Nov 6th, Good vs Evil


Gold Member
Nov 27, 2023
The "trumped-up" charges weren't even recent. They date back to Trump's 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton. Other Manhattan DAs had considered bringing this case but dropped it after concluding it had no merit. Even Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg had abandoned the idea before resurrecting it following pressure from liberals and the TDS crowd.

The charges were so novel that they were downright evil. Bragg connected a state law about falsifying records to election violations at the federal level when Trump allegedly paid $130,000 in "hush money" to obtain a non-disclosure agreement from a porn star.

Bragg argued that Trump's payments violated federal campaign finance laws, although he has no jurisdiction over federal statutes as a county prosecutor. If he had just brought New York State business violations to bear, there would only have been civil penalties. For the charges to be criminal, he had to link them to federal violations. But, the judge disallowed the testimony of senior Federal Election Commission officials under direct or cross-examination. Bragg failed to show who was harmed because the judge ruled that he didn't have to. The jury ruled not knowing the exact criminal statute Trump was supposed to have violated.

Like I said, everything is there for SCOTUS to kick this bullshit to the curb. Praying that they nut up and do it. Roberts and Barrett are causes for concern, though.
Likely a longshot but better than doing nothing and letting the evil cvnts get away with this shit.
Its way worse than I thought it was and has been bad for longer than I wanted to admit.
FIght fire with fire but most Repubs in Power won't do shit as usual but go on tv and talk tough only to do jack shit nothing.
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