When I was 7 (1968), there was a 16 year old in our neighborhood breaking in to homes and stealing.
He had broke in to this one house and I was there (friend name Ronnie lived there) when the police arrived. The dad was in the house when he broke in and scared him off. The dad asked if he broke in again could he shoot him? The cop said yes. Said make sure if you shoot him in the yard to drag him back in and shoot a warning shot in the ceiling. Police said when we come back out, just say he was in the house, I fired a warning shot, and he came at me and I shot him. The cop said we will collect the body and no questions would be asked after that. Cop literally said fire the warning shot last, no matter where you shoot him.
BTW - This was a white neighborhood and a white perp, OKC.
I was shocked with what the cop said but he was dead serious. It was the first time my virgin ears got some serious street education.
Needless to say Ronnie and I told everyone in the neighborhood, Dennis (the perp, and he was a punk BTW), I am sure heard about this and never broke in anywhere in that neighborhood again. Ronnie’s dad did go out and get a gun almost immediately after that break in.