I'll start.
Anyone know where I can get 2 old diseased mules...and an Ox?
I'd help you, but I/DBros are still thinking about some our "big bangs"!
I'll start.
Anyone know where I can get 2 old diseased mules...and an Ox?
Bernies carbon footprint?And just what are the 2 Socialists AOC and Bernie doing about it?
Are they using alternative means of travel? How is Bernie getting to all the locations he is Campaigning in? Train? Bicycle? Pelosi's broom?
What is AOC doing? She is filling up her Luxury Apartment with Ikea furniture. How did her Ikea get delivered to her? Pack Mules?
So much wrong in this post it's not even worth trying to correct you. You are a lost cause.There are so many aspects of Climate change science that many individual parts can be debunked, but as a whole as I said it is common sense......it is kind of like looking at the Big Bang........more happened in the first second than has happened in the 13.82 Billion years since, so scientist can question many things from that first second, but it does not make the entire theory incorrect
you can have your opinion....I happen to believe that Human's are causing problems with the Climate, but as I have said many times, the alarmist are just as bad as the deniers..........BTW......The Big Bang did happen, the proof is overwhelmingSo much wrong in this post it's not even worth trying to correct you. You are a lost cause.
Please tell me the difference between micro evolution vs. macro evolution. Then compare and contrast that to micro green house effect and macro global warming.you can have your opinion....I happen to believe that Human's are causing problems with the Climate, but as I have said many times, the alarmist are just as bad as the deniers..........BTW......The Big Bang did happen, the proof is overwhelming
It's only those with egos large enough to be floats in the Macy parade believe mankind can damage the planet, or have any realistic ability to fix it. BS flag on that cowflop.Please tell me the difference between micro evolution vs. macro evolution. Then compare and contrast that to micro green house effect and macro global warming.
I'll take my answer off the air.
Not my area of expertise, I could make an educated guess, but it would take more time than I have.... if you can answer in 1000 words or less....go for itPlease tell me the difference between micro evolution vs. macro evolution. Then compare and contrast that to micro green house effect and macro global warming.
I'll take my answer off the air.
#fail. The answer debunks the logic you posted earlier.Not my area of expertise, I could make an educated guess, but it would take more time than I have.... if you can answer in 1000 words or less....go for it
And what was that?#fail. The answer debunks the logic you posted earlier.
I'm smart enough to know that I'd be wasting my breath. You aren't ever changing your mind.And what was that?
Could probably spare a couple diseased mules but I have no freaking clue where to get you an ox.I'll start.
Anyone know where I can get 2 old diseased mules...and an Ox?
Lucky fellow.Could probably spare a couple diseased mules but I have no freaking clue where to get you an ox.
Nailed itLucky fellow.
You a fourth generation, and sorry, Sooner Land rush brat sitting on your gratis 160 acres?
I know 3 guys that inherited that deal.
They're pretty groovy about now.![]()
Well, Bernie is getting assistance from the most recent democrat candidate to enter the frey.And just what are the 2 Socialists AOC and Bernie doing about it?
Are they using alternative means of travel? How is Bernie getting to all the locations he is Campaigning in? Train? Bicycle? Pelosi's broom?
What is AOC doing? She is filling up her Luxury Apartment with Ikea furniture. How did her Ikea get delivered to her? Pack Mules?
you can have your opinion....I happen to believe that Human's are causing problems with the Climate, but as I have said many times, the alarmist are just as bad as the deniers..........BTW......The Big Bang did happen, the proof is overwhelming
So......explain to me the common sense of this..........if you have a closed system , and you pump a bunch of cr@p into it, while you destroy its natural filtering system.......what happens?What climate problems are humans causing the planet? Don't lump me as a denier into the morons that are alarmist. I'm not making speeches for 6 or 7 figures to play the crowd. My problem with the MMGW group is they have no fundamental set of parameters by which to gauge their dire warnings, they don't share their programing and variables to test repeatability and their only solution is to TAX everything. Sorry not buying it. They also make predictions (except the moron AOC) that these changes will have catastrophic effects 100 years from now (that's 4 generations). Go back 100 years from today and look at the advances REAL science has made and tell me with a straight face that 100 years from now advances won't negate any real/perceived issues.
I know of no one who purposely goes out to harm the planet, but there are certain and unadulterated facts of life....CO2 emissions will never be 0, ever. What have the studies shown will happen if we get to 0 as far as vegetation, moisture, etc. Can promise that those cause and effect studies have never been done. This is all about killing off a carbon based energy supply and raising monies via TAXATION.
What predictions about global warming have come true? From the UN, to scientists, to the 99% of climate scientist agree farce every time something weather related happens it is either a direct or tertiary result of climate change, the goal posts have been moved so many times there are no new fresh pieces of ground left to dig new holes to set said goal posts. These changes have taken place over the eons and will continue to do so. What was the CO2 atmospheric u destroy its natural filtering system during the last mini-ice age? Promise it wasn't zero. Sunspots, or the lack thereof are key to climatic changes.
If you look at Australia right now the people in say Victoria are paying way more for NG (most of their power is derived from this) than say in Western Australia or Queensland. Want to know why? Because the government in Victoria (Melbourne) won't allow new PROVEN reserves to be extracted. The net effect is that businesses are leaving Victoria because power costs are so high, citizens are wanting government subsidized relief and they experience blackouts from time to time. Australia has a very safe record of NG extraction and use, yet the environmentalists (all usually wearing carbon based products from head to toe) protest relentlessly.
The plastics and other garbage being dumped in the oceans are of a far greater threat then climate change.
You've been in Europe too long, enjoy your electric cars and the unicorns that pull them, along with all the taxes that will be associated to have a green life. Oh and those tires your electric car will be riding on will also be of a carbon based nature...unless they are wood.
It isn't a closed system. Unless you are counting the sun in that system. Which is a stretch.So......explain to me the common sense of this..........if you have a closed system , and you pump a bunch of cr@p into it, while you destroy its natural filtering system.......what happens?
How do you figure? Seven Billion people can do a lot of damageThe only thing man can do on a global scale to deliberately and irreparably harm the planet is global thermonuclear war.
DeforestationIt isn't a closed system. Unless you are counting the sun in that system. Which is a stretch.
Explain how the natural filtering system has been destroyed. In fact the filtering system may be even more robust due to having more to filter.
Um... no. First off that's not the only filter. Secondly, the Earth is greening.Deforestation
Rounding up significantly, the USA has 400 million out of the "7 Billion" so let the vast majority (it ain't US) pony up their % and then we'll do somethingHow do you figure? Seven Billion people can do a lot of damage
So......explain to me the common sense of this..........if you have a closed system , and you pump a bunch of cr@p into it, while you destroy its natural filtering system.......what happens?
That's a firm.Rounding up significantly, the USA has 400 million out of the "7 Billion" so let the vast majority (it ain't US) pony up their % and then we'll do something
Chunk Yogurt blows.And today it's more "abolish ice' and "abolish DHS"; Cenk Uygur and the rest of the Young Turks are so proud of their work
A theory is full of facts verified by observation and predictions that can be verified by direct observations........ something has to meet a very high standard to be classified a Theory.........
Oh you youngins with your love-ins and your Neil Diamond music.The same can be said for the ol' trouser trumpet, but people don't love it as much.
wouldn't we have more Summers of 1980
I missed it. I was in Houston with 105 degrees and 99% humidity. We (I worked with Customs/Immigration then) were not permitted to board ships to inspect after lunch each day due to the heat from the metal which literally melted some shoe soles. Those same ships which sat at docks full of oil unable to unload due to Jimmy Carter's foolish and contrived gas shortage.Damn, what a great summer to live in Dallas; remember it all too well.![]()
Doesn't allowing a baby to come full term and then killing them after birth qualify as a 4th trimester abortion? Or is that just murder?I have no idea why no one is advocating for fourth trimester abortions. Planned parenthood could open an international wing called planned population.
Doesn't allowing a baby to come full term and then killing them after birth qualify as a 4th trimester abortion? Or is that just murder?