More Trump affairs it’s untrue? Bigly fat lie?

Carry on.
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Dude, just admit that you're a judgemental prick that has aligned yourself with the stereotypical far religious right on this.


Carry on

How would I be aligned with the far religious right on this? Lol...I think Melania should divorce his dumb ass. I certainly don’t give him a “mulligan” haha. Yes, I’m judgmental when it comes to the highest office in the land.

Carry on.
Evangelists and men of the clergy are known snatch fiends. Look at MLK. Rev Ralph Albernathy one of King’s closest friends wrote a book in 1989 about King’s Obsession with white prostitutes, he use to beat them as well. Look at all the other clergy busted, look at the Catholic Church and what they did with boys, but that was horrificly illegal and wrong.

If the Donald paid for some snatch I could careless. Just do not hold MLK up as a deity and in the same breath turn Trump in to the devil over the same thing. Abernathy said MLK use to beat those women as well.

If you do not want to start a conversation that neither side wins, do not start it. If Trump deserves to be out of office for affairs (what about JFK?), then let’s tear down every MLK statue, rename every school, and do away with the Holiday, otherwise just being a hypocrite.

All cops are known racists and murderers of people of color. More evidence for that assertion than your blanket statement.

Carry on.
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