Nothing Could Ever Justify October 7th

Well, you didn’t really answer the question, just repeated Zionist talking points. Like you I don’t think a two state solution is possible. There will always be violence if Israel continues to be a supremacist ethno-state running as an apartheid regime. There will always be rebels from a particularly spirited segment of an oppressed people. Israel has to cease to exist in the form it now has and become a one state true democracy that caters to everyone.
What a Maroon.
Probably had something to do with dropping the atom bomb … twice. How do you think the Germans would have reacted if the winners of the war carved out a chunk of Germany for the creation of Israel, chased those already living there out of their homes and murdered those that refused to leave and huddled the survivors into a concentration camp run by the new Israelis. Israel in the middle of Germany. That would have gone over well!
LMAO you've made it very clear, history is not your strong suite?
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