I was a Bernie fan. When I saw we were going to be left with Hillary vs. Trump, I hung my head in dismay.
Here's my main thing: there's nothing wrong with being a candidate who claims to want to go away from the cesspool that is American politics. I totally understand why folks are turned off by Hillary: she's robotic and a career politician. And that's why Trump has any semblance of a chance at all.
However, I strongly question Trump's willingness to: listen to his advisers, world leaders, or pretty much anyone other than himself. If he struck me as anything more than somebody's drunk uncle at a Christmas party, that might not be a bad thing. Plus, you know, "Grab her in the pussy."
This.Mitt Romney was a boring robotic career politician. Hillary is a hopelessly corrupt pathological liar.
I can't understand a principled human voting for her.
I worked in the military/federal environment for 5 years and fully understand the gravity of the whole e-mail thing. We had trainings all the damn time on cyber security, spillage, SCI, SIPRNET, the works. I agree she should have been found guilty. If you or I did what she did, we'd be in prison. No question.I'm not a Trump fan. And I'm not voting for him, but I have literally never encountered a person seriously running for any high office who has less of a clue about how anything in the real world actually works than Bernie Sanders.
Oh, and Hillary is an unconvicted felon who has been part of a full on criminal operation for 15 + years and has been grafting off the public commonweal for 30+ years (at least).
For whatever reason, you are just unable to connect the dots.I think Hillary is deeply flawed, but she's not an out and out fraud like Trump.
I worked in the military/federal environment for 5 years and fully understand the gravity of the whole e-mail thing. We had trainings all the damn time on cyber security, spillage, SCI, SIPRNET, the works. I agree she should have been found guilty. If you or I did what she did, we'd be in prison. No question.
In spite of that--and that's a big thing for me to have to get over--I still believe a Trump presidency would be more disastrous for this country over a full term. I think Hillary is deeply flawed, but she's not an out and out fraud like Trump.
One of the candidates has committed multiple felonies, lied under oath about committing felonies, compromised national security, lied under oath about compromising national security. used a public office to enrich their family, has a terrible foreign policy record, lost 6 billion tax payer dollars, contributed to the deaths of 4 Americans with a reckless arming of "rebels," helped create the most violent and prolific terrorist organization known to current history, helped destabilize two sovereign nations, contributed the the rise of influence and power of Russia and Iran, supported retarded trade deals, and used a "charitable" organization as a personal slush fund.I think Hillary is deeply flawed, but she's not an out and out fraud like Trump.
I'm still not sure who I'm gonna vote for, but it won't be Trump. Don't know enough about Stein if I'm honest. Part of this is just having to come to terms with the fact that Hillary will probably win.Man you are justifying your decision to vote for a criminal. And like the good Marshall I do not say this as a Trump fan boy or even as a likely Trump voter.
Everyone is "deeply flawed." Hillary Clinton makes Richard Nixon look like George Washington.
Bernie sold you out too.
Why not vote Jill Stein? She's at least honest about how terrible Hillary is.
One of the candidates has committed multiple felonies, lied under oath about committing felonies, compromised national security, lied under oath about compromising national security. used a public office to enrich their family, has a terrible foreign policy record, lost 6 billion tax payer dollars, contributed to the deaths of 4 Americans with a reckless arming of "rebels," helped create the most violent and prolific terrorist organization known to current history, helped destabilize two sovereign nations, contributed the the rise of influence and power of Russia and Iran, supported retarded trade deals, and used a "charitable" organization as a personal slush fund.
The other candidate is named Donald Trump, a newcomer to politics.
Real hard decision.
Be careful. I was the same way when I was 18.We will be voting as a family this year. My 18 year old daughter is as deplorable as they come. I raised her well and she sees the BS already...
Like Bernie with a hippy vibe.Don't know enough about Stein if I'm honest.
I agree. Best way to make your vote count.Best advice I was given: Vote for the person who will protect YOUR values...don't vote for a candidate based on THEIRS.
And that's Bernie for you?I agree. Best way to make your vote count.
Being flawed and being a crooked, ignorant, pompous, smug c-word are not the same thing...but, she is both.I worked in the military/federal environment for 5 years and fully understand the gravity of the whole e-mail thing. We had trainings all the damn time on cyber security, spillage, SCI, SIPRNET, the works. I agree she should have been found guilty. If you or I did what she did, we'd be in prison. No question.
In spite of that--and that's a big thing for me to have to get over--I still believe a Trump presidency would be more disastrous for this country over a full term. I think Hillary is deeply flawed, but she's not an out and out fraud like Trump.
I liked what he had to say. Also, he was not Hillary. We all know how that turned out. And as soon as H got the nomination, Bernie went back to independent status because I think he knew the game was fixed. And suddenly the hit pieces against him stopped.And that's Bernie for you?
I was a Bernie fan. When I saw we were going to be left with Hillary vs. Trump, I hung my head in dismay.
I'm not confident Trump could find his way around the White House without getting lost. For four years. I think he is a blithering fool who would eventually stop listening to his advisers, get bored with the job and focus his attention elsewhere before his term was up. I also think he's a misogynistic blowhard with little to no self-awareness.You don't think that Trump knows how to run the country but you are confident that Bernie does?
That blows my mind.
I'm nothing close to a Trump supporter and am voting 3rd party, just for perspective on where I am.
Their argument regarding her corruption record is that all of Washington are crooks and frauds, so why are we only holding it against her. Its actually the one argument I have trouble refuting.
The only people I've encountered who I know are voting for Hillary are doing so because she a woman, and as they are in their upper 60s, they want to see a woman in the White House in their lifetime. Their argument regarding her corruption record is that all of Washington are crooks and frauds, so why are we only holding it against her. Its actually the one argument I have trouble refuting.
I think Hillary is deeply flawed, but she's not an out and out fraud like Trump.
Bernie might have been a bit pie in the sky, but at least he didn't come across as a petulent high schooler in the back of the classroom constantly arguing with the teacher for the sake of argument.
Be careful. I was the same way when I was 18.
My wife leaving me has had a major effect.Damn what could have possibly happened in the last 24 months?
My wife leaving me has had a major effect.
How is that supposed to make me feel better?Well if it makes you feel any better she is doing fine. We would like the video you shot of us and the okc thunder back please.
How is that supposed to make me feel better?
Who is coping here? I pretty sure it is the guy who has been driven to Bill Mitchell to have his worldview validated.
You telling me the blob was correct once in his existence ???