Harry, try and look at this rationally. If border security has been an issue for voters for decades (decades?) there would have been a plethora of politicians who would have jumped on it as an issue they could exploit. The fact that no politician before Trump had seriously approached the issue should be evidence enough for you to understand that the public has not considered it to be an emergency. This whole thing is a manufactured crisis designed to frighten people into begging the government (through Trump) to usurp our individual sovereignty. I don't think Trump necessarily looks at it that way, I think he understands he has found a hook that he can use to lure people into following him, voting for him. Unfortunately it will lead to the next president and then the next president claiming authority because of his precedent, until the day comes some generation down the line will look up and realize their liberty has been squandered.

*sigh* even hard core centerline Dan got sucked into this leftist propaganda.
@Syskatine just another in a long and distinguished line of failed political posturing for your unimpressive 24/7 resume.

How is the treatment of people at the border not a manufactured crisis?
Although @07pilt I’m pretty sure “manufactured crisis”referred to Trump declaring an emergency at the border because it was clearly no big deal.

You seem confused lil fella.
was that emergency declaration used to treat people at the border better?
So a bank who previously probably had no problem loaning money to a home buyer who couldn't afford the mortgage is now getting all moralistic and whatnot. Probably more like the free pub will have people running to their buildings and opening accounts because of the amazingly hard stance they took.

This message was approved by Dick's Sporting Goods.
Just remember- clear away the smoke and bullshit, and know this entire thing is about recruiting scared indebted illegal voters and below the poverty line labor.
This is the greatest example of projection I have ever seen.
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Sure. Dehumanize me as lacking altruism, while you no doubt are awash in it. Classic.

You are quite the humanitarian.
Dehumanizing? I would say I was just point out one of your many personality flaws, and it was in response to you "Dehumanizing" everyone that thinks we should treat immigrants better by attributing ulterior Machiavellian motives.
Africans?!? Oh my

First, dehumanize a lack of altruism (making sure to claim plenty for yourself by comparison) and then mock the observation of “migrants” from Africa using our open border crisis to gain access because there must be some sinister reason (rather than an obvious geographic inconsistency) for me - having no sense of altruism- to be alarmed.

I’m guessing racism? I mean a person who lacks altruism is basically a nazi concentration camp guard so wouldn’t an accusation of racism be anticlimactic?
First, dehumanize a lack of altruism (making sure to claim plenty for yourself by comparison) and then mock the observation of “migrants” from Africa using our open border crisis to gain access because there must be some sinister reason (rather than an obvious geographic inconsistency) for me - having no sense of altruism- to be alarmed.

I’m guessing racism? I mean a person who lacks altruism is basically a nazi concentration camp guard so wouldn’t an accusation of racism be anticlimactic?
It seems that Democrats are objecting to treating people at the border better. Initially no crisis, now crisis but we aren't going to do anything but screech at the sky.
Doesn't sound accurate to me
First, dehumanize a lack of altruism (making sure to claim plenty for yourself by comparison) and then mock the observation of “migrants” from Africa using our open border crisis to gain access because there must be some sinister reason (rather than an obvious geographic inconsistency) for me - having no sense of altruism- to be alarmed.

I’m guessing racism? I mean a person who lacks altruism is basically a nazi concentration camp guard so wouldn’t an accusation of racism be anticlimactic?
Doing a lot of guessing lately
Does randomly linking epochtimes tweets without comment count as being enigmatic?
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*sigh* even hard core centerline Dan got sucked into this leftist propaganda.

I continue to believe it is a manufactured crisis. I just don't know who's doing the manufacturing. The concern about illegal immigration was not believed to be an A-list priority by most Americans (and certainly not by any other politicians) until Donald Trump began his campaign. He threw a bunch of issues against the wall to see what would stick, what he could exploit, and he landed on immigration as a hot button issue he could have to himself. None of the other politicians had seen it as something they could exploit, so DJT had it all to himself, which he hammered relentlessly, the result of which his adoring sycophants bought into 100%. So from that perspective it was a crisis manufactured by Trump.

Since his inauguration the issue was moved to the front burner as something Trump could use to prove to his base he is "saving" them from an invasion. But apparently it has become an invasion. We are watching caravans of people gathered in seemingly endless lines as they march toward our border. But it is obvious the lines are being organized by someone. It's not like a trickle of people started trekking to America and spontaneously were joined by thousands of others along the way. No, these caravans are organized and funded by someone. I just don't know who.

One cynic might say Trump is doing it surreptitiously to keep his base in full on rabid devotion. (Because, God knows, the base is rabidly devoted to just ,about everything the man says.) I suppose that is possible, I wouldn't put it past the man, but I don't think he is the culprit.

It possibly is being sponsored by left-wing lunatics who see an opportunity to divide the country even further. There are a lot of reasons to suspect that. It would put pressure on every aspect of the government. Overwhelm the facilities, get as many potential "socialist" voters into the country as possible, create chaos on the border, inflame tensions between the USA and Mexico (and Canada, too, for that matter), prove to the left-wing base what a heartless monster Trump really is, driving a bigger voter turnout in the 2020 election. That is the true culprit, IMO.

But whoever is driving the issue, there is little doubt in my mind that it is being manufactured. Manufactured by both sides as a chance to keep their fans engaged and hating each other with a white-hot passion. I would say it's a manufactured crisis that is doing exactly what the manufacturers want it to do.