Mike Johnson calls on Biden to resign

Not at all. Trump's own running mate said he could be America's Hitler and I was quoting him. Vance said that. It is very relevant.

Again, if you have a problem with what Vance said, take it up with him. Good luck, because Vance seems really confused right now.
Except that he’s since renounced that statement, a lie by omission on your part. So it’s either your own statement now, or another one of your lies. A typical lose-lose scenario for you.
Except that he’s since renounced that statement,
So he still said it. He said it when he was being honest. He only renounced it to get Trump's support.


So it’s either your own statement now, or another one of your lies.
It is Vance's statement. And it shows how confused the man is. Which is what I was talking about.

Your own VP nominee claimed Trump could be America's Hitler at one time. lol!😁
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That was Vance's own statement about Trump, not mine. You didn't know Vance said that about Trump?

If you don't like it, take it up with Vance.
He said he was brainwashed by the media and believed it. But once he saw what Trump did, he said it was all lies. Unlike you, he can think for himself.
So he still said it. He said it when he was being honest. He only renounced it to get Trump's support.


It is Vance's statement. And it shows how confused the man is. Which is what I was talking about.

Your own VP nominee claimed Trump could be America's Hitler at one time. lol!😁
Nope. You’re the one who said it, with material omissions. That’s your statement. Own it. Although I know you won’t. You’re the furthest thing possible from a stand-up guy.
Vance said it. Period. He also said a lot of other negative stuff about Trump and Trump's supporters (many who are racist according to Vance) when he was being honest.

btw, I will own what I've said about Trump. Trump is a neo-fascist and is an existential threat to our country. You are a neo-fascist too.
Vance said it. Period. He also said a lot of other negative stuff about Trump and Trump's supporters (many who are racist according to Vance) when he was being honest.

btw, I will own what I've said about Trump. Trump is a neo-fascist and is an existential threat to our country. You are a neo-fascist too.
Vance did not say what you said. Period. This is just another one of your lies that you’ve convinced yourself is true.
Vance did not say what you said.
Yes he did.

"I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler." - JD Vance

Vance also called Trump a moral disaster. He shared comments from others that claimed Trump committed serial sexual assault. He also warned Christians against apologizing for Trump. Need I go on?

Vance was very clear (when he was being honest) about what he thought of Trump. I'm sorry this triggers you so much now but the truth is the truth.

Deal with it.
Yes he did.

"I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler." - JD Vance

Vance also called Trump a moral disaster. He shared comments from others that claimed Trump committed serial sexual assault. He also warned Christians against apologizing for Trump. Need I go on?

Vance was very clear (when he was being honest) about what he thought of Trump. I'm sorry this triggers you so much now but the truth is the truth.

Deal with it.
That’s not what you posted the first time, crawfish. Now you’re changing your stripes to include the material omissions from your original post which misrepresented what his text said. Doctor heal thyself.
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lol, so a Republican conservative was brainwashed by the media? Really?


Are you really that easy? Come on, think for once.
You were brainwashed by lib media, too dumb to realize it, Reps think for themselves. A rock is smarter than you, if they had a negative IQ? You would test lower than a rock.
He said he was brainwashed by the media and believed it. But once he saw what Trump did, he said it was all lies. Unlike you, he can think for himself.

You were brainwashed by lib media, too dumb to realize it, Reps think for themselves. A rock is smarter than you, if they had a negative IQ? You would test lower than a rock.
Another member who can define all seven components of critical thinking. Where this member fails miserably? Getting through to his opponent is completely beyond his reach. What a wonderful site. I cherish the daily skirmishes with those who can think and those with shoe-size IQs.
Yes he did.

"I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad (and might even prove useful) or that he’s America’s Hitler." - JD Vance

Vance also called Trump a moral disaster. He shared comments from others that claimed Trump committed serial sexual assault. He also warned Christians against apologizing for Trump. Need I go on?

Vance was very clear (when he was being honest) about what he thought of Trump. I'm sorry this triggers you so much now but the truth is the truth.

Deal with it.
I watched an old vid we I from 2007 where Biden was pushing the AIDS test as a test that everyone should take. He had obama sitting beside him when sleepy blurted out that Barack has taken the AIDS test. The look on obama's face was of disbelief and rage.
Based on your belief that what was once said in public will always be what is known, my inference is why did obama need to take an AIDS test and is he still taking it. Also, how would sleepy know about the test unless obama told him or if sleepy heard scuttlebutt.
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Not true. The two are clearly not the same.

Vance seems really confused as of late. I'm kinda worried about him. He seems off his game. I wonder if going all in with his American Hitler has really messed with his mind.
As usual, you’re wrong. He dropped out of the race (let’s be honest, he was forced out) because the man does not have the mental capacity to be president for the next four years and his inner circle/ Democratic leaders/ Democratic donors finally opened their eyes and conceded that fact that anyone in the world could see.

The reason that he should resign as president is the very same reason, with the added fact that he currently- like, right now - is incapable of doing the job as president.

It is my bet that he has to be heavily medicated to even go out in public, thus why he’s been bunkered away. Anyone who believes it’s because he has Covid is just naive and too stupid to believe the lie that his handlers are feeding the American people..
From purely a political standpoint, it would be bad to wish Biden to leave office. Your giving your political opponent (Harris) the opportunity to look and act presidential as well as gain oval office experience.
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From purely a political standpoint, it would be bad to wish Biden to leave office. Your giving your political opponent (Harris) the opportunity to look and act presidential as well as gain oval office experience.
The complete opposite is more likely.
She has experience in politics yet that hasn't seemed to have helped her. Dumpster fire of a Veep and the Dims likely don't want her to replace Joe before the election as she would likely be seen for the idiot she has always been.

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