
2nd Team
Sep 8, 2006
I haven't seen any tickets for sale except VIP. I do not think that OSU's allotment will be enough to cover all the fans who want tickets.
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It seems like the powers that be are going to push the ticket prices to the edge of affordability.. The current ticket trend is that you either have enough POSSE points or the connections to score nosebleed tickets or you pay 2x to 3 times the face value for decent tickets. The tournament has become too popular to have it at these smaller arenas and there doesnt seem to currently be a venue that is bigger than, say the BOK arena, that isnt too big to be viewer friendly for wrestling. It would be awesome to have it at a indoor football or baseball arena if the views were better. when they did the OSU vs. Iowa duel down there, unless you were sitting on the field, even the front row stands were too far away to see the actions vs. just watching the big screen. as far as Tulsa 2023, I have been buying season tickets and donating for 20+ years and dont expect to get tickets from the office that are not in the upper reaches of the stadium if I get them at all. Im sure everyone that has any connection to the program over the past 20 years will be calling in favors to get seats. Those VIP tickets were 1500 each the last time I looked. 3k for tickets alone to watch live with decent seats vs. $15 to sit at home in okc and watch on ESPN... in this economy... the $15 is looking pretty good
I think the prices will go down.
I dont think so.. maybe some people will want to sell their tickets if the economy keeps tanking. Otherwise, why lower the prices? if they double the price and only sell 1/2 as many tickets, they have made the same amount of money. the sellers can then sit on what they have and maybe lower prices the day off to clear stock or just let the seats stay empty... especially the lower level stuff.. If you had to sit in the upper level, upper rows all tournament and got tickets for the finals or semifinals lower level, center section, would you spend the money for that one session and pay double or triple for a better view and experience? I think most people who could afford it would.
It will be sold out as usual. The espn app that let's you watch every single bout is great but hoping to be there live.
Its a supply demand issue, there is plenty of demand to sell out NCAA every year, ticket prices aren't going down.
On Lee's latest podcast, he talked about the success of the CowboyRTC golf tournament. Just wondering if it might make sense to raffle off NCAA tickets as a fundraiser. Offer 2 tickets, plus air & hotel for $25 a ticket? You could even open it up to other fan bases. It might generate upwards of $50K in donations.