
Baked, nah. Prolly will take a hit later though. After all, I did shoot this guy's show last week (not a fan, but it was a fun gig)



Probably just me but I think that I'll always think of smoking pot as something trashy people do. I know there are legit medical reasons and it really isn't that bad.
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When I was a boy Tulsa was a 'dry' county, liquor by the 'wink' and I understand there are 1000 dispensaries in OK already, since November. Lots of sick folks there I guess
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More like Walmart held a rave and these people are doing the walk of shame afterwards.

that’s funny!!!

i don’t advocate for weed

but the peeps getting theirs don’t need to be criminalized for it

tax it and let LE do something more valuable with their time
that’s funny!!!

i don’t advocate for weed

but the peeps getting theirs don’t need to be criminalized for it

tax it and let LE do something more valuable with their time
Look, I agree with everything you just said. In my head I can totally rationalize all that.

It's just that I've only ever seen it done by sketchy people. Many of them my friends and family. And that's probably due to it being illegal. Over time it'll become just as common to anyone as having a beer.

Again, I know that. But it just seems to me to be a recreation for the least common denominator.
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