Meanwhile, in North Carolina

That man is a liar. There is no smell of death or people ignored people.
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That man is a liar. There is no smell of death or people ignored people.
My son in law went and will be going back. I sent a few on this board his pictures. My SIL is pissed. They have a small town completely covered in mud that is GONE. People buried alive. Not one recovery. He told me he did not see anything related to FEMA, only about 10 military trucks and they never got out to help.

My SIL said this is a 100% civilian operation right now, the group he found himself with were from Arizona, Colorado, Indiana, and Oklahoma.

You should be pissed at the response of the Fed government, not defending some stupid azz narrative for some stupid reason.
That man is a liar. There is no smell of death or people ignored people.
How do you know this person is lying? Are you there? Been there or in communication with people that are?
We have some very good friends that moved up there to retire. My wife has been able to follow them through Facebook and has been able to get them on the phone a couple of times. The devastation they describe is hard for me to image and while they have seen the National Guard when they managed to go into town they have literally done nothing to help them. Everything they have managed to do to help themselves and others has come from a Go Fund Me page they set up, out of their bank accounts and with the blood sweat and tears of the people caught up in this disaster. The governments relief efforts are abysmal.
It's a damn good thing these are people that have the "take care of themselves" mentality instead of the disaster we saw during Katrina.
101st airborne has been in Chimney Rock awhile. Getting their hands dirty and cleaning the place up.

My SIL was in Black Mountain area as I posted. Plenty in that area have not been reached. Tell you what, do you have a pick-up? If so, join my SIL in going back to Black Mountain so you can find out first hand and help, many people have not been reached and to see for yourself up to this point it has been a massively failed Federal response. This is a handful of guys helping. They need THOUSANDS in the area helping. My SIL said he saw maybe 10 military trucks and none of them were helping, just sitting in their trucks. This has been a civilian rescue for the most part. My SIL risked life and limb getting high up on the mountain to rescue people, why is the military not doing this? Shoveling mud is nice, my SIL even did it. But they need to reach people without electricity and water stuck high up. Many of these people are poor, really poor. It is sickening.
That man is a liar. There is no smell of death or people ignored people.
How can you make that claim when you are comparing an apple to a lemon. Your posted video has some good info. But he never got back up in the nooks and cranny's. very wise of him not to also. he didn't have any horse's or guides. Kind of like seeing the Vegas strip and thinking all of Las Vegas is the same. Did you notice the guy in the chair's advice in the 18-minute area. Is this the U tuber the Ashville businessman talked about in his videos?

Appalachia is a whole other world, Notice the Ashville businessman stated he was not crazy enough to roll up in their property and he lives close, not an outsider, but still town folk. He went into the back woods to set up a supply center for those hill folks not the tourist strip down the riverbed. two different things

It also would not be wise to be nosing around in the woods at this time of the year, least you might stumble over a revenue stream that somebody is protecting

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