Muslim Terrorist Attacks in Paris


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2002
I hope as many people can get to safety as possible. My daughter is a 16 year old high school junior who's spending this school year in France as an exchange student. She's safe. But this sh!t hits too damn close to home for me.

You know I've always thought the crusades were a huge stain on Christian history. Now, I'm rethinking that judgement. I'm equating these Muslim fvcks to rabid pit bulls. Something that just needs to be put down because of the imminent threat they pose on society.

Maybe a modern day crusade is what is needed.
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The Crusades did nothing to save Europe from anything. Just nominal Christians and Muslims fighting over pretty much the same stretches of sand over and over.

The people who eventually became "the French" stopped the invasion of Moors after they had conquered most of Spain and southern France in the Eighth Century.

French immigration policies have come home to roost. They wanted to colonize Africa and now North Africa is going to colonize them.

Religion eventually may well end civilization as we know it.
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Genocide or what ever the equivalent is for wiping out a religion needs to be on the table. It is time to respond to these people with the full force of the western world. And it needs to be clear to the leadership of the Muslim religion that if this doesn't stop that they will all be wiped off the face of the earth. Take the same approach we did with the nazis.
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That actually sounds (indiscriminately killing or taking revenge on ALL Muslims) more like the approach the Nazi's took, rather than a reasonable response.

I'm all for hunting down and killing those responsible, but you can't simply decide you are going to take out all members of a religion unless you want to escalate this a thousand fold.

I said on the table. It is time that the force used is so extreme that no one ever thinks about doing something like that again. Time to invade and let the leadership over there decide if they want to control this or die.
When reputable polls are taken in virtually every Muslim country, even those we consider friends, the overwhelming majority of them say they believe the world will be a better place when everyone is Muslim and that they quietly hope the west is destroyed.

We're going to have to go to these so-called "good" Muslims and say, "Hey, you know who these scum bags are because you hide them, help them and silently hope they are successful against us. So, you start turning these SOBs over to us or at least point them out or we're going to unleash a firestorm that will roast ALL your asses and we honestly won't give a chit."

I'm sick of these cowards. And the ones who say they want to get rid of the extremists are even bigger cowards because when we give them a gun, they won't fight. We have to hold their hand, aim the rifle and tell them when to take the shot.

There are great Muslim people in every country I guess. I knew some in college who were world-class wonderful people. I don't want to mistreat or kill those who honestly mean me no harm, but if they're supporting the crap we saw today, in any form or fashion, they've got to go.

I don't hold Christianity in any higher regard. Not if it wants to tell me to believe something for which there is no evidence, or even moreso believe in those things which have overwhelming evidence against them.
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Ok, let's go with your option. Where do we start? Do we start indiscriminately start bombing Iraq?
Perhaps we should start with the Kurds (predominantly Muslim).

The Malaysians and Indonesians (Indonesia having the largest predominantly Muslim country (population) in the world) we certainly shouldn't let the fact that their populace is playing virtually no role in any of this allow for them to escape being punished, right?

For the record:
Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has condemned the Paris terror attacks which have claimed at least 140 lives on Friday night. -"Malaysia condemns the outrageous multiple terror attacks in Paris today on innocent civilians. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, citizens of France and President François Hollande." "I am shocked with what happened in Paris but we must remain united in the war against terrorism," he said in a statement on Saturday morning.

"Indonesia strongly condemns the heinous acts of terror in Paris. Our thoughts and prayers go to the families of the victims," the official twitter account of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry @Portal_Kempu_RI tweeted on Saturday morning.

Perhaps, we should take advantage of the fact that ISIS just killed 50 people or so in attacks against fellow Muslims in Beirut, Lebanon (just a few days ago) and drop a few bombs in those Lebanese in Beirut to really get the message to them that ISIS is bad? (And yes, the media did a terrible job by glossing over those suicide bombings by virtually ignoring what happened there, as I doubt most here even know about those attacks, which happened just this Wednesday.)

Do you not even begin to grasp, that there's literally been thousands more Muslims killed by these radical elements as anyone in the West?

You seem to think that there is one monolithic leader(s) that all of Muslims follow. That's as ridiculous as thinking that all Christians follow the Pope, or Franklin Graham and that all political leaders of the world who happen to govern countries which are predominantly Muslim are all involved or complicit in these attacks. Do you blame Iran for allowing Isil and Al Qaeda to flourish, even though they have been fighting those groups for better than a decade?

Sorry, but this attempt at rationalization for attacking all Muslims and holding them accountable makes about as much sense as trying to hold all Christians accountable for the actions of Nazi Germany, since Germany's population was well over 95% Christian during the rise and rule of the 3rd Reich.

It's also completely impractical. How much good is it going to do to expand a war that's currently against a million or so radicals who are actually involved in this crap (who often threaten the govts of the country where they reside in equal measure to the threat they pose to the "West") by declaring the war on a BILLION Muslims around the world? How long do you figure it would be before Pakistan drops a few nukes on targets in Europe in response? This makes no sense whatsoever. You think it's bad now, just start indiscriminately targeting Muslims for no apparent good reason and see how fast you end up with something that would make WWI and WWII look like cakewalks in comparison.

Sorry, you really need to step back and think this one through. What you are talking about would make the situation a million times worse.
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Equating a religion that "trys to get you to believe in something for which there is no evidence" and one that continues to indescriminately murder thousands of people year after year is an interesting take.

Both want to take over my country and dictate my lifestyle. I'm not having it.
I guess when the shit hits the fan over here, only then will more people see the urgency to end this bullshit once and for all.

There is a Nazi like thought process going on here, and it's coming from the east. And of course it's not ALL MUSLIMS, but those that harbor or help these people and those that are directly involved need to get whipped into submission quickly.

There doesn't seem to be any "peace talks" on the horizon, much like Hitler and Nazi Germany. The problem lies in that those that are terrorists and of the Muslim variety do it in a way that is liken to the Viet Cong...although they just hide in plain sight virtually anywhere. So it's the worst of both previous wars rolled into one. How do you fight it?

Bomb the hell out of any country involved? Set up a force and seek out anyone who is aligned with this threat? I have no idea. But with this deal in Paris, I have to wonder how long before something like that happens here. It's only natural for us all to probably think that way.

And it's natural for all us as Americans to want an answer.
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The Japanese could have only been defeated one way and I see the same determination with the the Muslims. I would rather my innocent family be bombed by someone trying to save the Middle East than live under a caliphate. It's time to start making cities disappear. It's bush/obamas fault but the next president has got to do something and I felt this way before tonight's events.
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It is time to start waging an unconventional war against an unconventional foe. If they aren't going to uniform up and fight like a nation - then neither should we. If they aren't going to abide by the Geneva convention - neither should we.

This will be a brutal and bloody fight. And we must win.
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Ok, let's go with your option. Where do we start? Do we start indiscriminately start bombing Iraq?
Perhaps we should start with the Kurds (predominantly Muslim).

The Malaysians and Indonesians (Indonesia having the largest predominantly Muslim country (population) in the world) we certainly shouldn't let the fact that their populace is playing virtually no role in any of this allow for them to escape being punished, right?

For the record:
Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has condemned the Paris terror attacks which have claimed at least 140 lives on Friday night. -"Malaysia condemns the outrageous multiple terror attacks in Paris today on innocent civilians. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, citizens of France and President François Hollande." "I am shocked with what happened in Paris but we must remain united in the war against terrorism," he said in a statement on Saturday morning.

"Indonesia strongly condemns the heinous acts of terror in Paris. Our thoughts and prayers go to the families of the victims," the official twitter account of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry @Portal_Kempu_RI tweeted on Saturday morning.

Perhaps, we should take advantage of the fact that ISIS just killed 50 people or so in attacks against fellow Muslims in Beirut, Lebanon (just a few days ago) and drop a few bombs in those Lebanese in Beirut to really get the message to them that ISIS is bad? (And yes, the media did a terrible job by glossing over those suicide bombings by virtually ignoring what happened there, as I doubt most here even know about those attacks, which happened just this Wednesday.)

Do you not even begin to grasp, that there's literally been thousands more Muslims killed by these radical elements as anyone in the West?

You seem to think that there is one monolithic leader(s) that all of Muslims follow. That's as ridiculous as thinking that all Christians follow the Pope, or Franklin Graham and that all political leaders of the world who happen to govern countries which are predominantly Muslim are all involved or complicit in these attacks. Do you blame Iran for allowing Isil and Al Qaeda to flourish, even though they have been fighting those groups for better than a decade?

Sorry, but this attempt at rationalization for attacking all Muslims and holding them accountable makes about as much sense as trying to hold all Christians accountable for the actions of Nazi Germany, since Germany's population was well over 95% Christian during the rise and rule of the 3rd Reich.

It's also completely impractical. How much good is it going to do to expand a war that's currently against a million or so radicals who are actually involved in this crap (who often threaten the govts of the country where they reside in equal measure to the threat they pose to the "West") by declaring the war on a BILLION Muslims around the world? How long do you figure it would be before Pakistan drops a few nukes on targets in Europe in response? This makes no sense whatsoever. You think it's bad now, just start indiscriminately targeting Muslims for no apparent good reason and see how fast you end up with something that would make WWI and WWII look like cakewalks in comparison.

Sorry, you really need to step back and think this one through. What you are talking about would make the situation a million times worse.

Wood, I totally understand what you are saying. I didn't say indiscriminately target Muslims. I said that wiping them off the face of the earth needs to be on the table. After 911 we missed the perfect opportunity to deal with this shit, but Bush got us into Iraq and made the problem 10 times worse.

Where do we start? You start with declaring radical Islam a cancer on the world and let the Muslim world know that it will no longer be tolerated. Then you invade Iraq and the other lands that ISIS occupies WWII style and plan to occupy that land forever, much like we did Germany and Japan, disarm the population and execute anyone and anyone they know who stands in your way. Then if another country wants to harbor these groups or support them you do the same to them. Not saying it wouldn't be bloody and difficult. But at some point the civilized world has to take a stand. And if the Muslims want to continue to support these groups right up to the point that the rest of the world is asking Mohomad who? Then so be it.

Yes, because it's certainly a proven fact that invading and occupying a country in the Middle East is a cakewalk, and there's NEVER any blowback. Let's use Iraq as an example, why the people welcomed our soldiers with flowers, it only took a month or so to set thing straight and we left the place a very quite place, with record low levels of violence, no extremists and a full blown democracy.

Wait, wait - that's not exactly how it turned how now is it? In fact, we ended up with a far worse defense posture in terms of threat than we did before we engaged in that ultimately failed venture. What countries do you figure we can invade next where things will just go so much smoother?

So you think it's time to double down on that approach? How much money do you think this country can spend on such follies? How many times do you think we can constantly send troops into harms way before we reach a breaking point with our military? How much good did it do the last time we invaded a middle-east country (did we end up with a lessor or greater risk from extremist)? Are you prepared for you, your spouse, your kids to be drafted because that's what it will come to? How is a nation with a population of around 320 Million going to fare in a fight against 1,000,000,000+ Muslims of 40+ countries, spread around the globe?

And seriously, you're talking about putting a policy that makes the Nazi's "Final Solution" look mild in comparison into place? ("Wiping the Muslims off the Face of the Earth")

The other thing I think you're wildly missing the target with is your apparent assumption that the Leaders of most of the Muslim countries are in league or supporting these radical elements. (Now granted, I do believe that there are certainly elements or a few members of those governments who do, especially among the Saudi Royal family.) But the reality is that in places like Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Indonesia, et al, the governments have as much to be worried about those radicals fomenting rebellion and attacking fellow citizens and the government as much as we have to fear from them. (The threat they pose to their fellow Muslims in reality, dwarfs the threat they pose to Western nations.)

You seem to think that pointing a sword at these country's leaders is going to force them to deal with a situation, which most of these countries are already dealing with because these radical elements threaten the lives, safety of their own families and govts. Do you think threatening Lebanon for example is going to help the situation on the ground there, when the Lebanese govt is already fighting back against Isis radicals who have attacked and killed Lebanese citizens including 50 deaths from 3 suicide bombers just on last Wednesday alone?

I understand your visceral reaction to events like this, but what you are proposing would only expand the "war on terrorism" and lead to an abandonment of this country's core principles, would lead ultimately to far more violence and threats than we face currently and would eat up so many or our resources, not to mention the lives of our fellow citizens that it would end up making the blunder by the Bush Administration of invading Iraq look like a minor blip.

Again, you declare war on "Muslims" in general and how many days do you figure it takes some radical elements within Pakistan to seize control and start nuking "Christian" and "Jewish" nations? Please explain how we are going to put your proposed policy in place without the whole damned thing blowing up in our faces?

By analogy, when the Catholic elements in Northern Ireland (IRA) were bombing and killing British soldiers and targeting Britsh citizens routinely through terrorist attacks: Do you think that GB would have achieved their goals of peace easier, earlier and with less bloodshed if they simply started targeting Catholics around the world as a means of forcing Catholics to put pressure on the IRA to stop their terrorism?
I would pull every single American out of the Middle East and then tell Russia, China and Iran that it is yours and I will turn a blind eye to how you do it.

Yes, because it's certainly a proven fact that invading and occupying a country in the Middle East is a cakewalk, and there's NEVER any blowback. Let's use Iraq as an example, why the people welcomed our soldiers with flowers, it only took a month or so to set thing straight and we left the place a very quite place, with record low levels of violence, no extremists and a full blown democracy.

Wait, wait - that's not exactly how it turned how now is it? In fact, we ended up with a far worse defense posture in terms of threat than we did before we engaged in that ultimately failed venture. What countries do you figure we can invade next where things will just go so much smoother?

So you think it's time to double down on that approach? How much money do you think this country can spend on such follies? How many times do you think we can constantly send troops into harms way before we reach a breaking point with our military? How much good did it do the last time we invaded a middle-east country (did we end up with a lessor or greater risk from extremist)? Are you prepared for you, your spouse, your kids to be drafted because that's what it will come to? How is a nation with a population of around 320 Million going to fare in a fight against 1,000,000,000+ Muslims of 40+ countries, spread around the globe?

And seriously, you're talking about putting a policy that makes the Nazi's "Final Solution" look mild in comparison into place? ("Wiping the Muslims off the Face of the Earth")

The other thing I think you're wildly missing the target with is your apparent assumption that the Leaders of most of the Muslim countries are in league or supporting these radical elements. (Now granted, I do believe that there are certainly elements or a few members of those governments who do, especially among the Saudi Royal family.) But the reality is that in places like Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Indonesia, et al, the governments have as much to be worried about those radicals fomenting rebellion and attacking fellow citizens and the government as much as we have to fear from them. (The threat they pose to their fellow Muslims in reality, dwarfs the threat they pose to Western nations.)

You seem to think that pointing a sword at these country's leaders is going to force them to deal with a situation, which most of these countries are already dealing with because these radical elements threaten the lives, safety of their own families and govts. Do you think threatening Lebanon for example is going to help the situation on the ground there, when the Lebanese govt is already fighting back against Isis radicals who have attacked and killed Lebanese citizens including 50 deaths from 3 suicide bombers just on last Wednesday alone?

I understand your visceral reaction to events like this, but what you are proposing would only expand the "war on terrorism" and lead to an abandonment of this country's core principles, would lead ultimately to far more violence and threats than we face currently and would eat up so many or our resources, not to mention the lives of our fellow citizens that it would end up making the blunder by the Bush Administration of invading Iraq look like a minor blip.

Again, you declare war on "Muslims" in general and how many days do you figure it takes some radical elements within Pakistan to seize control and start nuking "Christian" and "Jewish" nations? Please explain how we are going to put your proposed policy in place without the whole damned thing blowing up in our faces?

By analogy, when the Catholic elements in Northern Ireland (IRA) were bombing and killing British soldiers and targeting Britsh citizens routinely through terrorist attacks: Do you think that GB would have achieved their goals of peace easier, earlier and with less bloodshed if they simply started targeting Catholics around the world as a means of forcing Catholics to put pressure on the IRA to stop their terrorism?

Wood, come on man I said "on the table". Would you say our invasion and occupation of Iraq was comparable to our invasion of Germany and Japan? If you don't think that an Allied force backed by military powers from all the Western countries could not occupy the lands where ISIS now controls then we will have to just disagree. When we went into Iraq before it was done for a stupid reason, based on lies, and was to oust a dictator that for the average Iraq citizen was not that bad. And probably looks like a warm summers day compared to ISIS.

And are you really trying to compair the IRA to ISIS in trying to make a point that you can't blame a religion for the actions of a few? Come on wood I know you are better than that. Apples and oranges. Yes, had the IRA been comiting terrorist attacks all around the world funded by Catholics all around the world and calling for the execution or enslavement of the rest of the world it might have been time to call Catholics and the Catholic leadership to the table. And if they refused to stop supporting it then yes it might have been an option to start cutting out that cancer. Maybe it would sit better with you had I said that we should exterminate terrorism from the earth up to the point of killing anyone that is even might be associated with its support, no matter the religion. I think ultimately it is the same thing, but maybe it sounds better to you.

Christianity has its warts and has committed some very horrible things in the name of Christ. But you can't tell me that the fundamentals of Islam and preaching of Mohomid are any thing that the civilized world needs as a base for any organization. At some point enough is enough and you have to rid the world of the cancer.
ISIS rise is tied to the money they have made on the oil wells they have confiscated.

I don't agree with him on everything, but I agree with what Trump said he would do to ISIS oil wells before the terrorists attack in France, "Bomb the **** out of them."
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We've actually been doing that already to a large degree - not bombing the oil fields per se, but targeting the highways and routes along with the storage and transportation facilities Isil has been using to move that oil.

Trump is just rehashing what has been our goal and strategy for over a year and putting it out there like he's some kind of genius and no one else has thought to do what he is advocating. Article from about 14 months ago.

That's what the battle that's underway currently to retake Sinjar and surrounding areas is designed to do, to take their black market oil scheme out of play. Additionally, it is a key area in the Isil supply line leading into Syria, which should cut out their ability to ship oil over land.

As mentioned, Trump has said nothing new or unique, he's advocating for the same strategy that we've undertaking for well over the last year. It started with our raid on the Isil facility where we killed their "CFO" and took his wife along with computers, documents, etc. outlining their money/financial operations.

That lead us to understand where we got the most bang for the buck in cutting off their financing. Over the last few months there have been numerous reports about how many of the Isil fighters have not been paid in months, how many are deserting because of it, and how they can't replenish their coffers faster than we can destroy it.

And now Sinjar has fallen to US Coalition forces (primarily Kurds)

This is more what we need to do, using a scalpel, not a sledgehammer.
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At the very least I would end relations with anyone who recognizes Sharia Law. Muslims need to find a secular voice.
Here's a thought. If you want to bomb someone in the Middle East, let's start by taking out the Saudi royal family. The Saudis' Wahhabi ideology gave rise to the Taliban, al Qaeda, and ISIS. I realize that the oil in Saudi has caused folks to pussy foot around them, but to me there is no greater enemy than the folks who perpetuate the ideology that has given rise to all manner of nasty, evil groups.
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Here's a thought. If you want to bomb someone in the Middle East, let's start by taking out the Saudi royal family. The Saudis' Wahhabi ideology gave rise to the Taliban, al Qaeda, and ISIS. I realize that the oil in Saudi has caused folks to pussy foot around them, but to me there is no greater enemy than the folks who perpetuate the ideology that has given rise to all manner of nasty, evil groups.
That seems reasonable. B52's are in flight. Thanks for the suggestion.
I didn't read every thread, but the bottom line condition should be that every one is on board, France, Germany, England, Italy...and whoever else. I'm tired of us being the world's keeper when it comes to terrorism. I know we get support from other countries, but not like we should. It will be interesting to see what France does, and at this time I don't expect much.
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Both want to take over my country and dictate my lifestyle. I'm not having it.
Not to hijack, but you're wrong on the side of Christianity. No one's holding a knife to your throat to become Christian. You don't want it? Don't take it.
Hollywood you whiff so much. If our leaders replicated the attitude at home, the resources, the personnel , the draft, the average age of soldiers involved and the solid commitment we could do ten fold what we did in Japan and Germany in WWII. The Vietnam strategy will never work.

And Donald trump is saying bomb the shit out of them. In no way shape or form is nato bombing the shit out of anyone. They are using the first chapter of a military handbook just to piddle around. Oh no our road is gone now we have to drive in the sand a few more miles. Bomb the shit out of them is killing everything in sight. It is morally justified to kill innocents to save more innocents. This is where the liberal mind derails. The political pull from liberals and the attention our presidents have paid to it by fighting half wars is morally wrong. Obamas Afghanistan surge is a prime example. He picked under the lowest possible amount his generals had suggested for victory. It's time to end this. Sending our adolescents over there to die for another fifteen years or leaving those savages intact by vacating the area are not options. It's so clear.
I didn't read every thread, but the bottom line condition should be that every one is on board, France, Germany, England, Italy...and whoever else. I'm tired of us being the world's keeper when it comes to terrorism. I know we get support from other countries, but not like we should. It will be interesting to see what France does, and at this time I don't expect much.
I was wrong. They are doing something. Good for them.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but weren't you one of the people on here telling me 12-13 yrs ago how stupid and wrong I was to oppose invading Iraq?
If so, please tell me again how well that's working out for us?

You do realize that just in the last week, we've targeted and killed two of their top operations people, a major recruiter and officer who was from Germany by targeting him with a drone strike in Libya, and "Jihad John" the Brit who was behind the be-headings everyone was outraged about, also with a drone strike that took out him and 3 companions in Syria/Iraq.

Why don't you put your search skills to some use and read some reports out of the region (not from American sources) but from the Kurdish Pershmerga forces about how we are steadily gaining the upper hand over Isil/Daesh.

Here's what one Kurdish Commander had to say just 4 days ago: “For the last 15 months that I have been fighting Daesh, I have never seen them so weak, they were literally running away,” said Col Kamran Hawrami.

Haydar Shasho, a top Yazidi commander and the head of the Sinjar protection force, who was east of Sinjar, in the village of Sulakh, said: “The coalition air cover was very helpful and if it was not for air support, it would be very difficult to reach the objective of the offensive. Sinjar town is important to Yazidi people because without Sinjar, Yazidis do not exist.

Do you honestly think that blowing up a town filled with about 40,000 - 50,000 INNOCENT civilians, almost all Yazidi's (non-Muslims) who have been our staunch allies and have been fighting alongside Pershmerga forces against Isil/Daesh to kill less well less than 1,000 Isis types would have brought us more or less support for the cause in the region? (For the record, the city fell to Coalition Forces just 3 days ago, WITHOUT "bombing the shit out of them.")

Have you learned nothing from the Kill them all and let God sort them out of approach that has failed so miserably in the past? For every innocent civilian we kill, we radicalize that many or more in opposition. It's like keeping cutting off the head of the hydra, you get two in its place and that is simply not a sustainable strategy.

And yes, I'm not so damned naive that I do not understand or accept that in a situation like this, there will undoubtedly be "innocents" who will end up us casualties, and while tragic, it is part of the cost of war. But the quickest way you can turn people who otherwise might support or understand your reasons for doing what you are doing, into people who despise you and who you could easily turn into an enemy is to appear to simply not give an F about innocents, civilians and "bombing the shit out of them indiscriminately. Again, think about a strategy which includes cauterizing the stump left after we cut off a head, not simply creating a situation where we create two new heads we must eventually battle.
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Just like 9/11. Bombing of some far away land will occur to appease the masses, and the disease will continue to grow.

Eventually this will start happening here, and we will deal with it in a politically correct manner. See: not actually dealing with it, but again appeasing the masses.

The only way to fix this is to tell the moderate Muslims that if they aren't a part of the solution, they are a part of the problem, and that if they don't self police, we will punish them for the crimes of the others.

Because bottom line, they may come out publicly against it and they may make statements condemning it, but they aren't doing a damn thing to stop it.

And the only reason Muslims are fighting against Isis is because they are so bat shit crazy they are killing other Muslims who aren't as bat shit crazy. But in the end, when it's Muslims vs anyone else, moderate Muslims don't actually condemn it and don't care to deter them.
Wood, why do you call them ISIL instead of ISIS?

You're the only person other than the current administration, that I've seen refer to them as ISIL.

Is this your way of justifying Obama's lack of recognition?
Because ISIS is the name they preferred to be called. (It's like calling yourself "King") Since they aren't a recognized legitimate govt, I don't like referring to them by the name they have self-anointed themselves with. Why should anyone give them the "respect" by calling them by the name they want to be called?

Daesh is actually the name most in the middle east refer to them, it's kind of a double-entendre in Arabic and comes off as an insult. If you read the quotes from the Pershmerga commander and the Yasidi commander, you will see that both of them call the Daesh because it's an insult.

Hitler called himself by the title Fuhrer, but my mom told me that few if any in America called him by that name, especially among the military where he was called by a name that started with an FU and ended with an ER but had different consonants in the middle.

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