
Pretty sure we will make it up to the Islamic State by releasing more detainees from Gitmo soon.
Yes, all he did was insist we get OBL after the chest-beating conservatives decided it was too hard.

By all means, let's hear some more republican foreign policy ideas after they so created the problems he's solving. If he followed the republican ideas, we would currently be at war with Russia, in Egypt, in Libya, in Syria, and now I guess in another land war in Iraq.

'86, you're up for badass of the year, calling out who's a pu**y like that. Are you re-enlisting?
What have we done to apologize for. All he's done is bend over and take it for the last 6 years. Heck he's okay with calling Christians terrorists for the Crusades that happened 700 years ago but ISIS sets someone on fire and posts for all to see and they are just a death cult.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by syskatine:

Yes, all he did was insist we get OBL after the chest-beating conservatives decided it was too hard.

By all means, let's hear some more republican foreign policy ideas after they so created the problems he's solving. If he followed the republican ideas, we would currently be at war with Russia, in Egypt, in Libya, in Syria, and now I guess in another land war in Iraq.

'86, you're up for badass of the year, calling out who's a pu**y like that. Are you re-enlisting?
What problems is your messiah solving Sys? Radical Islam is spreading like an uncontested cancer and Jordan is th eonly one that has the balls to call it what it is and do something about it. All your savior can seem to do is blow spit wads and run away like a little bit$%.

I nominate you for dumbass of the year. There are a few others in here but you take the cake hands down.
His "open border" policy is allowing ISIS and others the perfect opportunity to access the targets they crave. It's coming. And when it does, all you bleeding heart liberals can cry me a river as you burn, get buried alive, or behead. I'll stand my ground with the weapons I've garnered over the years.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Getting OBL is your example of his big accomplishment against terror? He vacillated for months and had to be begged to pull the trigger. It was a no brainer, any President ever would of made the call and most much earlier then he did.

President Obama said that terrible deeds have been done in the name of Christ. I didn't hear one word about the terrible deeds done in the name of Mohammed.

How about the terrible deeds done in the name of atheism? Stalin ring a bell?
Originally posted by 86Poke:
What a pu**y. Too bad we don't have a leader such as the King of Jordan.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
My head is spinning here... the hero in the battle against ISIS is the King of an Islamic state (92% Islamic, Islam is the official state religion). The villain in the battle against ISIS is the POTUS for saying "like Christianity has seen its dark days, don't lump all Muslims into the camp of the Islamic extremists".

Have I got that right?

Lots to criticize the Obama Administration on in the handling of ISIS, his comments at the prayer breakfast are the least of it...
Originally posted by syskatine:

Yes, all he did was insist we get OBL after the chest-beating conservatives decided it was too hard.

By all means, let's hear some more republican foreign policy ideas after they so created the problems he's solving. If he followed the republican ideas, we would currently be at war with Russia, in Egypt, in Libya, in Syria, and now I guess in another land war in Iraq.

'86, you're up for badass of the year, calling out who's a pu**y like that. Are you re-enlisting?
Typical, oversimplified pavlovian fan-boy response.
Ah yes, the crusades. Seems like yesterday. Wait...wut?

Focus on the problem Barack.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by squeak:
Ah yes, the crusades. Seems like yesterday. Wait...wut?

Focus on the problem Barack.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yeah! 1 out of 5 women on campus raped. Who cares if "some folks in a (kosher) deli" got killed?
I think we've got the crusades problem squelched, now lets get to work on the muslim problem.
Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:
Originally posted by squeak:
Ah yes, the crusades. Seems like yesterday. Wait...wut?

Focus on the problem Barack.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yeah! 1 out of 5 women on campus raped. Who cares if "some folks in a (kosher) deli" got killed?
Even better he said 1 in 5 women in America are raped or been the victim of attempted rape. I believe that's roughly 30 million women. Man when will this war on women stop. I've had enough already!
Originally posted by N. Pappagiorgio:
I think we've got the crusades problem squelched, now lets get to work on the muslim problem.
It's going to be hard to work on the Muslim problem as we've seen when there is a Muslim cheerleader in the Oval Office.
Originally posted by windriverrange:
Well that is settled, the "True Legacy of The Crusades" is what a professor from Tenessee says....okay I'm in.
LOL - more local boy does good than the answer to all your questions. But have fun with it...
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:

Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:

Originally posted by squeak:
Ah yes, the crusades. Seems like yesterday. Wait...wut?

Focus on the problem Barack.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
Yeah! 1 out of 5 women on campus raped. Who cares if "some folks in a (kosher) deli" got killed?
Even better he said 1 in 5 women in America are raped or been the victim of attempted rape. I believe that's roughly 30 million women. Man when will this war on women stop. I've had enough already!
Is this attribution remotedly accurate?
The crusades are super relevant.

They show a violent human history, which for the most part every major religion reformed its way out of.

You know, except one.

We are living in an unprecedented time of low violence and relatively little war. Except again for the huge number of barbarians practicing Islam.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I imagine the CDC study discussed in the article below is where he got his data. I don't know how accurate a telephone survey of just under 7,000 women is applied to the whole country. With that said, it appears that each time they do this survey, the numbers are similar.

Originally posted by MegaPoke:
The crusades are super relevant.

They show a violent human history, which for the most part every major religion reformed its way out of.

You know, except one.

We are living in an unprecedented time of low violence and relatively little war. Except again for the huge number of barbarians practicing Islam.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Which would indicate the main problem is the barbarians, not the religion.
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan you can keep your plan. Families will be saving $2500 per year with this plan. You didn't build that. I could go on and on. I don't believe the numbers are accurate nor should I after this guys track record with telling the truth. I wonder what questions were asked in this survey to arrive at these results?
Originally posted by long-duc-dong:
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance plan you can keep your plan. Families will be saving $2500 per year with this plan. You didn't build that. I could go on and on. I don't believe the numbers are accurate nor should I after this guys track record with telling the truth. I wonder what questions were asked in this survey to arrive at these results?
The questions could have come from that silly U of Michigan feminist professor who teaches all marital sex is rape. One could have ideas like that teaching at an institution which last week banned these words from being spoken on campus...crazy, insane, retarded, fag, gay, tranny, ghetto, raghead, illegal alien, and gypped.
Originally posted by MegaPoke:
If it were just a problem of barbarians, one would think they wouldn't exclusively consist of radicalized Muslims. Stat 101
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Exclusively? There are violent misogynistic barbarians causing problems everywhere. It is only when they are radicalized Muslims that we treat it as a unified phenomenon. Which is not to say that radical Islam isn't a problem, but the best way to stop it is to eliminate the fertile ground that it is planting its seeds in.
Christians, Nationalists, Narco-Capitalists.

You said exclusively, so a single instance would be statistically meaningful (STAT 201).
Would.... Would it help if I prefaced with "nearly" ?

Were you the kind of kid that said "times!" Before getting blasted in the face with a dodgeball?

I just challenged you for statistically meaningful ideologies other than radicalized Islam and you gave me nothing. Shit effort. I'm disappointed sir.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Would.... Would it help if I prefaced with "nearly" ?

Were you the kind of kid that said "times!" Before getting blasted in the face with a dodgeball?

I just challenged you for statistically meaningful ideologies other than radicalized Islam and you gave me nothing. Shit effort. I'm disappointed sir.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Before that stats lesson I gave an actual answer.

I never had any respect for that kind of kid. Such big pussies, not manly enough. I bet a cool dude like you blasted lots of kids in the face.
Yeah. Nothin better than blasting a kid in the face and screaming fag at the top of my lungs. You sure nailed it!

You guys sure are good at:

1. Sucking at taking a joke
2. Connecting convenient fictional dots about people who challenge your silly shit so they fit your narrative.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Yeah. Nothin better than blasting a kid in the face and screaming fag at the top of my lungs. You sure nailed it!

You guys sure are good at:

1. Sucking at taking a joke
2. Connecting convenient fictional dots about people who challenge your silly shit so they fit your narrative.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Stay focused mega. We were having a conversation about Islam, ideology, and barbarians before you got distracted by this dodgeball shiny object.
Originally posted by 07pilt:

Originally posted by MegaPoke:
Yeah. Nothin better than blasting a kid in the face and screaming fag at the top of my lungs. You sure nailed it!

You guys sure are good at:

1. Sucking at taking a joke
2. Connecting convenient fictional dots about people who challenge your silly shit so they fit your narrative.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Stay focused mega. We were having a conversation about Islam, ideology, and barbarians before you got distracted by this dodgeball shiny object.
I'm more of a squirrel chaser.
Originally posted by 86Poke:
No Jonny- just a leader with a set of balls.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
There it is. Not smart, not wise, not a tactical thinker, just "balls"..... Can't argue with that. That's how you elect republicans that give up on OBL and start wars that destabilize countries that enable ISIS.

Exactly what would a leader with a set of balls do in Syria and iraq right now?
Personally I think we should get out and take care of our own on or soul. I could give a rats ass what they do to their own people. Why the US ever started thinking they were the police of the world, I'll never know. Secure the borders. Take care our own. If you don't like the way of our constitution, leave. Outsiders should bow down to the original believes of the constitution.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by syskatine:

Originally posted by 86Poke:
No Jonny- just a leader with a set of balls.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
There it is. Not smart, not wise, not a tactical thinker, just "balls"..... Can't argue with that. That's how you elect republicans that give up on OBL and start wars that destabilize countries that enable ISIS.

Exactly what would a leader with a set of balls do in Syria and iraq right now?
Follow the Lybia roadmap.

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