "Last Supper" Perversion

Christians green light this behavior. I guess it's good to be all "shocked" and "disgusted" when it happens, but how about holding firm and resolute ourselves in holding sacred the Sacred?

On this very board, we saw an "artistic" mocking of the Last Supper with pop rock stars with a bunch of "yuck yuck it's so funny" justifications.

At the very least folks, DO NOT PARTICIPATE in the erosion. It ain't as cute as you might think.
Wrong. It wasn’t an artistic mocking of the Last Supper. It was just a work of art that I ran across by accident. According to artist’s website, it was actually a private commission. Regardless, there’s a big difference between an obscure painting featuring dead rockstars, and a live performance on the world stage by a bunch of dysfunctional drag queens, fags, and various other maladjusted weirdos.
Wrong. It wasn’t an artistic mocking of the Last Supper. It was just a work of art that I ran across by accident. According to artist’s website, it was actually a private commission. Regardless, there’s a big difference between an obscure painting featuring dead rockstars, and a live performance on the world stage by a bunch of dysfunctional drag queens, fags, and various other maladjusted weirdos.
Slipper slope. You know better. Both rationalization and outrage noted.
I guess a good way to put it. I put the rock star Last Supper on a level with the various paintings of dogs playing poker. I put the drag queen Last Supper on the same level as “Piss Christ”.
Last Supper on the level with Dogs Playing Poker. Think about it....

We have more in common than differ. You likely ridicule the Sacred and your faith to fit in. I know it's tough in the world given all the anti-Christianity and anti-Catholicism going round. Be calm and confident in your faith. Those without it know not what they are missing (and I hope they have something as well).
Peace be with you
Just got back from a weekend in KC watching my Royals lose the series to my husbands Cubbies. Recorded the live broadcast of the opening ceremonies during the day. Didn’t record the prime time as thought the live version would show more. So my question is why did the live version not show the naked blue guy but the prime time did. Now can’t find video of it anywhere. Been scrubbed from existence. And we want to trust those in the media to tell us the truth about elections.
Here’s an article with a video imbedded, but yeah, I get your point. Some poor schlub who sits on a small town council has his DUI mugshot on the net for decades, while the biggest news story of the weekend gets scrubbed within days.

PS: Didn’t realize we had women on this board (at least not REAL women). Please pardon the F bombs.

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There we have it, Ms. Weiss tells Christians they shouldn't be offended. Suzy is sister to reformed Leftist Bari Weiss that's now riding the "wow, I had no idea for decades I was destroying our society". And of course Bari's "wife" is now trying to capitalize on her new found "wow, I was destroying society so now I'm going to whine about my old self and try and make some cashola while I'm at it".

Be offended for the people of France, not the people of faith, for this sad display. Because under the glitz and set pieces, and cheeky sexuality and overt sexuality, I’m still not sure what this Olympics opening ceremony was trying to say.

There we have it, Ms. Weiss tells Christians they shouldn't be offended. Suzy is sister to reformed Leftist Bari Weiss that's now riding the "wow, I had no idea for decades I was destroying our society". And of course Bari's "wife" is now trying to capitalize on her new found "wow, I was destroying society so now I'm going to whine about my old self and try and make some cashola while I'm at it".

Be offended for the people of France, not the people of faith, for this sad display. Because under the glitz and set pieces, and cheeky sexuality and overt sexuality, I’m still not sure what this Olympics opening ceremony was trying to say.

Honestly, I wasn’t all that offended. Christianity will be around long after all those fat weirdos from Friday night have met their untimely demise due to heart disease, diabetes, prostate cancer (even the “women”), etc. I’m thankful to see the overwhelming negative response, and would have been distraught had the positive response matched or exceeded it.

But as bad as that all was, this is far worse:

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Honestly, I wasn’t all that offended. Christianity will be around long after all those fat weirdos from Friday night have met their untimely demise due to heart disease, diabetes, prostate cancer (even the “women”), etc. I’m thankful to see the overwhelming negative response, and would have been distraught had the positive response matched or exceeded it.

But as bad as that all was, this is far worse:

I know @ClintonDavidScott was rooting for him.
Honestly, I wasn’t all that offended. Christianity will be around long after all those fat weirdos from Friday night have met their untimely demise due to heart disease, diabetes, prostate cancer (even the “women”), etc. I’m thankful to see the overwhelming negative response, and would have been distraught had the positive response matched or exceeded it.

But as bad as that all was, this is far worse:

We know you're still in the "appeasement" phase of life. At some point you'll take a more discerning view of those that attack your morality and way of life.
I didn’t watch it, mostly because I now practically expect that kind of depravity being celebrated and shoved down our throats at every high profile opportunity.

Given my low expectations, I wasn’t really offended - I don’t really care how someone bastardizes or satirizes a painting by Da Vinci which depicts a pivotal moment in Jesus’ final hours before crucifixion. I was more upset by the ridiculous idea that anyone of Faith who was offended is simply overreacting. If the ceremony had mocked Islam in some way there would probably be riots in Paris right now.

The disingenuousness of OP here is pretty stark though, especially after all but admitting in another thread of a familial bias against Israel.
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We know you're still in the "appeasement" phase of life. At some point you'll take a more discerning view of those that attack your morality and way of life.
You need to explain what you mean by “appeasement”. What response would reflect non-appeasement? I haven’t watched the Olympics since Salt Lake City, so I can’t really turn it off. I can’t boycott Coke or Toyota as I don’t buy their products anyway. Granted, I didn’t lose any sleep over this event, but it seems like you’re trying really hard to have an argument with someone who does not disagree with you.
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Since I didn’t see it live, not sure what my response would have been but watching the replay I’m more offended by how bad the whole thing was. Glad I didn’t waste my time watching it live. Luckily my kids didn’t see much and what they did see didn’t make them want to watch more. I’m all for artistic expression but make it make sense. That was just a hodgepodge of nothingness.

"Whenever anything disagreeable or displeasing happens to you, remember Christ crucified and be silent."— St. John of the Cross
I wonder why these groups never have the balls (no pun intended) to mock anything related to Islam...
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Anti-semite gets butt hurt when some French clowns poke fun at his faith. Oh the iron knee.
Go Fux yourself EZ. I'm not an anti-semite you worm sized brain redneck. I just don't want a bunch of butthurt power hungry morons (Israeli Neocons) reliving the Pharoh's whippings dragging us into WW3. It's totally unnecessary but a moron like you wouldn't have a f'ing clue.

But hey, with pea brained idiots like you pounding your chest, why wouldn't the Zionists throw idiots like you in front of the machine guns?

I'm actually all for blowing the Iranian Theocracy off the face of the planet, just don't want a sycophant dictating terms on when and how it happens.

@EZ Reyes Go fux yourself you pea brained moron. Don't shoot yourself dry firing your AR at the TV. You are a joke.
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You need to explain what you mean by “appeasement”. What response would reflect non-appeasement? I haven’t watched the Olympics since Salt Lake City, so I can’t really turn it off. I can’t boycott Coke or Toyota as I don’t buy their products anyway. Granted, I didn’t lose any sleep over this event, but it seems like you’re trying really hard to have an argument with someone who does not disagree with you.

Would you consider Da Vinci's The Last Supper a work of sacred Catholic art?
You're on the relativists "slippery slope". You might perhaps try quietly sitting in front of The Last Supper on your big screen and contemplate for a while. Pray if that's part of your faith.
I didn’t watch it, mostly because I now practically expect that kind of depravity being celebrated and shoved down our throats at every high profile opportunity.

Given my low expectations, I wasn’t really offended - I don’t really care how someone bastardizes or satirizes a painting by Da Vinci which depicts a pivotal moment in Jesus’ final hours before crucifixion. I was more upset by the ridiculous idea that anyone of Faith who was offended is simply overreacting. If the ceremony had mocked Islam in some way there would probably be riots in Paris right now.

The disingenuousness of OP here is pretty stark though, especially after all but admitting in another thread of a familial bias against Israel.

My family isn't biased against Israel. They're much more "realists" than any of us sitting in America. Consider that it's not an ideological internet banter that they live in.

He11, most of you idiots don't even know that the kids on the soccer field WERE NOT ISRAELI. They were Druze with NO CITIZENSHIP for 50 years.

What's clear though is the Israeli's are focused solely on their own objectives - WHICH IS FINE. But why the he11 should we let a bunch of Israeli Neocons (you know, the one's we're flushing out of the RNC) suck us into WW3?
My family isn't biased against Israel. They're much more "realists" than any of us sitting in America. Consider that it's not an ideological internet banter that they live in.

He11, most of you idiots don't even know that the kids on the soccer field WERE NOT ISRAELI. They were Druze with NO CITIZENSHIP for 50 years.

What's clear though is the Israeli's are focused solely on their own objectives - WHICH IS FINE. But why the he11 should we let a bunch of Israeli Neocons (you know, the one's we're flushing out of the RNC) suck us into WW3?

I didn’t say you were crazy or that your an anti-Semite. I said that you were biased, and posting suggestions/implications that Israel was actually behind this and citing comments from your Lebanese Christian relatives is most definitely a sign of bias.

Collectively labeling me an idiot for that is over the top.
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Christian conservatives are truly some of the dumbest, most gullible, most reactionary people on this planet.

So fvcking stupid haha

carry on

How do you feel about arguing with someone that you can relate too?

Carry on, before you do

Being a liberal or so you say, most are supposedly tolerent of others, have acceptance relative to others. So when you make a statement like the one above are you being a hypocrit or a troll. Help us all out and explain yourself.
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Go Fux yourself EZ. I'm not an anti-semite you worm sized brain redneck. I just don't want a bunch of butthurt power hungry morons (Israeli Neocons) reliving the Pharoh's whippings dragging us into WW3. It's totally unnecessary but a moron like you wouldn't have a f'ing clue.

But hey, with pea brained idiots like you pounding your chest, why wouldn't the Zionists throw idiots like you in front of the machine guns?

I'm actually all for blowing the Iranian Theocracy off the face of the planet, just don't want a sycophant dictating terms on when and how it happens.

@EZ Reyes Go fux yourself you pea brained moron. Don't shoot yourself dry firing your AR at the TV. You are a joke.
I did nazi this coming from you, OSUCesar, er OrangeTuono!

One of my college buddies posted that Christians are taking the “performance” too seriously. He had a lot of backers. Here’s my response:

I guess one’s opinion might depend upon whether or not you’re a Christian, or maybe a member of the LGTBQ community. I’ve found most Christians feel that it mocked an important event in Christianity, even though they’re saying the event wasn’t about the Last Supper.

Most non-Christians and certainly supporters of the LGTBQ community seemingly got a nice laugh out of it and don’t seem to care that many Christians were offended. Good for them. They’re showing their true colors about how you should feel when people unlike themselves get offended.

I do agree with the person who said that if Islam/Muhammad had been the subject, there would be a much larger outcry from the Muslim world and there would be some sort of retribution that would be much larger than that of Christians.

Along the same lines, I’m also willing to bet that if the roles were reversed, and it was the LGTBQ community that was mocked and made fun of that there would also be a very loud response condemning the “performance.”
Nickname or past screen name for Clinton

Previous posts from Ms Michaels worded in way that indicates she is ultra liberal. Like minded thinking to Clinton but I was not referring he is gay.
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I didn’t say you were crazy or that your an anti-Semite. I said that you were biased, and posting suggestions/implications that Israel was actually behind this and citing comments from your Lebanese Christian relatives is most definitely a sign of bias.

Collectively labeling me an idiot for that is over the top.

Sorry then. Perhaps you are not an idiot, you're just wrong in this instance.
One of my college buddies posted that Christians are taking the “performance” too seriously. He had a lot of backers. Here’s my response:

I guess one’s opinion might depend upon whether or not you’re a Christian, or maybe a member of the LGTBQ community. I’ve found most Christians feel that it mocked an important event in Christianity, even though they’re saying the event wasn’t about the Last Supper.

Most non-Christians and certainly supporters of the LGTBQ community seemingly got a nice laugh out of it and don’t seem to care that many Christians were offended. Good for them. They’re showing their true colors about how you should feel when people unlike themselves get offended.

I do agree with the person who said that if Islam/Muhammad had been the subject, there would be a much larger outcry from the Muslim world and there would be some sort of retribution that would be much larger than that of Christians.

Along the same lines, I’m also willing to bet that if the roles were reversed, and it was the LGTBQ community that was mocked and made fun of that there would also be a very loud response condemning the “performance.”
LGTBQ are special folk. As in our psych experts can't figure the clowns out. 😁