NYT concedes - Dossier may be product of Russian disinformation.


May 29, 2001
Posted below, an excerpt from this story, referencing this story.

"Another possibility — one that Mr. Steele has not ruled out — could be Russian disinformation. That would mean that in addition to carrying out an effective attack on the Clinton campaign, Russian spymasters hedged their bets and placed a few land mines under Mr. Trump’s presidency as well."

Oleg D. Kalugin, a former K.G.B. general who now lives outside Washington, saw that as plausible. “Russia has huge experience in spreading false information,” he said.

FYI... maybe this answers your question @Syskatine. In a post Mueller world, THIS my dear turd, is your Occam's Razor. Always was, really.


Huh. Why would that pinko commie win if Biff's elected?
Posted below, an excerpt from this story, referencing this story.

"Another possibility — one that Mr. Steele has not ruled out — could be Russian disinformation. That would mean that in addition to carrying out an effective attack on the Clinton campaign, Russian spymasters hedged their bets and placed a few land mines under Mr. Trump’s presidency as well."

Oleg D. Kalugin, a former K.G.B. general who now lives outside Washington, saw that as plausible. “Russia has huge experience in spreading false information,” he said.

FYI... maybe this answers your question @Syskatine. In a post Mueller world, THIS my dear turd, is your Occam's Razor. Always was, really.
Noooooooo. Piss tapes might have been Russian disinformation? Say it isn't so! This is going to blow up some narratives that a few folks here have bought into 110%.
I am shocked.

We probably need to have a special prosecutor look into this to see if Putin spread disinformation about Trump in order to get Trump elected.

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