Nov 5, 2024: Trump vs Kamala

LMAO. Are you getting paid to spew your propaganda? Or are you simply a useful idiot of the Democrat Party?
My guess, the later.
Funny how you didn't ask this same question to @tlwwake lol! What, does it bother you to be confronted with all the news?

I'm just sharing the news about the election. Sorry if this bothers you so much.
Funny how you didn't ask this same question to @tlwwake lol! What, does it bother you to be confronted with all the news?

I'm just sharing the news about the election. Sorry if this bothers you so much.
I’ve posted various polls.. Trump up, tied and down. Thanks
race seems extremely tight… PA might decide the election.

Does the debate really swing many voters? I’m convinced most people know who they will vote for already UNLESS the debate has a big gaffe of some sort for either person
Funny how you didn't ask this same question to @tlwwake lol! What, does it bother you to be confronted with all the news?

I'm just sharing the news about the election. Sorry if this bothers you so much.

Obviously you haven't followed wakes posts. He posted the same polls when Harris was supposedly leading. You, post nothing but Democrat propaganda.
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Obviously you haven't followed wakes posts. He posted the same polls when Harris was supposedly leading. You, post nothing but Democrat propaganda.
Again, Wake's posts are 90% favorable to Trump. Yes, I post favorable news for Harris. To balance the information on this thread.

Yes, this thread isn't Fox News, where you get all your news. You are confronted with all the news on this thread.

Sorry that bothers you so much.
While he is right, it always surprises me how people forget about the margin of error when looking at polls. This poll has a 2.8 margin of error, essentially three points. So Harris could very well be ahead of Trump in this poll consistent with other recent polling. Of course, Trump could also be ahead by more too.

With that said, I hope this poll does remind Democratic voters that this election is close and we must keep organizing, working, and voting. Harris' supporters should always assume she is five points behind in the polls and not get lazy/complacent.
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Did you even bother to determine the reason giving for the ruling? I'm guessing you didn't. You don't care about facts.

With that said, this is Jr. and Trump's own fault. They created this mess. Jr. wanted on the ballot, and now that he may hurt Trump in North Carolina, he wants off the ballot lol! But wants to stay on the ballot in New York.🤣🙄

A complete clown show.
Yer party is the clown show.
Apparently Gavin said the strategy was have the mods and Kamala go 3 v 1 and make Trump lose his temper. Didn't happen, so I guess they think they can tweak and do it next time.

Wild guess, but she will only agree to CNN/CBS/NBC
I think he got a little hot in the 45 minute area of the debate, but he calmed down.

I felt he was too sedate in the Biden debate, and ran a little hot at times in this one.

But he’s a fighter. Fights aren’t calm. So it didn’t bother me personally. That’s what got him to this point,
You think Trump will agree to a second debate?
Loser always wants a do-over. That's why Kamala immediately asked for another debate.

Remember, their internal numbers are different from what the media reports. The fact that Kamala immediately begged for another debate tells the tale.

Having said that, I suspect Trump will do another debate. He will say he won, why should I? Then spend next two weeks saying mods were unfair, it will just be more of the same, then finally say ok I will do it. He will highlight how bad the mods were so everyone is watching for it for the next debate.

Watch the master work the room.
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