Maybe good news for RNC grandson...

Sunburnt Indian

Heisman Candidate
Nov 7, 2001
Edge of the Comancheria
Grandson is 19 free and in Pennsylvania for a fund raiser.

He moves into a new apartment July 23. He's had a room mate since he's been in DC. Daughter tells me he's all excited about being by himself.

It appears his boss may be moving on early next year. It has been rumored grandson might be in line for her position. Trump win or loses the RNC will still be heavily involved in fund raising. No rallies, but plenty of fund raising. Many layoffs are expected after the election, mostly those more heavily involved with rallies. Grandson is heavily involved in both.

Even if boss Elizabeth decides to remain, chances seem to be quite good for grandson remaining. He really likes the DC beat. His mother kinda wishes he'd lose his job and come home.

I'd like to visit grandson and try to get a feel how he leans. Out of college he sought employment with the DNC.

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