How many times did the left and Democratic party parrot this the last 6-8 months?
The backbone.....
The backbone.....
Harry, try and look at this rationally. If border security has been an issue for voters for decades (decades?) there would have been a plethora of politicians who would have jumped on it as an issue they could exploit. The fact that no politician before Trump had seriously approached the issue should be evidence enough for you to understand that the public has not considered it to be an emergency. This whole thing is a manufactured crisis designed to frighten people into begging the government (through Trump) to usurp our individual sovereignty. I don't think Trump necessarily looks at it that way, I think he understands he has found a hook that he can use to lure people into following him, voting for him. Unfortunately it will lead to the next president and then the next president claiming authority because of his precedent, until the day comes some generation down the line will look up and realize their liberty has been squandered.
How is the treatment of people at the border not a manufactured crisis?
was that emergency declaration used to treat people at the border better?Although @07pilt I’m pretty sure “manufactured crisis”referred to Trump declaring an emergency at the border because it was clearly no big deal.
You seem confused lil fella.
was that emergency declaration used to treat people at the border better?
This is the greatest example of projection I have ever seen.Just remember- clear away the smoke and bullshit, and know this entire thing is about recruiting scared indebted illegal voters and below the poverty line labor.
This is the greatest example of projection I have ever seen.
You are projecting your lack of altruism on others.Explain if you are able.
You are projecting your lack of altruism on others.
Dehumanizing? I would say I was just point out one of your many personality flaws, and it was in response to you "Dehumanizing" everyone that thinks we should treat immigrants better by attributing ulterior Machiavellian motives.Sure. Dehumanize me as lacking altruism, while you no doubt are awash in it. Classic.
You are quite the humanitarian.
It seems that Democrats are objecting to treating people at the border better. Initially no crisis, now crisis but we aren't going to do anything but screech at the sky.was that emergency declaration used to treat people at the border better?
Africans?!? Oh my
alTRuiSMFirst, dehumanize a lack of altruism (making sure to claim plenty for yourself by comparison) and then mock the observation of “migrants” from Africa using our open border crisis to gain access because there must be some sinister reason (rather than an obvious geographic inconsistency) for me - having no sense of altruism- to be alarmed.
I’m guessing racism? I mean a person who lacks altruism is basically a nazi concentration camp guard so wouldn’t an accusation of racism be anticlimactic?
Doesn't sound accurate to meIt seems that Democrats are objecting to treating people at the border better. Initially no crisis, now crisis but we aren't going to do anything but screech at the sky.
Doing a lot of guessing latelyFirst, dehumanize a lack of altruism (making sure to claim plenty for yourself by comparison) and then mock the observation of “migrants” from Africa using our open border crisis to gain access because there must be some sinister reason (rather than an obvious geographic inconsistency) for me - having no sense of altruism- to be alarmed.
I’m guessing racism? I mean a person who lacks altruism is basically a nazi concentration camp guard so wouldn’t an accusation of racism be anticlimactic?
Doing a lot of guessing lately
Obtuse?Unavoidable when engaging a purposely obtuse person who thinks they are being enigmatic and deep.
Which part? You do know you can read the House bill yourself, right?Doesn't sound accurate to me
The whole thing rings false to meWhich part? You do know you can read the House bill yourself, right?
Because Democrats would never pimp a crisis for political reasons? Or are we back to no crisis?The whole thing rings false to me
*sigh* even hard core centerline Dan got sucked into this leftist propaganda.