He will be in the mix next year at 149 and although he is an All-American from two years ago we are rich in that weight. Jonce Blaylolck has beaten him in a tournament and it will be a dogfight for the next year as to who wins the weight.
I apologize as this may be a long post but it is important for rankings and our wrestlers next year. Flo has announced the final poll after the NCAA's. I perused this and have the following thoughts on each weight pertaining to our Cowboys and not necessarily any other team.
125 Nicpic is ranked 6th and #1 Thomas Gilman, #5 Joey Dance are the two ranked ahead of him. Of course Suriano returns and should ranked #1 next year. Tim Lambert #10, Nathan Kraisser #11,Drew Templeman#13 and Josh Rodriguez #12 are all seniors.
133 Cory Clark #1, Eric Montoya #6 and Zane Richards #7 are all seniors. Kaid is ranked #5.
141 Dean Heil returns as #1. George DiCamillo #2 is the only senior in the top 10.
149 Anthony Collica ranked #8 is a senior. Lavion Mayes #2, Ken Theobald #7, Alex Kocer #9 and Laike Gardner #10 are all seniors.
157 Joe Smith is ranked #5. Dylan Palacio #6,Brian Murphy #8 and Russell Parsons #14 are all seniors.
165 Chandler is ranked #5. Isaac Jordan #4 is a senior.
174 Kyle Crutchmer ranked #7 and is a senior. Brian Realbuto#5,Zac Brunson #6, Jake Residori #8 and Alex Meyer #10 are all seniors. Jacobe Smith is 1-0 against Brunson.
184 Nolan Boyd is a senior and ranked #6. Gabe Dean #2,Tim Dudley #3, Sammy Brooks #4,Jack Dechow #8 and Nate Jackson #9 are all seniors.
197 Preston Weigel is #7 but J'Den Cox #1, Brett Pfarr #2, Aaron Studebaker #5 are all seniors.
285 Austin Schafer ranked #11 and is a senior. Connor Medberry #2, Ty Walz #4,Michael Kroells #7, Denzel Dejournette #8, Doug Vollaro #9 are all seniors.