Originally posted by Mr. Blonde:
Originally posted by Marshal Jim Duncan:
Here's a pretty good piece from a techie who opposes net neutrality as it is being proposed.
How much do you think it would cost for a start up to wire Tulsa for internet? I would think there is a reason the only company entering the broadband market is Google, it isn't something a start up can generate the capital to do. Even Google isn't wiring out entire cities for Fiber now, but specific neighborhoods. Goldman Sachs estimates they will have to spend 1.25 billion a year to connect to 850,000 homes. What start up can do that, or even ?
Even if they could, they can't come in to many cities because of non-compete clauses in the contracts cities have with telecoms. There is currently a bill in Kansas to prevent Google from moving into Kansas further. Similar statutes in 20 states prevent cities from offering public internet, even if the citizens of those cities vote for it.
If those issues were resolved, it would be interesting to see what happened, but the politicians are already bought. I doubt they propose any legislation to roll back their pro-telecom legislation.