Oh, Boy! If You Don’t Like Caitlin You’re Going To Hate Ilana Mercer

Read the link (against my better judgment). Still waiting for the TrUtH to smack me across the face. Dachau Dan is FOS once again.
I don’t believe for one minute you read the whole thing. In the first place you don’t have the attention span to read that much in less than a week. Plus you do not have the character to sit and read criticism of a country you hold as dear, maybe more dear, than your own. Having her make a claim and then provide a link to back it up, as she does roughly 100 times, would make your head spin in about ten seconds. I’d bet if you read any of it you didn’t get past the first paragraph. So, my good man, I’d bet it is *you* who is FOS.
If by "lots of people" you mean rubes with their craniums shoved far, far up their rectums, then yes I believe it.
I’m curious, EZ, have you ever - and I mean EVER - heard someone criticize Israel for *anything* that you did not instantly accuse him or her of being anti-Semitic? Which are you most devoted to: Donald Trump or the state of Israel? God forbid DJT ever get crosswise with Israel, your head would spin and twist right off your neck!
  • Haha
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