Miss Helsinki

Hey, when I think of hot Finnish women, she's at the top of the list.
I kept telling people, anyone who would listen, "if we keep going down this 'multiculturalism' road, we are going to have black women winning beauty pageants." No one heeded my warning. Now Finland has a black Miss Helsinki, and she isn't very good looking! This is too important to ignore!
I kept telling people, anyone who would listen, "if we keep going down this 'multiculturalism' road, we are going to have black women winning beauty pageants." No one heeded my warning. Now Finland has a black Miss Helsinki, and she isn't very good looking! This is too important to ignore!

On a serious note. Besides the small things like food, music, dance. What are the actual advantages of multiculturalism?
On a serious note. Besides the small things like food, music, dance. What are the actual advantages of multiculturalism?
Cultural and intellectual dynamism.
Lower propensity produce works such as Mein Kampf.
Cultural and intellectual dynamism.

Please expound on this. Also, include real examples.

What does this even mean?

Lower propensity produce works such as Mein Kampf.

Not buying this at all. It wasn't a lack of Jews that resulted in the writing of Mein Kampf. Genocide is never a result of a lack of diversity. It's typically a sick overreaction to diversity and feeling of some type of threat. Oh, and that's not an argument against diversity or multi-culturalism on my end. It's just my reasoning for not buying the above as an advantage.
Please expound on this. Also, include real examples.
Britain has reproduced the same philosopher over and over for the last 200-300 years. Locke, Bentham, Hobbes, Mill. Same for France. Camus, Sartre, Foucault, Derrida, Baudrillard. Same for Germany. Kant, Nietzsche, Heidegger. This goes doubly for China and Japan. I contend this is a result of cultural stasis.
On the other hand, you have then entire founding of this country based on the synthesis of ideas from Puritans (New England), Cosmopolitans (New York), Germans (Pennsyvania), Catholics (Maryland), Patricians (Virginia), and however you want to classify the South. During the industrial revolution the British outward looking obsession with trade, and German inward industrialization were sub optimal. The American system was a superior synthesis. Final example is the development of the Nuclear Bomb.

What does this even mean?
Adopting Libertarian framing here (is that passe` yet?), free exchange maximizes utility, government interference with free exchange is immoral. Capitalism is great because you get an entire grocery aisle of different deodorants. Why does the same not apply to elements of culture? Hard to say I have freedom of religion when the only church for 100 miles is Lutheran. You can have any color of car you like as long as it is black. You can have any style of dress you like as long as it is a business suit. I feel like I am spending more time on this than necessary, we can come back to it if you like.

Not buying this at all. It wasn't a lack of Jews that resulted in the writing of Mein Kampf. Genocide is never a result of a lack of diversity. It's typically a sick overreaction to diversity and feeling of some type of threat. Oh, and that's not an argument against diversity or multi-culturalism on my end. It's just my reasoning for not buying the above as an advantage.
My contention here is a lack of mutliculturalism meant that the Jews and Slavs weren't German. Multiculturalism means that Jews and Slavs can become German, not just live in Germany. Insisting on a mono culture leads to that type of ethnonationalism that leads to Mein Kampfs. There is a difference between multiculturalism and immigration, and the arguments for and against are different. I do think that we can agree based on the Nazi Germany example that you really should restrict immigration if you can't do multiculturalism. Finland should keep out most the Nigerians if they aren't willing to let Nigerians win their pageants.
Multiculturalism and cultural diversity, are they the same?

I think, but could be wrong, the outrage to the Nigerian winner is the suspicion that she won because she's black.
Cultural and intellectual dynamism.
Lower propensity produce works such as Mein Kampf.

Cultural and intellectual dynamism: Yea! Our women can now be expected to wear Rape pants; our teachers are forced to learn a second language so they can teach their classes in both English and Spanish and thus our school quality suffers; the house-cleaners, yard-workers, and agricultural labor are certainly raising the intellectual quota of the country. Don't be an intellectually dishonest Dem and try to count legal and managed immigration of highly educated visa'd workers who do provide intellectual dynamism with the flood of illegal immigrants coming from Central America or the poor and uneducated ME refugees.

Choices: I need a Central American here so I can have tacos? The freedom of choice to live your life as you'd like is available whether or not illegal immigrants are allowed in the country. Unless of course your choice is to be simple and American. That was thrown out, as now all government docs are done in multiple languages, that $18/hour roofing job just went away to an illegal who will gladly do it for $10/hr. That 2nd grade Oklahoma school teacher now has to be able to translate his or her lessons in two languages, etc. The local 'Y' has to set aside times where men and women don't interact so as to not offend sensitive Arab eyes with women in yoga pants and bathing suits.

Lower propensity produce works negative works: Interesting. I actually agree. I think that's how such barbaric acceptance of what appear to be Koran teachings continue to thrive in the Middle East. A complete disavowing of any secular work or culture is fully accepted by those cultures. Unfortunately, what seems to be lost among the multiculturalism crowd is that not all cultures are equally accepting of each other. Like Oil and water can't mix, there is clear evidence that some cultures will not integrate into a society, and to attempt to force it for artificial reasons (multiculturalism) fails violently.

In the end, our multiculturalism strategy provides three benefits*: 1) Cheap labor. 2) That warm spirit of feeling that we lifted someone from a worse situation. 3) To grow the dependent base of the country and thus empower the role and need for expansive government. None of which provide any real or tangible benefit to the native populace.

What's really funny, is that we are the only ones who don't seem to get it. You can't be an illegal in Mexico. You can't traipse around Saudi Arabia in shorts and tee-shirts. In fact, you can't even visit Saudi Arabia for non-work unless you are Arab.
Multiculturalism and a robust system of integrating motivated immigrants (ie. melting pot) are distinctly unrelated. Multiculturalism does not create culture or intellectual dynamism, nor any other worthless nothing burger words you hear at sales meetings.

It creates cultural bubbles - tumors, if you will, that exist independently of the host nation, full of culturally unassimilated (to one degree or another) populations that relate more to that bubble than to their earned citizenship. How can you look at what is going on in Europe and suggest that multiculturalism is a good thing for those countries and cultures? It's cultural suicide. And that's not the same as being xenophobic, racist or etc. It's just being a realist.

Now, the way we traditionally have handled immigration to this country - bringing in qualified, vetted immigrants who add to the existing culture rather than living autonomously within it - this is what creates a stronger society with global (not globalist) influences on culture. Conflating these two things is really disingenuous.
Multiculturalism and a robust system of integrating motivated immigrants (ie. melting pot) are distinctly unrelated. Multiculturalism does not create culture or intellectual dynamism, nor any other worthless nothing burger words you hear at sales meetings.

It creates cultural bubbles - tumors, if you will, that exist independently of the host nation, full of culturally unassimilated (to one degree or another) populations that relate more to that bubble than to their earned citizenship. How can you look at what is going on in Europe and suggest that multiculturalism is a good thing for those countries and cultures? It's cultural suicide. And that's not the same as being xenophobic, racist or etc. It's just being a realist.

Now, the way we traditionally have handled immigration to this country - bringing in qualified, vetted immigrants who add to the existing culture rather than living autonomously within it - this is what creates a stronger society with global (not globalist) influences on culture. Conflating these two things is really disingenuous.
Multiculturalism vs cultural diversity in some really pretty prose. Thanks for posting that Mega.
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Multiculturalism and a robust system of integrating motivated immigrants (ie. melting pot) are distinctly unrelated. Multiculturalism does not create culture or intellectual dynamism, nor any other worthless nothing burger words you hear at sales meetings.

It creates cultural bubbles - tumors, if you will, that exist independently of the host nation, full of culturally unassimilated (to one degree or another) populations that relate more to that bubble than to their earned citizenship. How can you look at what is going on in Europe and suggest that multiculturalism is a good thing for those countries and cultures? It's cultural suicide. And that's not the same as being xenophobic, racist or etc. It's just being a realist.

Now, the way we traditionally have handled immigration to this country - bringing in qualified, vetted immigrants who add to the existing culture rather than living autonomously within it - this is what creates a stronger society with global (not globalist) influences on culture. Conflating these two things is really disingenuous.
Thank you for your spirited defense of multiculturalism.
This thread needs more hot Finnish chicks. You nerdy brainiacs are killing this thread.

Cultural and intellectual dynamism: Yea! Our women can now be expected to wear Rape pants;
Ah yes, that is the first step in multiculturalism, legalizing rape.

our teachers are forced to learn a second language so they can teach their classes in both English and Spanish and thus our school quality suffers; the house-cleaners, yard-workers, and agricultural labor are certainly raising the intellectual quota of the country.
Before we had Mexicans no one cleaned houses, worked yards or labored in agriculture.

Don't be an intellectually dishonest Dem and try to count legal and managed immigration of highly educated visa'd workers who do provide intellectual dynamism with the flood of illegal immigrants coming from Central America or the poor and uneducated ME refugees.
In this thread I learned certain people cannot distinguish immigration from multiculturalism.

Choices: I need a Central American here so I can have tacos?
You need Central American Culture.

The freedom of choice to live your life as you'd like is available whether or not illegal immigrants are allowed in the country. Unless of course your choice is to be simple and American.
If you live in a mono culture, you have no cultural choices. Again, you are the only idiot raving about illegal immigrants here.
That was thrown out, as now all government docs are done in multiple languages,
Yes. What a burden.
that $18/hour roofing job just went away to an illegal who will gladly do it for $10/hr.
Welcome to the free market, asshole.
That 2nd grade Oklahoma school teacher now has to be able to translate his or her lessons in two languages, etc. The local 'Y' has to set aside times where men and women don't interact so as to not offend sensitive Arab eyes with women in yoga pants and bathing suits.
I can see you have strong grip on how things work in the education system. And yes every YMCA has to do that per the orders from Dictator Obama.

Lower propensity produce works negative works: Interesting. I actually agree. I think that's how such barbaric acceptance of what appear to be Koran teachings continue to thrive in the Middle East. A complete disavowing of any secular work or culture is fully accepted by those cultures. Unfortunately, what seems to be lost among the multiculturalism crowd is that not all cultures are equally accepting of each other. Like Oil and water can't mix, there is clear evidence that some cultures will not integrate into a society, and to attempt to force it for artificial reasons (multiculturalism) fails violently.
Brilliant idea. Lets copy Middle Easts approach to culture.

In the end, our multiculturalism strategy provides three benefits*: 1) Cheap labor. 2) That warm spirit of feeling that we lifted someone from a worse situation. 3) To grow the dependent base of the country and thus empower the role and need for expansive government. None of which provide any real or tangible benefit to the native populace.
1) You are thinking immigration 2) You are thinking immigration? 3) You are off your meds

What's really funny, is that we are the only ones who don't seem to get it. You can't be an illegal in Mexico. You can't traipse around Saudi Arabia in shorts and tee-shirts. In fact, you can't even visit Saudi Arabia for non-work unless you are Arab.
Mexico and Saudi Arabia, shining cities on the hill.
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Multiculturalism schmulticulturism. Pilt you could f*** up a good wet dream.
Multiculturalism schmulticulturism. Pilt you could f*** up a good wet dream.
You are on the internet, complaining about a lack of hot scantily clad women is like taking a boat to an island and complaining about the lack of ocean.
Thank you for your spirited defense of multiculturalism.

Any chance of you dropping your lame smarmy act long enough to attempt to articulate just WTF you think multiculturalism is? And do you see Syrian refugee flows as part of a good multicultural enrichment program or is that a separate problem/opportunity?

About every 10th post of yours is worthwhile, so make this one of those.
Ah yes, that is the first step in multiculturalism, legalizing rape.

Before we had Mexicans no one cleaned houses, worked yards or labored in agriculture.

In this thread I learned certain people cannot distinguish immigration from multiculturalism.

You need Central American Culture.

If you live in a mono culture, you have no cultural choices. Again, you are the only idiot raving about illegal immigrants here.

Yes. What a burden.

Welcome to the free market, asshole.

I can see you have strong grip on how things work in the education system. And yes every YMCA has to do that per the orders from Dictator Obama.

Brilliant idea. Lets copy Middle Easts approach to culture.

1) You are thinking immigration 2) You are thinking immigration? 3) You are off your meds

Mexico and Saudi Arabia, shining cities on the hill.

Multiculturalism and a robust system of integrating motivated immigrants (ie. melting pot) are distinctly unrelated. Multiculturalism does not create culture or intellectual dynamism, nor any other worthless nothing burger words you hear at sales meetings.

It creates cultural bubbles - tumors, if you will, that exist independently of the host nation, full of culturally unassimilated (to one degree or another) populations that relate more to that bubble than to their earned citizenship. How can you look at what is going on in Europe and suggest that multiculturalism is a good thing for those countries and cultures? It's cultural suicide. And that's not the same as being xenophobic, racist or etc. It's just being a realist.

Now, the way we traditionally have handled immigration to this country - bringing in qualified, vetted immigrants who add to the existing culture rather than living autonomously within it - this is what creates a stronger society with global (not globalist) influences on culture. Conflating these two things is really disingenuous.
Not supported by American history, but whatever...
Looking forward to credible example... Tumors right?
Has the US promoted multiculturalism in the past, or has it been geared more toward assimilation with cultural diversity?

I don't think western countries have ever imported Muslim refugees in mass, at least in modern times. The concept of multiculturalism as I understand it is based on the ability of the different cultures to live side by side within the same country and appreciate each other for their respective diversity (leads to cultural diversity). Mass migration of Muslims to Europe has created situations where the concept of multiculturalism isn't panning out as planned.
Every immigrant group prior to the current Muslim wave understood what it meant to be a good house guest.

It's not like the Jewish peeps view us as equals but they know the rules of being a good guest.

These Muslim dicks are coming in grabbing the remote and drinking your good booze.
I think I finally understand the distinction between immigration and multiculturalism:

If an immigrant does something good, that's immigration. If they do something bad, it's multiculturalism.
I would describe the US as historically biracial not multicultural.
Has the US promoted multiculturalism in the past, or has it been geared more toward assimilation with cultural diversity?
Assimilation with cultural diversity is my working definition of multiculturalism.

One things for sure, the best way to achieve assimilation is to bar black women from being Finnish pageant winners.
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