My Son Wrote An Article About The TikTok Ban

Excellent article so true
Thank you, Ali, I agree. I thought the dissertation on the American billionaire oligarchy was especially insightful. Especially in light of the fact that only a few days later Trump had a photo-op with some of the most oligarchic of the oligarchy hyping their multi-billion-dollar plan to become the AI hegemon of the world. Isn't it astonishing how quickly the billionaire oligarchy switched sides from being leftists to becoming MAGA so smoothly? And how graciously DJT welcomed them into the fold? And it's equally astonishing how quickly a Chinese company put some egg on their faces. I don't know, should we Americans fear China or the American billionaire oligarchy the most? After all, we've been well trained to hate China with almost as much fervor as Russia or - God forbid: the Palestinians! - while ignoring our own oligarchy.
Thank you, Ali, I agree. I thought the dissertation on the American billionaire oligarchy was especially insightful. Especially in light of the fact that only a few days later Trump had a photo-op with some of the most oligarchic of the oligarchy hyping their multi-billion-dollar plan to become the AI hegemon of the world. Isn't it astonishing how quickly the billionaire oligarchy switched sides from being leftists to becoming MAGA so smoothly? And how graciously DJT welcomed them into the fold? And it's equally astonishing how quickly a Chinese company put some egg on their faces. I don't know, should we Americans fear China or the American billionaire oligarchy the most? After all, we've been well trained to hate China with almost as much fervor as Russia or - God forbid: the Palestinians! - while ignoring our own oligarchy.
When's yer vigil/protest scheduled? Asking for a friend.

Kyle Rittenhouse.