new chicago mayor


Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2003
says he doesn't like giving students failing grades or homework. just like participation trophies, a plan for mediocrity.

my 10th grade english teacher, who i still eat lunch with every christmas, told our class (liz warren was in that class), she didn't GIVE grades. she said she kept track of our academic performance and posted that performance in the form of a letter grade. those letter grades were EARNED not given. she said, don't have your parents call to complain about your grade, i will just pull out my ledger, spread sheets had not been invented jet, and show them the grade you EARNED. still the best teacher i every had.

and chicago continues to circle the drain.

one bullet at a time snowflake, one bullet at a time
Good for the people of Chicago. Even though I know what the outcome will be I truly hope I'm wrong and it works out for them. That is what they wanted and what they voted for. All I ask is if you are going to ignore common sense and refuse to listen to reason don't come asking me to bail you out when it all goes to hell. Be responsible for your own decisions.
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says he doesn't like giving students failing grades or homework. just like participation trophies, a plan for mediocrity.

my 10th grade english teacher, who i still eat lunch with every christmas, told our class (liz warren was in that class), she didn't GIVE grades. she said she kept track of our academic performance and posted that performance in the form of a letter grade. those letter grades were EARNED not given. she said, don't have your parents call to complain about your grade, i will just pull out my ledger, spread sheets had not been invented jet, and show them the grade you EARNED. still the best teacher i every had.

and chicago continues to circle the drain.

one bullet at a time snowflake, one bullet at a time
She taught English? I'm sure she would shed a tear reading this post.
She taught English? I'm sure she would shed a tear reading this post.

I forwarded some of yore posts to yorn former English Lit teacher. She wasn't surprised and actually praised you. She said you always did excel at Fiction.
However she went on to say when she would ask the class a question you would always get up and have to go to the restroom. 🤣

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