Nancy Pelosi is evicted from her private Capitol Hill office by interim House Speaker Patrick McHenry


Heisman Candidate
Jul 7, 2008

I like it! R's need to get f'in ruthless, the veggie in chief is hemorrhaging voters & no matter what the news tells most people they know this administration is a disaster. Probably since Carter there has never been a better time to make the delineation between the veggie in chiefs supports/sycophants & people who see this whole charade for what it is. Please capitalize R's. People like winners & they don't like these pusscakes who roll over at the first sign of conflict & say "well okay, you can have your way, AGAIN!"
I love the Democrat narrative of a federal government shutdown causes ever lasting suffering of millions of Americans. They make the very argument most conservatives have been making for years, the federal government is to big, to powerful and to involved in the daily lives of the people.
As far as I'm concerned shut the government down and keep it down until the corrupt POS in Washington can come to their senses and start serving the people instead of special interest.
I love the Democrat narrative of a federal government shutdown causes ever lasting suffering of millions of Americans. They make the very argument most conservatives have been making for years, the federal government is to big, to powerful and to involved in the daily lives of the people.
As far as I'm concerned shut the government down and keep it down until the corrupt POS in Washington can come to their senses and start serving the people instead of special interest.
Remember the Obama shutdowns when the government had to employ affirmative methods to make the citizenry actually feel the shutdown? Like barricading the national mall, and barricading the “pull overs” where you can photograph Mt. Rushmore.

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