My how far we have come from "the 1980's called"

What was that Hillary giving uranium to Russia story again?

Obama telling Russian he would have more flexibility after the election. What about that?

And lastly -


If the hacking of the DNC emails by the (maybe) Russians was a bigger deal than the content, why is the content of Flynn's phone tap a bigger concern than the illegality of the IC leaking his name to the corporate media?



If the hacking of the DNC emails by the (maybe) Russians was a bigger deal than the content, why is the content of Flynn's phone tap a bigger concern than the illegality of the IC leaking his name to the corporate media?


Easy. The intelligence community leaks are from motivated professionals that swore to defend the Constitution and laws of the US and they're breaking the glass and sounding the alarm that the WH is compromised. As a loyal American I appreciate it. Aren't you glad we have patriotic Americans that alert the media when a foreign power is compromising our elected officials? That's their job.

I'm confused, though. So are you for or against investigating both matters? Aren't we for our intelligence community getting on top of potential security risks?

Are you even against Russia blackmailing Biff or helping him by hacking American data? Let's see if we're even in the same plane of right and wrong.
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Easy. The intelligence community leaks are from motivated professionals that swore to defend the Constitution and laws of the US and they're breaking the glass and sounding the alarm that the WH is compromised. As a loyal American I appreciate it. Aren't you glad we have patriotic Americans that alert the media when a foreign power is compromising our elected officials? That's their job.

I appreciate it as well sys if that's what actually happened. Now all that needs to happen is that the people that leaked it step up, identify themselves, and take accountability for their actions.

It's exactly what the IC has been asking of Snowden. Let's see if they are willing to practice what they preach.
The intelligence community leaks are from motivated professionals that swore to defend the Constitution and laws of the US and they're breaking the glass and sounding the alarm that the WH is compromised. As a loyal American I appreciate it. Aren't you glad we have patriotic Americans that alert the media when a foreign power is compromising our elected officials? That's their job.
how much did the clinton foundation take from the saudis and other pan arab govmts?

let alone citibank and the rest.

influence is influence why is everybody freaking out?
Easy. The intelligence community leaks are from motivated professionals that swore to defend the Constitution and laws of the US and they're breaking the glass and sounding the alarm that the WH is compromised. As a loyal American I appreciate it. Aren't you glad we have patriotic Americans that alert the media when a foreign power is compromising our elected officials? That's their job.

You mean appointed bureaucrats and government employees who are illegally giving the press the name of the American citizen who swore the same oath?

Good thing there's nothing that can go wrong with loyal government employees taking it upon themselves to make that decision or perhaps simply follow illegal orders themselves.

If they had done this to Obama you would have a different tune, loyal Ameri.... er.. progressive.
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Were the Russians this bad when they paid $500k to Bill Clinton for a speech in Moscow? Slick Willy even got a personal thank you from Putey. And Putey got control of a chunk of US uranium stockpile while the Clintons got a nice wad of cash in their Clinton Slush Fund...
You guys sure used to be all about transparency and whistle blowing. Not any more, huh?

Strap in, Gentlemen. This is your guy. He's smarter than everyone else. I, for one, kind of appreciate the transparency.

Harry, I'm not as much dodging, as declining to answer a stupid false equivalent of "colluding with the media." (no shit? A politician trying to get the media to give them good coverage! Gasp!) when Biff hired the guy that runs Breitbart to to run his administration. Gotta at least make a real point if you want me to engage further.

how much did the clinton foundation take from the saudis and other pan arab govmts?

let alone citibank and the rest.

influence is influence why is everybody freaking out?

Isn't that public information, or do we need to look at transcripts of conversations with intelligence agencies to find out?

I love how when Biff screws up conservatives run back to the Hillary well.

I'm still unclear, is anybody even against Russia blackmailing Trump, or Trump working with Russian intelligence to: 1. Steal data, 2. Alter the election?

Thanks guys.
You guys sure used to be all about transparency and whistle blowing. Not any more, huh?

Strap in, Gentlemen. This is your guy. He's smarter than everyone else. I, for one, kind of appreciate the transparency.

Harry, I'm not as much dodging, as declining to answer a stupid false equivalent of "colluding with the media." (no shit? A politician trying to get the media to give them good coverage! Gasp!) when Biff hired the guy that runs Breitbart to to run his administration. Gotta at least make a real point if you want me to engage further.

Isn't that public information, or do we need to look at transcripts of conversations with intelligence agencies to find out?

I love how when Biff screws up conservatives run back to the Hillary well.

I'm still unclear, is anybody even against Russia blackmailing Trump, or Trump working with Russian intelligence to: 1. Steal data, 2. Alter the election?

Thanks guys.
Russia. The new Democrat bogeyman because there's just no way Hillary lost to Trump because she's a slimy gross turd. When will the red ass start to heal? The wailing is breathtaking.
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What I'm on the edge of my seat about is how concerned @COWBOYintheUK is about this.

I won't know how concerned I need to be about secrets being revealed until he weighs in.
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I'm still unclear, is anybody even against Russia blackmailing Trump, or Trump working with Russian intelligence to: 1. Steal data, 2. Alter the election?
The 1980's called and wants its foreign policy back. Sorry Cupcake. Obama told us Russia isn't a threat and he's like the smartest guy on the planet. Gonna have to trust his brilliant assessment. You should too.
Where else should I place the blame for all of this Russia nonsense? If that useless pile of flesh had beat the worst presidential candidate in the history of history, the Russians wouldn't be getting any of your hysteria. You'd still be babbling about Republicans and conservatives.
Where else should I place the blame for all of this Russia nonsense? If that useless pile of flesh had beat the worst presidential candidate in the history of history, the Russians wouldn't be getting any of your hysteria. You'd still be babbling about Republicans and conservatives.

See, there you go. This is up there with not trusting any scientists that are paid from a government or private enterprise. Now Biff isn't personally accountable for his actions --- Hillary should be held responsible for Biff's actions, lol.
See, there you go. This is up there with not trusting any scientists that are paid from a government or private enterprise. Now Biff isn't personally accountable for his actions --- Hillary should be held responsible for Biff's actions, lol.

You are really being exposed on this one.
See, there you go. This is up there with not trusting any scientists that are paid from a government or private enterprise. Now Biff isn't personally accountable for his actions --- Hillary should be held responsible for Biff's actions, lol.
The attempts at deflection are priceless.

I wonder if the republicans ripped LBJ when the watergate thefts were unraveling?

You are a hypocrite, considering any mistakes or wrongdoings from Obama the last 8 years were due to Bush.
Harry, I'm not as much dodging, as declining to answer a stupid false equivalent of "colluding with the media." (no shit? A politician trying to get the media to give them good coverage! Gasp!) when Biff hired the guy that runs Breitbart to to run his administration.Gotta at least make a real point if you want me to engage further.

That's quite an ironic standard you have set there.

We've been doing this long enough to know you are dodging. I'll see if pilt wants to play.
The Democratic Party attempts at deflection are priceless.
I know. At what point will the Democrats acknowledge they screwed the pooch and propped up a candidate who sucked so bad she lost to Trump? What's next on the books to blame when the Russia thing fizzles out?
We've been doing this long enough to know you are dodging. I'll see if pilt wants to play

Yes, see if he'll engage your straw man.

You are a hypocrite, considering any mistakes or wrongdoings from Obama the last 8 years were due to Bush.

Please point where I have blamed "any mistakes or wrongdoing from Obama the last 8 years were due to Bush."

If you can't, you've been publicly outed as a liar.

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