Mr Schiff if there’s nothing to hide....

Annnnnd there it is. Right on cue.

Here we go. How many years will you scream criminality and nothign come from this, too? Right up front, tell me how many years before the first conviction against them for... what exactly? I haven't followed right wing messaging in months, did they help Russia?

Going after political enemies - was what I predicted you would be saying. And following the lead of daily propaganda you are right on cue.

For years I've been rubbing your nose in your own pile of dogshit and whispering "Anything yet?" in your ear, and for years you continue to predict something's about to happen. Am I supposed to pretend "Lock her up!" chants led from the RNC podium didn't take place? Rally after rally? Now that didn't happen. Biff screamed they were crimnals, as did you on here. Still nothing. Here you go again.


For what?

Some booger eating dork sat down and spent a lot of time coming up with this. At this point, the thread is bronzed.

For what? What are these victory laps for?

Compare and contrast..:

more CIA “sources”

lol what exactly am I to take from this? What dots are being connected here?

At this point I officially give up. The rest of the thread is more of this:


Yeah, I could try and reason with every one of them, but I'm just gonna stand out of the way and let's come back to this a year from now. Boy is someone gonna be wrong!
Here we go. How many years will you scream criminality and nothign come from this, too? Right up front, tell me how many years before the first conviction against them for... what exactly? I haven't followed right wing messaging in months, did they help Russia?

For years I've been rubbing your nose in your own pile of dogshit and whispering "Anything yet?" in your ear, and for years you continue to predict something's about to happen. Am I supposed to pretend "Lock her up!" chants led from the RNC podium didn't take place? Rally after rally? Now that didn't happen. Biff screamed they were crimnals, as did you on here. Still nothing. Here you go again.

For what?

Some booger eating dork sat down and spent a lot of time coming up with this. At this point, the thread is bronzed.

For what? What are these victory laps for?

lol what exactly am I to take from this? What dots are being connected here?

At this point I officially give up. The rest of the thread is more of this:


Yeah, I could try and reason with every one of them, but I'm just gonna stand out of the way and let's come back to this a year from now. Boy is someone gonna be wrong!

I don’t need to convince you. You are a cautionary tale that needs to be highlighted.
Honest question: what exactly makes up the Putin/Biff agenda you’re referring to?

You see, DJT is Putin’s puppet spy, planted in the WH to secretly destroy all the people getting in Putin’s way. Once accomplished, Putin will move in and take over the world. But not before Trump destroys St. Louis with a Liederkranz cheese bomb.
Honest question: what exactly makes up the Putin/Biff agenda you’re referring to?
They both wanted shyster's queen to lose the election because she sucked more than Monica Lewinsky. He's pissed because it was her turn and HE WAS WITH HER.
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Wow. Let's return to the OP.

What's the downside to Fatass disclosing his tax returns?

Why woudn't Fatass disclose his tax returns?
Wow. Let's return to the OP.

What's the downside to Fatass disclosing his tax returns?

Why woudn't Fatass disclose his tax returns?
Pretty simple.
He doesn't have to.
He doesn't want to.
There's no controlling authority that can make him disclose them.
How many times do we plow this field?
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Pretty simple.
He doesn't have to.
He doesn't want to.
There's no controlling authority that can make him disclose them.
How many times do we plow this field?

LOL none of those answers the questions. The downside is my daddy doesn't have to and you can't make him.

This as much as anything shows what a #bornfollower you are. My daddy doesn't have to!

Wow. Let's return to the OP.

What's the downside to Fatass disclosing his tax returns?

Why woudn't Fatass disclose his tax returns?

The original post had nothing to do with taxes. But you went running back there.

You still didn’t spell out what your “Trump/Putin agenda” consists of or at least give some examples.

Neither of these is a surprise.

Syskatine’s Extreme Culture of Failure rolls on.

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