New GOP poll


May 29, 2001

Fiorina, Carson move way up.

Cannot understand the continued love for Cruz.

More I think about it, more I conclude the best thing for Carly was to be a big fish in a small pond at the opening debate. Up from 17th to 4th in 3 days.
Cannot stand Cruz. I would vote for hillary over him (need a shower after saying that). Fortunately, he has no realistic hope (i hope).
If she gets too close to upsetting the apple cart, both repubes and dems will go after her with venom.
Which part, Pap? That i cannot stand him (he is a moron....very long list of other dislikes) or that I do not see him taking the primaries (he has all the traits of others that fizzled out). Cruz can come off as likeable, but I am not convinced that I have seen a single original thought come out of his mouth.
If that is true, we are doomed. Personally, i think Paul is the smartest. He is a numbers guy, with some difficulty thinking on his feet. Give him time, and he can outsmart most. Anything impromptu, and he is in trouble. Cruz, there is just not one thing, other than his ability to read a crowd, that i can sit there and think "wow, that was really smart." If i have missed examples, please show me.
I've never liked Cruz because every time I've seen him he's spouting patriotic rhetoric that frankly I'm just sick of hearing from political candidates. When I look at his stances on the issues, he's not near as far off from me as I thought. He's not near as libertarian as I'd like, but he at least wants to leave most issues up to the individual states. That being said, I think watching and listening to him was like fingernails on a chalkboard.

I'm a Paul fan, but I think what little chance he had is gone after that debate. If I had to predict today who I think will get the nomination I'd have to say Rubio. Like him or not he is sharp and seems to be running a winning campaign. He has a lot of upside and not many negatives. I'm not saying he's who I'd support, but I think a lot of people will.
If that is true, we are doomed. Personally, i think Paul is the smartest. He is a numbers guy, with some difficulty thinking on his feet. Give him time, and he can outsmart most. Anything impromptu, and he is in trouble. Cruz, there is just not one thing, other than his ability to read a crowd, that i can sit there and think "wow, that was really smart." If i have missed examples, please show me.
To be clear, I'm responding to your portrayal of Cruz as a moron and not whether or not he is a good candidate.

Cruz was Valedictorian in high school, graduated cum laude from Princeton and magna cum laude from Harvard law school. Law professor Alan Dershowitz said "Cruz was an outstanding student in my class, Without a doubt he is among the smartest students I’ve ever had… I’ve had great students but he has to be at the top of anyone’s short list, in terms of raw brain power.”

You may not like his mannerism or his politics but he's smarter than everybody else in the race and definitely not a moron.
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I'm not a Cruz fan, but the GOP can do much, much worse than him.
I get you now, Pap. Moron is probably the wrong word for him on a personal level. Politically, i think very little of his intellect.
Very encouraging. I was hoping Fiorina would get a big bump.

She's my #1 right now.
Too early for me, but as it stands she should, at least, be a VP on a ticket, groomed and have boundaries stretched for a typical VP so she can make a run in the future. Too much of the Donald Trump shit show going on for me to figure out who is what.
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Cruz is the smartest guy in the primaries by a large margin so you've lost me on this.
This is correct. While I'm not saying he's my chosen candidate (I'm not sure I have one, but I like Fioroina and Walker for now I guess), I don't understand the strong dislike for him.

Let me back up. I am completely UNsurprised that blbronco doesn't like Cruz and plows in with misinformed comments about his intelligence. I don't undestand, though why soemone like Mega would be so solidly against Cruz. Cruz is probably more hated by the Republican insiders than anyone in the field, even including Rand Paul, other than possibly Trump (and I still think Bush's people believe Trump can help them by nullfiying Walker). The parts of Cruz that most people find objectionable seem to me to be like a somewhat toned down, more intelligently stated version of some of the things Trump says.
If all Trump or Cruz does is force the namby-pamby professional politicians out of their comfort zone into seriously addressing the issues facing this country, then they have been a positive force. Both parties have gotten us into this mess. All they do is talk, talk, talk when the American public wants action. The people are suffering while the politicians bask in their isolated collegial world.
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This is correct. While I'm not saying he's my chosen candidate (I'm not sure I have one, but I like Fioroina and Walker for now I guess), I don't understand the strong dislike for him.

Let me back up. I am completely UNsurprised that blbronco doesn't like Cruz and plows in with misinformed comments about his intelligence. I don't undestand, though why soemone like Mega would be so solidly against Cruz. Cruz is probably more hated by the Republican insiders than anyone in the field, even including Rand Paul, other than possibly Trump (and I still think Bush's people believe Trump can help them by nullfiying Walker). The parts of Cruz that most people find objectionable seem to me to be like a somewhat toned down, more intelligently stated version of some of the things Trump says.

Only problem I have with Cruz is when he talks about anything he sounds as though it's story time in the kindergarten class. Honestly sounds like he's babying everything he says. Just rubs me wrong.I said it before he sounds like Brad Henry. Whiny and weak.
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Only problem I have with Cruz is when he talks about anything he sounds as though it's story time in the kindergarten class. Honestly sounds like he's babying everything he says. Just rubs me wrong.I said it before he sounds like Brad Henry. Whiny and weak.

yes. He can come across as condescending & pedantic, and his voice is anything but awe inspiring.
Everyone close to Cruz has always disliked him, in part because he's always been such a selfish dick. There are multiple articles where his old colleagues all stated he was really smart, and they all disliked him. He's never made friends of the people that are closest to him.

Ted is real smart (like, REAL smart) but too ambitious and crazy. A good politicians finds a way not to alienate everyone around them. Cruz is not going anywhere because he's burned so many bridges. The "McConnell's a liar" move of his was just an attempt to see if a little Trump-ism would work. He was the first to try and imitate it after it really started working in polls, and now one poll has him in 2nd place, so... we'll see. Don't count him out -- he's so smart he'll have some cards to play while the other candidates are still gauging the air.
I've enjoyed Rand. He's so angry, he can't cover it up in debates. You can't get elected playing the angry elf. He fought with everyone the other night, and until he learns to be likable and not fight all the time (i.e.,have the famed Presidential "temperament" that great ones have) he's a bit player on the national stage.

If I was a republican voter, I'd be wanting a Kasich (Ohio) and Rubio or Bush (Fla) ticket. HRC loses to an Ohio and Fla ticket.
What Cruz lacks in style, he makes up in substance. I thought it was very quick on his feet in the debate and always addressed the question he was asked. He seems to understand the psyche of the Republican primary voter better than any of the other candidates except for Trump.
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What Cruz lacks in style, he makes up in substance. I thought it was very quick on his feet in the debate and always addressed the question he was asked. He seems to understand the psyche better than any of the other candidates except for Trump.

I agree. He's like WJC/BHO smart, and will handle curve balls better than anybody on that stage. He can also come across as really affable and easy going, and be charming. I think Huckabee is also really smart and articulate, but too crazy for anybody to take seriously.
I agree. He's like WJC/BHO smart, and will handle curve balls better than anybody on that stage. He can also come across as really affable and easy going, and be charming. I think Huckabee is also really smart and articulate, but too crazy for anybody to take seriously.

Huckster would get mired in social issues. No thanks. He's just in this to sell books.
Huckster would get mired in social issues. No thanks. He's just in this to sell books.
I was shocked how well he did when he wasn't on social issues. If he could avoid them all together and just rely on his reputation on them to keep the support of social issue voters, he could make some noise.
Part of being "real smart" is being able to convey your thoughts in an intelligible manner. He sounds like he is begging you to trust/believe him rather than confidently, in a non-dickish way, telling you what he thinks or plans to do. Lots of "smart" people fall flat on their faces due to a total inabilty to portray that knowledge.