Mitt Romney


Heisman Candidate
Dec 1, 2015
This fraudulent Ted Baxter, shyster, used car salesman, phony, pettifogging con-artist RINO snob truly makes me sick. He's even too slimy to be employed by David Stanley Chevrolet, the lowest of the low in the private sector.




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Trey Gowdy talks a good game, and makes great YouTube clips.

But from a results perspective, Gowdy was all-bark, no-bite — All-Talk, No-Action.

He’s like the Carmelo Anthony of politics — impressive stats with literally nothing to show for it.

Gowdy was extremely disappointing, for what he could been — he had the raw talent, brainpower and image to become an American legend.

Ultimately though, he was controlled opposition like the vast majority of the GOP.
Trey Gowdy talks a good game, and makes great YouTube clips.

But from a results perspective, Gowdy was all-bark, no-bite — All-Talk, No-Action.

He’s like the Carmelo Anthony of politics — impressive stats with literally nothing to show for it.

Gowdy was extremely disappointing, for what he could been — he had the raw talent, brainpower and image to become an American legend.

Ultimately though, he was controlled opposition like the vast majority of the GOP.
I get that too.
I think all these self important fellows have varying degrees of A and I.
Apathy and indifference.
IE, they don't give a shit.
Trey Gowdy talks a good game, and makes great YouTube clips.

But from a results perspective, Gowdy was all-bark, no-bite — All-Talk, No-Action.

He’s like the Carmelo Anthony of politics — impressive stats with literally nothing to show for it.

Gowdy was extremely disappointing, for what he could been — he had the raw talent, brainpower and image to become an American legend.

Ultimately though, he was controlled opposition like the vast majority of the GOP.
Absolutely right.
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I disagree; clearly Trey is a Dapper Dan man.
He's gotta bigger dick than Hilly and Barry for sure