Need Vet who works with Horses


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
We have a product that needs to be tested on horses (documented results) that is applied through a nebulizer.

We already have a well known horse trainer/breeder/owner in Florida who has used it with very good results, but we need someone with a medical background who could document results with at least a minimum of scientific vigor.

There's actually several of us on here who are engaged in the endeavor. (all posters here and all OSU connected.)

The idea is to provide a safe and effective alternative to clenbuterol, which is slowly but surely being outlawed or severely restricted in the racing, jumping, etc. equine fields. This product and a few related products we rep have several other applications in the Equine industry, but those are secondary to our initial needs. (Simply because as you know, clenbuterol is being completely banned in Quarter Horse racing come Jan. 1, 2016.)

We are also looking for a vet that works with cattle, swine and poultry to review the product line and potentially help us introduce it across the Ag industry or at least submit it to various Ag companies for their own internal testing.

There are two recently published scientific journal articles regarding this product, but they document its effectiveness in relationship to humans. Would be glad to talk to anyone either in the horse, cattle, poultry, swine, etc. industries who has an interest, or to veterinarians who would like to learn more.
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Where are you located? I know we have a couple of vets here and I know several OSU grad vets in southwest OK area. I could pass the info to them.
We also have a sales associate in the OK/TX/CO panhandle region and a contact in the KY/OH area.

As I mentioned, we are also looking for those in the Cattle/Dairy industry as well to test/evaluate the products as it has been shown to significantly reduce the need for the use of antibiotics, which is becoming a big issue as many restaurants, grocers, etc. are starting to demand antibiotic free meat and dairy products from their suppliers.
Wood, have you contacted the OSU vet school? They might be interested in doing a research trial.
So it is an alternative to clenbuterol? Lots of steer jocks (guys who do nothing but deal in show cattle) used to sneak clenbuterol across the border before it was even legal in horses in the USA. Those steers looked like Barry Bonds and Sammy Sosa.

Hollywood, I would like a little more info if you can divulge. Depending on what this product is/can do to reduce the amount of antibiotics used in cattle I would be highly interested in doing trial work.

As far as horses and swine go, I'm out.
Call the OSU teaching hospital at 405-744-7000 and press 2 for large animal. Ask to get a message to Dr. Holbrook, equine section chief.

Please send me your contact info and I would be glad to provide more info.

I know that clenbuterol has a steroidal effect on animals, but with horses is used to primarily to deal with breathing disorders/problems. Our product in no way is similar to clenbuterol, the hypothesis (from which we have some positive preliminary results reported) is that our product can likewise help horses overcome breathing/pulmonary by having them draw a saline/product mix deep in their lungs via a nebulizer.

For cattle, there have been hundreds of users in Europe (primarily in the Dairy industry) who have been using it for years and have been able to reduce antibiotic usage by as much as 85% to 95%.

The two journal articles which were published in the last year have shown that after 3 yrs of use in a number of hospitals in Italy (replacing traditional hospital grade disinfectants and cleaners) have shown a decrease in common pathogens by 80% to 90% in comparison. One hospital, (a smaller hospital which is for long term care) has shown a reduction in Nosocomial or Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) in their patients by 70%. This has resulted in a savings of $750,000 in antibiotic costs alone. As I mentioned, the same mechanisms which cause them to be effective in a hospital environment for humans we know have the same or similar impact in other environments.

I have a number of documents, studies, etc. I would like to send you, some relating to exactly the mechanism by how our products work and secondly some more industry specific information as to how to use the products in the cattle/ranching/dairy industries.
Hollywood, I sent you a private message with my personal contact info. Feel free to email me the study information and some product information.