oe Biden Tallies 110 Days With Approval Index Under -24, Far Surpassing Obama, Trump


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008

Far surpassing....what an understatement. More like further then the Mariannas Trench below. Trump had 6 total days, the ex-rodent in chief 15. Biden is at 110 days and counting. Hahahahahaha......yea baby, Trump was so bad for the US.

Lets Go Brandon!

What is truly remarkable about that number is the MSM spent the first 13 months of Biden's Presidency doing everything they could to paint him and his policies in a positive light while refusing to report on all the negatives. I dare say if the MSM had covered Biden in the same manner they covered Trump, Biden would have single digit approval numbers.
What is truly remarkable about that number is the MSM spent the first 13 months of Biden's Presidency doing everything they could to paint him and his policies in a positive light while refusing to report on all the negatives. I dare say if the MSM had covered Biden in the same manner they covered Trump, Biden would have single digit approval numbers.
They would sample M2Cents hundreds of times in the same poll and kept his numbers up.
According to Rasmussen Reports, a big time favorite of right-wingers.

45 percent who “strongly” disapprove (according to Rasmussen). We know who they are, don't we? Some of them post regularly on this board, including the four posters who have already posted on this thread.

And for those individuals, there is nothing Biden can do that will move them out of that category. Nothing. And that is shown over and over again by the posts they make on this board.
According to Rasmussen Reports, a big time favorite of right-wingers.

45 percent who “strongly” disapprove (according to Rasmussen). We know who they are, don't we? Some of them post regularly on this board, including the four posters who have already posted on this thread.

And for those individuals, there is nothing Biden can do that will move them out of that category. Nothing. And that is shown over and over again by the posts they make on this board.
Which more than doubles the "strongly" approve. What's your point? lol.
Which more than doubles the "strongly" approve. What's your point? lol.
Wow, haven't seen you post in a while on this board. You seemed to have disappeared right around the time your assertion that Biden wouldn't choose Harris as his running mate was proven wrong. Welcome back!

My point is that President Biden shouldn't really worry about that 45% number from Rasmussen politically, if he even cares what Rasmussen says in the first place. The vast majority of those in that category are never going to support him, or any other Democrat for that matter. They will always oppose him. They don't know how to do anything else.

Biden needs to focus politically on those who somewhat approve or somewhat disapprove of him. Those are the ones whose opinions can change for the most part, and who hold the key to his re-election in '24 if he runs again.

Mainly though, Biden just needs to keep doing his job at this point and not really worry about approval polls. November 2024 is still a long ways off.
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Wow, haven't seen you post in a while on this board. You seemed to have disappeared right around the time your assertion that Biden wouldn't choose Harris as his running mate was proven wrong. Welcome back!

My point is that President Biden shouldn't really worry about that 45% number from Rasmussen politically, if he even cares what Rasmussen says in the first place. The vast majority of those in that category are never going to support him, or any other Democrat for that matter. They will always oppose him. They don't know how to do anything else.

Biden needs to focus politically on those who somewhat approve or somewhat disapprove of him. Those are the ones whose opinions can change for the most part, and who hold the key to his re-election in '24 if he runs again.

Mainly though, Biden just needs to keep doing his job at this point and not really worry about approval polls. November 2024 is still a long ways off.
YOU GOT ME! I was wrong that he would choose her. I was proven right that she's an awful choice and has consistently had worse numbers than Joe.

Surprisingly I agree with you on the strong base against him but he seems to be doubling and sometimes tripling down on more moderate stances when it comes to energy and inflation (it also doesn't help when those in his own party like the Speaker keep wanting to print money and drop bombs on tanks starting WWIII).
I was wrong that he would choose her. I was proven right that she's an awful choice and has consistently had worse numbers than Joe.
Yes, you were wrong. And you continue to be wrong about how she was an awful choice. Not surprised though that you haven't changed your calculation regarding the Vice President. Some people just like to keep being wrong I guess.

Surprisingly I agree with you on the strong base against him but he seems to be doubling and sometimes tripling down on more moderate stances when it comes to energy and inflation
Ok, and what point are you trying to make with this assertion?

After Harris's performance on the world stage anyone that thinks Harris is anything other than an embarrassment to the country is not fair minded enough to have a serious opinion.

After Harris's performance on the world stage anyone that thinks Harris is anything other than an embarrassment to the country is not fair minded enough to have a serious opinion.
She was the first out in the primaries. Socially promoted due to gender and skin color, was not based on her mental abilities.
According to Rasmussen Reports, a big time favorite of right-wingers.

45 percent who “strongly” disapprove (according to Rasmussen). We know who they are, don't we? Some of them post regularly on this board, including the four posters who have already posted on this thread.

And for those individuals, there is nothing Biden can do that will move them out of that category. Nothing. And that is shown over and over again by the posts they make on this board.
Gradping at straws? Why was the number who strongly disapprove 50% a few days ago? How could 5% have moved out of that category with your theory? And, a year ago it was around 40%. What does that say? That some people moved from "I'll give him a chance" to "nothing will move me"?

At any rate, you are just WRONG!
She was the first out in the primaries.
Biden also withdrew early when he ran for the Democratic nomination in 2008. He received less than 1% in the Iowa caucuses that year.

He went on, of course, to be elected Vice President with Obama that year and then elected President by defeating an incumbent President 12 years later.

Socially promoted due to gender and skin color, was not based on her mental abilities.

After Harris's performance on the world stage anyone that thinks Harris is anything other than an embarrassment to the country is not fair minded enough to have a serious opinion.
Not surprising that you linked to an opinion attack article that tells you exactly what you want to believe.

Just more of the same from you.
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Not surprising that you linked to an opinion attack article that tells you exactly what you want to believe.

Just more of the same from you.
You do realize we can see all of Kamala's incompetence with our own eyes, right? No amount of your crying, sniveling, and trying to sugar coat a turd is going to erase the facts, dumbass.
Gradping at straws? Why was the number who strongly disapprove 50% a few days ago? How could 5% have moved out of that category with your theory? And, a year ago it was around 40%. What does that say? That some people moved from "I'll give him a chance" to "nothing will move me"?

At any rate, you are just WRONG!
Go back and re-read my post, carefully. Then stop for a moment and think about the nature of daily tracking polls, especially one like Rasmussen.

There is a percentage of Americans who will always strongly oppose Biden and nothing he does will ever change that. This is just politics 101.
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You do realize we can see all of Kamala's incompetence with our own eyes, right?
According to you and those who think you, every Democratic leader is incompetent. Obama, Biden, Harris, etc. Therefore, I couldn't care less what you think or what you think you see. You are just

Now, go back to flailing and posting your Fox News articles.
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The 2 most hardcore Dems I know, both CEO's, both use to be University professors and have Doctoral degrees. Both admitted to me at lunch one day, and being educated men can admit the obvious and not be embarrassed by their vote knowing and understanding the facts makes them wise, both said they never imagined voting in a President that was far worse than the last one.

I must say, I admired them for being honest. Eventually intellectually honesty should win if you are open minded.

My hope is for many on this Board, they are so deep on their persona on this Board that in real life they can see the obvious but they just can not go there here.

I see Trump voters all the time admit to his short comings which is the obvious stuff (his ego, his mean tweets, not knowing when to STFU and letting go as an example). I don't think I have ever once seen a Dim on this board admit Biden is mentally limited for obvious medical reasons and Kamala is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. If you can not admit the obvious, and I mean it is obvious, there is nothing can be taken seriously by any Dim that posts on this Board.

But that said, in this Divided States of America, and how this Board has been for a long time (I have a hunch I missed the golden era of this Board when some respect perhaps existed and people were more intellectually honest), this is what we have.

Barbs exchanged and unfortunately people being cruel, some unintentionally and some intentionally.

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I don't think I have ever once seen a Dim on this board admit Biden is mentally limited for obvious medical reasons and Kamala is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. If you can no admit the obvious, and I mean it is obvious, there is nothing can be taken seriously by any Dim that posts on this Board.
The problem with this statement is that what YOU and other right-wingers see as the "obvious" isn't what the rest of us see as the "obvious." The right-wing political talking points that you readily accept because it is what you believe or want to believe are not the talking points everyone else has to accept or believe.

Many Americans don't accept or share the views that you have about Biden and Harris. I'm sorry if that bothers you so much.
The problem with this statement is that what YOU and other right-wingers see as the "obvious" isn't what the rest of us see as the "obvious." The right-wing political talking points that you readily accept because it is what you believe or want to believe are not the talking points everyone else has to accept or believe.

Many Americans don't accept or share the views that you have about Biden and Harris. I'm sorry if that bothers you so much.
You just proved my point. Except for you, this is really you. I know one Dem family that can see Brandon has issues and they are not certain he is alive in 2024, and they don’t think he can run in 2024. But they also pray Trump runs because they believe a dead man could beat Trump. The only Dems I know that have not admitted Brandon has a problem are the extremists like you that I avoid like the plague because it is a waste of time to even have a conversation.

Bothered? I know the facts.

Yes, in your eyes your team is perfect. Absolute glorious perfection. 😂
You just proved my point. Except for you, this is really you. I know one Dem family that can see Brandon has issues and they are not certain he is alive in 2024, and they don’t think he can run in 2024. But they also pray Trump runs because they believe a dead man could beat Trump. The only Dems I know that have not admitted Brandon has a problem are the extremists like you that I avoid like the plague because it is a waste of time to even have a conversation.
For every Democratic voter or family you reference to back up your viewpoint, I can reference many other Democrats that I know who disagree with your viewpoint. I also know Republicans who would not agree with the assertions you made about Biden and Harris. Yes, not all Republicans share your views either. I guess they are extremists too though, huh? Or not "real" Republicans?🙄

Yes, in your eyes your team is perfect.
I've never stated "my team" is perfect. I don't believe the Democratic Party is perfect. Heck, Biden wasn't even my first, second, or third choice for the nomination in 2020.
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Yes, you were wrong. And you continue to be wrong about how she was an awful choice. Not surprised though that you haven't changed your calculation regarding the Vice President. Some people just like to keep being wrong I guess.

Ok, and what point are you trying to make with this assertion?
Lollllll. Back in February, Harris didn’t even crack 40% approval rating in her home state of California from a freaking UC Berkeley poll. Continue trolling homie
Lollllll. Back in February, Harris didn’t even crack 40% approval rating in her home state of California from a freaking UC Berkeley poll. Continue trolling homie
I think it is well established that both Biden and Harris' approval ratings are not great right now, which is generally the case for a first term presidential administration at this point. Not to mention the highly partisan era that we currently live in.

Polls are polls though. They can easily change overtime, especially as we get close to a national election.
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Many Americans don't accept or share the views that you have about Biden and Harris.
By all appearances this is changing and much more rapid than most expected. It is hard to overlook Biden's shortcomings when he consistently revisits them. Biden is his own worse enemy. Politics is an unforgiving business but Biden has demonstrated some pretty unforgivable direction and policy. I was not a Trump fan. I faulted Trump mostly because he had the talent to be much better than he was. I do not feel the same about Biden.
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Go back and re-read my post, carefully. Then stop for a moment and think about the nature of daily tracking polls, especially one like Rasmussen.

There is a percentage of Americans who will always strongly oppose Biden and nothing he does will ever change that. This is just politics 101.
Lol! Not the brightest tool in the drawer are you?
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For every Democratic voter or family you reference to back up your viewpoint, I can reference many other Democrats that I know who disagree with your viewpoint. I also know Republicans who would not agree with the assertions you made about Biden and Harris. Yes, not all Republicans share your views either. I guess they are extremists too though, huh? Or not "real" Republicans?🙄

I've never stated "my team" is perfect. I don't believe the Democratic Party is perfect. Heck, Biden wasn't even my first, second, or third choice for the nomination in 2020.
No Biden wasn't your first choice, Harris was, making you look even more ridiculous.

Far surpassing....what an understatement. More like further then the Mariannas Trench below. Trump had 6 total days, the ex-rodent in chief 15. Biden is at 110 days and counting. Hahahahahaha......yea baby, Trump was so bad for the US.

Lets Go Brandon!
And there were 81 million of us stupid enough to vote for this?

My classical mechanics formula sets probability at 0.00000000093. Bongino calls Brandon our first PINO. President In Name Only.

I recommend Rigged by Mollie Hemingway.
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Wrong again.

Sanders was my first choice. Harris was my second, followed by Warren.
OMG, Sanders and Warren? You are a hardcore commie. That is why they ran Joe, they knew Bernie and Warren were so far left they would never be elected. And Harris was the first one out in the primaries. Joe not far left enough for you.

Of course, you had some really BAD options, and you have to shine all those turds in to gold to be able to hold your nose and vote for them.

This all starting to make real sense in trying to understand you. Full on wokester. Off the charts leftist.

Which means zero reason to even exchange posts with you.
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OMG, Sanders and Warren? You are a hardcore commie.
lol, another right-wing talking point. Do you even know what a communist is? I doubt it, because if you did, you wouldn't make another foolish comment like this.

That is why they ran Joe, they knew Bernie and Warren were so far left they would never be elected.
Biden won the nomination because he received the most support and votes from Democrats. And yes, those Democrats thought Biden had the best shot at defeating Trump.

I disagree with the assertion that neither Sanders or Warren could have beat Trump though They both could have. Sanders would have probably beaten Trump in '16 as well. Moderates and traditional liberals in the Democratic Party thought Clinton had the better shot, which I disagreed with. See, I don't think the Democratic Party is always perfect.

Joe not far left enough for you.
Biden is not always progressive enough for my liking. I also didn't like (and still don't like) some of the decisions Biden made throughout his long political career. Again, more examples of how I don't think Democrats or Biden are always perfect.

I'd take a Biden any day though over someone like Trump.

This all starting to make real sense in trying to understand you. Full on wokester. Off the charts leftist.
Again, you assume too much.

I have disagreements with the "woke" crowd. For example, I've never been a fan of the saying "Defund the police." I think it is a horrible political slogan and does not accurately reflect what progressives and other Democrats wish to accomplish with local community funding.

Which means zero reason to even exchange posts with you.
Very close-minded statement by you.

I could say the same for many of you right-wingers on this board. But I don't.
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lol, another right-wing talking point. Do you even know what a communist is? I doubt it, because if you did, you wouldn't make another foolish comment like this.

Biden won the nomination because he received the most support and votes from Democrats. And yes, those Democrats thought Biden had the best shot at defeating Trump.

I disagree with the assertion that neither Sanders or Warren could have beat Trump though They both could have. Sanders would have probably beaten Trump in '16 as well. Moderates and traditional liberals in the Democratic Party thought Clinton had the better shot, which I disagreed with. See, I don't think the Democratic Party is always perfect.

Biden is not always progressive enough for my liking. I also didn't like (and still don't like) some of the decisions Biden made throughout his long political career. Again, more examples of how I don't think Democrats or Biden are always perfect.

I'd take a Biden any day though over someone like Trump.

Again, you assume too much.

I have disagreements with the "woke" crowd. For example, I've never been a fan of the saying "Defund the police." I think it is a horrible political slogan and does not accurately reflect what progressives and other Democrats wish to accomplish with local community funding.

Very close-minded statement by you.

I could say the same for many of you right-wingers on this board. But I don't.
So, who on here besides a leftist has changed your mind on anything? Particularly to vote across the aisle? You are so far extreme left (which I am not), there is very little we are ever going to agree on. That has nothing to do with emotions, just a fact. I have voted both Dem and Rep in my life, have you? Been a long time since I voted Dem. The party left me, no pun intended.

Why waste your time on something that results in no change? And what if somehow by the miracle of god I changed one vote on this board, it accomplishes nothing in the big picture.

Anyone that wants to go from voting Dem to Rep, or vice versa, has to be solidly moderate and open minded. Unfortunately most moderates are sucked in to voting straight party ticket. This last election we had suburban white housewives that liked Trump's policies but hated his tweets and did not vote for him again, that was the swing vote according to most analysts. As a result, look at how bad things are now, over mean tweets. But we do have that possibility of cross over.

So the best conversations to be had IMO, is with solid true moderate voters on solutions to get them to vote for the change you believe is best. Or, with like minded people to come up with the best platform and policies to get a person elected that most represents your views.

If somehow we could fire every single person in an elected office in Washington DC, and have elected officials split 50/50 equal in moderate right and left leanings, that would result in the best compromise of laws and policies for society. Not everyone might be perfectly happy, but we would find far more sensible middle ground. I wish we could make that happen, but true moderates have no voice and MSM the Tech companies don't care for them either.

So, it is reduced to extreme partisan politics, it feels like political war if you ask me.

Real good political debate is dead because we are a divided country, until we all admit it and the politicians and MSM/Tech stop dividing us it is going to continue.

I take zero offense that I know there is nothing I can say on anything to get you to change your opinion on anything. Is what it is.

So, this board is reduced to sharing opinions with like minded people to vette out certain facts and opinions as you see them, or having fun mocking the idiocy of the opposing side. No longer about compromise and finding sensible middle ground. The teaching of K-3 law on sexuality and gender is a prime example, people mock that law and look at the law in Washington state allowing 13 year olds to do the surgery, etc... without parental consent. And people do not understand the concern real parents have of what and how their children are being taught? Crazy is what it is.

Trump voters on this Board have discussed and admitted to his failings as an individual a lot, and the Dims on this Board do not do so with Biden. The closest we have seen and that is coming from you, is that 3 people stood in line of front of him in your pecking order, but you still voted for him, and yet you are still unable to admit the man is unfortunately mentally diminished dues to his illness. Which is fine. I don't care if you can't see your blind spot. it is both sad and comical at the same time.
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You are so far extreme left (which I am not), there is very little we are ever going to agree on.
"Far extreme left." 🤣 You clearly haven't met someone who is really a far "extreme" leftist.

And yes, we may not agree on much. But why does that mean we shouldn't discuss political issues? Do you feel threatened by hearing another viewpoint?

I have voted both Dem and Rep in my life, have you?
Yes. I used to be a member of the Republican Party. I switched to the Democratic Party in 2016. I've voted for many Republicans throughout my life. The first presidential candidate I voted for was W. Bush in 2000.

The Republican Party changed into something I couldn't support any longer plus my views on political issues changed. My willingness, btw, to talk with liberals and actually listen/consider what they were saying (besides simply dismissing them and refusing to talk/listen with them) played a role in my political positions changing.

Why waste your time on something that results in no change?
See my previous comment.

Anyone that wants go from voting Dem to Rep, or vice versa, has to be solidly moderate and open minded.
I disagree.

At one time, I was a conservative Republican. I then became more of a moderate Republican. I am now a progressive Democrat.

It has nothing to do with being moderate. It has everything to do with being willing to listen and seriously consider viewpoints that may be different from your own. Many, on both sides, refuse to do this.

The teaching of K-3 law on sexuality and gender is a prime example, people mock that law and look at the law in Washington state allowing 13 year olds to do the surgery, etc... without parental consent. And people do not understand the concern real parents have of what and how their children are being taught? Crazy is what it is.
And did I not tell you that I opposed the law in Washington state?

So stop for a moment and consider that. A progressive like me agrees with a conservative like you that parents should have to give their consent if their minor child wishes to seek out gender-affirming medical care. We agreed on something. You would have never known that though if you hadn't been willing to have the conversation with me.

Trump voters on this Board have discussed and admitted to his failings as an individual a lot, and the Dims on this Board do not do so with Biden. The closest we have seen and that is coming from you, is that 3 people stood in line of front of him in your pecking order, but you still voted for him, and yet you are still unable to admit the man is unfortunately mentally diminished dues to his illness.
And again, I have no problem admitting to Biden's failings, his real failings. And other Democrats can do this as well. What we don't do is embrace the foolishness you want to believe about him (such as him being medically mentally disminished).

Also, not all Trump voters are able to admit to a Trump's failures. Including a number of posters on this board.
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