Not true and illogical. How often $1 gets circulated is how often it changes hands. An existing dollar is never a new dollar. You can't turn one dollar into five dollars if new money isn't spent/given to the non-government sector by the federal government spending in deficit.
Again, if new dollars devalued existing dollars, the US dollar would already be worthless.
I’m not following your logic on this point. I’ll give an example. I moved to Honolulu in 1972. At that time the price for a gallon of gasoline was 28 cents. Today the price of a gallon of gasoline in Honolulu is around $3.20. This despite the fact there are far more known reserve deposits in the world. So there’s an increase in available gasoline on an order of magnitude and yet it costs around 9 to 10 times more.
Why do you suppose that is? Does inflation have anything to do with it? (Inflation being an increase in the money supply relative to the amount of goods available for purchase.) Is that not evidence that the dollar has been massively deflated in value?
The GND, which is pinning its entire rationale on MMT, is estimated to require an increase in the money supply by an estimated tens of trillions of dollars. And when has an estimate EVER been accurate, greater than how it turns out? (I give you Boston’s Big Dig, or California’s now halted train.). Do you not see skyrocketing inflation in that future?
As I understand it the idea is that politicians will decide whether there is a need to increase government spending, assuming politicians will be rational, will be expert in deciding which industries to ply with the burst of largess. Assuming politicians will not be corrupt and will choose the winning industries purely out of the goodness of their hearts. (Fat chance!)
So the politically connected will be first at the trough of the new money. Which means their well being, profit, etc. will be improved before the inflationary reaction hits. Once the money gets circulated far enough into the economy inflation will hit consumers and regular citizens and small businesses like a sledge hammer. But the crony capitalists, the ones who bribe and extort the money originally will become the new fat cats.
MMT is a con game, predicated on promising something it can’t deliver. But in the meantime the collectivist vision of tyrannical government will have put another notch on its gun.
Now, I’m tired of arguing about it. I’m going to bed. I willingly leave the last word to anybody that wants it.