May Need To Put Democrats On Suicide Watch

Between Joe's performance last night and the SCOTUS rulings that came out this morning, Democrat voters, who are already unable to control their emotions, just might break down and decide to off themselves. I'm praying for them. :)

Many will not grasp the impact of Chevron Doctrine getting slowed or shot down.

Lefties worlds are in fact collapsing.
It won’t be seen as anything other than a reason to change the structure of the court.

Lib thought leaders are happy as pigs in poop to have something to point at besides Biden’s obvious problems.
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Many will not grasp the impact of Chevron Doctrine getting slowed or shot down.

Lefties worlds are in fact collapsing.
It was worded as a "tombstone" for the chevron doctrine. They could not have been clearer about killing this unconstitutional monstrosity. Congress will have to start doing thier job.

I feel freedom knocking on the door. I need to squeeze off a few rounds so I can smell it as well. I'm excited but there is a lot of work to do still. Can't get ahead of ourselves.
It was worded as a "tombstone" for the chevron doctrine. They could not have been clearer about killing this unconstitutional monstrosity. Congress will have to start doing thier job.

I feel freedom knocking on the door. I need to squeeze off a few rounds so I can smell it as well. I'm excited but there is a lot of work to do still. Can't get ahead of ourselves.
No doubt, no doubt at all that there is much more to do.

I view most of the SCOTUS rulings are inflection points. In this case, we have seen literally decades of Chevron Deference expansion creating our Swamp, Deep State, anti-Citizen monstrosity.

This would appear as one of several inflection points indicating Rule of Lenity growing and replacing the Deep State Expansion.
Still much to do, and of course infinite ways the Uniparty could yet again thwart any reduction in the Deep State expansion.
In a utopian world Chevron would make sense but in the real world, where we have radical activist that are prone to abuse any power they have to get what they want, it doesn't work.

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