

Heisman Winner
Oct 13, 2015
rfkjr running make america healthy again is getting wheels

this women represents the mandate brought by the american people and why you will see justice and accountability able to be served

instead of the muddy slog of 20 election was rightfully changed due to fraud

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rfkjr running make america healthy again is getting wheels

this women represents the mandate brought by the american people and why you will see justice and accountability able to be served

instead of the muddy slog of 20 election was rightfully changed due to fraud

One of the first things that need to be put under the microscope is statin drugs and the obsession with cholesterol as a boogey man.
One of the first things that need to be put under the microscope is statin drugs and the obsession with cholesterol as a boogey man.
Agree 100% on both. Was just reading about a study yesterday on statins that found among dementia patients, as soon as you took them OFF statins, their condition improved. As soon as they went BACK on statins, their condition worsened.
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Keto and carnivore reverse a lot of chronic diseases. Meat and saturated fat are not the issue. Carbs, grains (all of them) and sugar are the problem. Anything that spikes your glucose will eventually lead to pre or full blown diabetes and heart disease. Carbs, Sugars and grains will jack up your glucose.

The doctor I met when I got diagnosed with diabetes basically told me in so many words to do keto and I would reverse my diabetes. Now he was anti-fat but having studied this for over a year and a half I believe those are myths that have been perpetuated from decades old conventional wisdom in the healthcare field with very little actual science.

My story:
Statins are kicking my @ss and I am at least 4 months out of getting rid of them. Then I get the privilege of using a non-statin injectable to fight high LDL.

Since I do not know if I have arterial inflammation it is in my best interest to control the cholesterol because if I do have inflammation it will clog my arteries.

If I do not have the inflammation, the drugs are a waste of time and money and will do nothing for my health.

Keto and intermittent fasting (I.F.) have seen me lose 40 lbs and have excellent bloodwork.
For those who do not know, a healthy A1C is 5.6 or below. Anything above is prediabetic or diabetic.

March 2023 a1c 11 ( Blood is as thick as molasses at this level causing me to have heart failure. I wore a heart monitor/defib for 2 months 24/7 except to shower)

So TPTB wanted to manage my disease. That was not good enough for me. I am the healthiest I have been in 30 years. The High Blood Pressure is hereditary and I am probably stuck with meds BUT I will try natural means before I give in or up. Diabetes is in remission and is controlled mainly with diet.

June 2023 a1c 4.6 (came off the pancreas function/insulin producing med. The liver function med/metformin cut from 2000 mg to 1000mg. Quit the daily finger stick as hypoglycemia was no longer an issue. )

Oct 2023 a1c 5.7

(Nov 2023 told heart function is in normal range again. Tai Chi, walking, weight training and Keto! )

April 2024 a1c 5.1
Oct 2024 a1c 5.6 ( metformin cut to 500 mg)

I am a bit lax right now but Jan will see me go strict Keto/Carnivore with I.F. to make sure that I am again under 5.7 and hopefully off all diabetes meds by April 2025.

Current Youtube list: Every kind of Keto/carnivore, low/no carb, zero sugar dessert known to man, LOL. Holidays are coming up and I want to scratch that itch for sweets. Also testing carnivore/keto "breads." They don't have wheat or grains in them and are not actually bread. They use things like cheese and coconut/pecan flour etc.

So there are some doctors out there that are trying to break out of the Big Pharma disease management model and help us be more healthy through diet and other lifestyle changes. These are the ones I follow on Youtube and my numbers speak for themselves.
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One of the first things that need to be put under the microscope is statin drugs and the obsession with cholesterol as a boogey man.
I think if this is done they'll find statins are legit, and the need to reduce cholesterol is a good thing. Just my previously high cholesterol, stents placed opinion.
I think if this is done they'll find statins are legit, and the need to reduce cholesterol is a good thing. Just my previously high cholesterol, stents placed opinion.
Oh I think it has a place in some but not most cases.

I may be one of those as the high cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure are hereditary. But one study, and I don't have a link, showed that you only extend life by 4 days on average with statin drugs.

I am having tendonitis and muscle damage from minor tweaks. I go back in 2 months to see if I am still having adverse effects. If so then a reduction in dose and 2 more months. If I am still having issues with injuries and/or tendonitis, I will be recommended for the non-statin injectable.

Cholesterol is necessary for health.

I don't know your case but most heart disease is a result of arterial inflammation. If you can control or reverse that then cholesterol will not clog your arteries. It only does that if you have lesions that it is attempting to patch. Diabetes and probably pre-diabetes can damage your arteries. HBP as well.

If I didn't have HBP and a predisposition for diabetes I would have already told my Drs. to pound sand on the statins.

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