Interesting you see it that way. This essay actually puts into words thoughts I have had for the last 10-15 years. In my mind they were just amorphous concepts that had no concrete texture. I first noticed the attempt by the left to take control of the language about 15 years ago. A Democratic representative from New York, Rosa Delauro, was a frequent guest on MSM shows. I don't think I ever heard her mention Republicans or conservatives without calling them "mean spirited." That phrase was picked up by the left and repeated non-stop for years. Republicans quietly accepted the nomenclature, and before long it became "common knowledge" that Republicans are mean spirited. That's the first time I noticed the left confiscating the language. The author of the essay, I thought, showed the historical perspective of what happens to a society when the language is conquered. I thought it was about as far from intellectual fluff as it could get.