NBA playoff canceled

No, I'll shower the mean and stupid off and be back for a victory lap in november.
Out of curiosity I wonder what you will consider victory in November. What if Trump beats Biden, the Republicans keep the Senate and the Democrats keep the House, maybe gain a seat or two? Would you call that a victory? What if Trump wins but Democrats grab a simple majority in both houses? Is that victory in your eyes? Or is it victory only if Biden beats Trump? Also, what about state and local races? If Democrats retain control of the state legislature in the state of Washington, for example, but Seattle’s mayor and the state’s governor get bumped? Can you give us guidance on what you would consider victory prior to the voting, so we can know in advance how much you will strut around and crow come November? Inquiring minds want to know!
No, I'll shower the mean and stupid off and be back for a victory lap in november.

If these whining spoiled brat millionaires, that were fortunate enough to be provided athletic talents in an age where those talents are worth millions, really wanted to help solve the problem, they would be pleading for people to stop resisting arrest. Just because you are angry or been caught committing a crime does not justify becoming uncooperative and violent with police.