Problems with Iron Fist... He is the weakest actor of every recurring character in all four shows. The development of his background is terrible. Some of that was probably intentional since the Iron Fist (the weapon, not the character) is so central to Defenders, but it still sucked. The two whiniest characters in all four shows are Danny Rand and Ward Meachum. We got a payoff with Ward eventually, but it was late. Danny is still whiny throughout Defenders even. Finally, the Kung Fu was awful. There is no way I could be convinced the people that did Dare Devil wrote the fight scenes in Iron Fist. Colleen's fights are too slow to be believable, and Danny's are clunky, and any time he actually uses the Fist it gets worse because they have to slow everything down and zoom in on his glowing hand. Danny Rand and Ward Meachum are weak characters. Joy Meachum and Colleen Wing aren't much better. The villains are fine, especially Gao and Harold Meachum. They had to lean on Claire far too much in that show too. It's funny, she's the love interest in Cage, and she kept Matt alive and held his secret, but she has more screen time in Iron Fist than the other three combined. Probably because Danny and Colleen aren't deep enough (as written) to carry the show, and no one else is a good guy for more than 5 minutes at a time.
All that said... I still liked it. Just not very much. It was easily the weakest installment of all six seasons to date.
All that said... I still liked it. Just not very much. It was easily the weakest installment of all six seasons to date.
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