Look at this bumbling idiot

The Biden victory was a major win for us Conservative Republicans.
It is hilarious how you are trying real hard to turn a loss for conservative Republicans into a win.

The Biden victory was in no way a win for conservative Republicans. It would be much better right now for conservatives to have a President doing their bidding in the White House than Biden. That is just a fact. Anyone who thinks other wise is engaging in some major political spin.

The notion that Biden helps conservative chances in 2024 is just a theory at this point. A theory that you conservatives want to believe and thus, you believe it.

If Biden is re-elected or another Democrat wins the White House in '24, it is going to be hilarious watching you still trying to claim this was a "major" win for conservative Republicans!🤣
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Had the press done it’s job leading up to the elections and not thrown him softball questions and littered his path to the Presidency with rose petals, he would have never been elected. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
No I don't know this.

Besides the fact that Biden did get tough questions, Biden was running against Trump, a very unpopular President. That was the big advantage Biden had, he was running against Trump. Americans dislike of Trump literally helped Biden win the White House.

And '24 will be the same story if Republicans are stupid enough to nominate Trump again. Trump immediately gives an advantage to the Democratic nominee just because of who Trump is.

Biden acts like a dictator, he should not be questioned. Walks out and takes no questions. Gets really angry when he is questioned again on a question that he does not answer.
This whole bit is hilarious coming from a Trump supporter. How often did Trump get angry when he was questioned? How often did he insult reporters who dared to ask him a rough question? Did that make Trump a dictator in your mind?🙄

Most Presidents hold events where they don't take questions. Such action is not unusual, regardless of what Fox News tells you.

Biden had an almost two hour long press conference and you right-wingers still complain about him not answering questions.🙄 There is nothing Biden can do to make you guys happy. Nothing.

You all said Trump would gets the US in a war,
I never said this.

Biden did get us out of a twenty year war though (something Trump didn't do). Any praise from you right-wingers? Nope.

Biden is either leading the US to war, or he is leading the US to political and military insignificance that it has never seen since the end of WW2.
Biden is leading us to war as he got us out of a war?🙄

And news flash to you, under Trump, our international significance was greatly harmed. I know you won't believe this, but it was the truth. Our allies were seriously worried about us and nutcase Trump.
Simply standing in front of the press answering questions for two hours is some kind of superhuman feat. SMFH.
I never said it was a superhuman feat. But it isn't easy. It is something that all Presidents must prepare for and be on their game for.

Like I said, I'd love to see you and some of the other clowns on this board do it. After just ten minutes, I think you would have a lot more respect for our Presidents, regardless of political party.
I never said it was a superhuman feat. But it isn't easy. It is something that all Presidents must prepare for and be on their game for.

Like I said, I'd love to see you and some of the other clowns on this board do it. After just ten minutes, I think you would have a lot more respect for our Presidents, regardless of political party.

I could do it. I argue with npr reporters all the time and I always win.
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I never said it was a superhuman feat. But it isn't easy. It is something that all Presidents must prepare for and be on their game for.

Like I said, I'd love to see you and some of the other clowns on this board do it. After just ten minutes, I think you would have a lot more respect for our Presidents, regardless of political party.
How hard is it to answer questions when you are the subject matter expert? It's not unless you are not the SME. If you had any real world expereince you would know this but since you deliver groceries for a living you are in awe of a bumbling idiot being subject to elder abuse on the national stage.
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I never said it was a superhuman feat. But it isn't easy. It is something that all Presidents must prepare for and be on their game for.

Like I said, I'd love to see you and some of the other clowns on this board do it. After just ten minutes, I think you would have a lot more respect for our Presidents, regardless of political party.

if only there were examples of a bald but competent senator Joe Biden talking to reporters in the 80’s and 90’s. If you don’t see a difference then you need to reevaluate your life.
How hard is it to answer questions when you are the subject matter expert?
But according to you, Biden isn't an expert on anything. Yet, he stood before the national press for two hours and answered their questions on about everything.

I agree btw, a President has to be an expert on all the issues the press could throw at him heading into a press conference. That is my point, one that apparently has gone completely over your head as usual.
But according to you, Biden isn't an expert on anything. Yet, he stood before the national press for two hours and answered their questions on about everything.

I agree btw, a President has to be an expert on all the issues the press could throw at him heading into a press conference. That is my point, one that apparently has gone completely over your head as usual.

What was Ukraine’s response to Biden’s shit show? I saw it on Fox News, where did you and @Been Jammin see it?
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What is the most biased liberal thing Peter Doocy has done while covering the White House?

Was Doocy's question yesterday biased liberal?

woops you forgot to answer my question. Probably an accidental oversight and you are about to embarrass me with lots of facts that specifically address my claim.

but yes Peter doocy does mess up the utopia of a 100% leftist press. I’m sorry that there has to be one, do you think Joe will be ok?
but yes Peter doocy does mess up the utopia of a 100% leftist press.

Best you could come up with huh? So you agree that Fox News' White House correspondent isn't "fair and balanced?"

btw, Biden got a lot of solid/tough questions yesterday from that so-called leftist press you referenced. Guess you only watched Doocy's question though!🤣
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Best you could come up with huh? So you agree that Fox News' White House corespondent isn't "fair and balanced?"

btw, Biden got a lot of solid/tough questions yesterday from that so-called leftist press you referenced. Guess you only watched Doocy's question though!🤣

my position, please try to pay attention, has always been that Fox has the most fair news people during the day. I never said they didn’t employ more conservatives than marxists.

Like the other guy said, you die on every hill. You think the press is hard on Biden? They threw him the first hard questions since he declared as a candidate and he looked like a complete idiot. A bumbling fool. But in true fascist form you are concerned with the one conservative that gets to represent 74 million people by himself.
But according to you, Biden isn't an expert on anything. Yet, he stood before the national press for two hours and answered their questions on about everything.

I agree btw, a President has to be an expert on all the issues the press could throw at him heading into a press conference. That is my point, one that apparently has gone completely over your head as usual.
Based on Biden's press conference yesterday there is no doubt he is NOT a SME even though as the President he should be. That's kind of the point and thanks for helping me make it.
So far, you have a lot of egg on your face from this thread. You are really struggling tonight.

Perhaps next time, actually get off Fox News and see what CNN is reporting? Maybe?😁

you are literally cropping out my questions because you are too ignorant to address them.
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my position, please try to pay attention, has always been that Fox has the most fair news people during the day. I never said they didn’t employ more conservatives than marxists.

Like the other guy said, you die on every hill. You think the press is hard on Biden? They threw him the first hard questions since he declared as a candidate and he looked like a complete idiot. A bumbling fool. But in true fascist form you are concerned with the one conservative that gets to represent 74 million people by himself.

So you agree that Fox News' White House correspondent isn't "fair and balanced?"

They threw him the first hard questions since he declared as a candidate and he looked like a complete idiot. A bumbling fool.
This is your right-wing opinion and what I fully expect you to think. You will never praise Biden for anything.

That is why you love Fox News so much after all.
Based on Biden's press conference yesterday there is no doubt he is NOT a SME even though as the President he should be.
Again, this is your right-wing opinion because you will never give Biden credit for anything.

btw, I bet you didn't even notice the recent shift in political strategy that Biden once again showed in the press conference, did you?
It is hilarious how you are trying real hard to turn a loss for conservative Republicans into a win.

The Biden victory was in no way a win for conservative Republicans. It would be much better right now for conservatives to have a President doing their bidding in the White House than Biden. That is just a fact. Anyone who thinks other wise is engaging in some major political spin.

The notion that Biden helps conservative chances in 2024 is just a theory at this point. A theory that you conservatives want to believe and thus, you believe it.

If Biden is re-elected or another Democrat wins the White House in '24, it is going to be hilarious watching you still trying to claim this was a "major" win for conservative Republicans!🤣
It is a win in the sense that it demonstrates 81 million were fooled by the left wing democrats. Republicans cannot lose in the current situation. There is mounting political change to suggest Republicans will take the House and Senate in 2022. This spells further failure for the Lame Duck Biden. Biden's failures between now and Nov 2023 will insure a Republican moves into the White House. And if Biden fails (high chance) miserably in 2024 it will be hilarious watching you make excuses. Biden's Presidency based on his ever declining approval rating is a win for Republicans. We told you so!
It is a win in the sense that it demonstrates 81 million were fooled by the left wing democrats.
So losing the White House is now a political win?


Republicans cannot lose in the current situation.
Sure they can.

Just like Republicans lost the current situation they were in back in 1994 and 2010. Study some history.

And if Biden fails (high chance) miserably in 2024 it will be hilarious watching you make excuses.
What if he doesn't fail in 2024 though? What if Republicans overreach if they take back the House in 2022, and play right into Biden's hand?

You right-wingers thought Biden was going to fail against Trump in 2020. How that work out for you?

2024 is a long way off. No one has any clue where this country will be at then or what the major issues will be during that campaign. And if Republicans nominate Trump again, that will only help the Democrats' chances.

I'm sure though if the Democrats keep the White House in '24, you will be on here trying to tell us all how that win really helped conservative Republicans though!🤣🤣
So losing the White House is now a political win?


Sure they can.

Just like Republicans lost the current situation they were in back in 1994 and 2010. Study some history.

What if he doesn't fail in 2024 though? What if Republicans overreach if they take back the House in 2022, and play right into Biden's hand?

You right-wingers thought Biden was going to fail against Trump in 2020. How that work out for you?

2024 is a long way off. No one has any clue where this country will be at then or what the major issues will be during that campaign. And if Republicans nominate Trump again, that will only help the Democrats' chances.

I'm sure though if the Democrats keep the White House in '24, you will be on here trying to tell us all how that win really helped conservative Republicans though!🤣🤣
I did not reside in the USA prior to 2012 and had little interest in American politics. Losing the White House under the current Biden failures and existing circumstances is a win. You cannot be feeling good about your leftist chances in 2022 or 2024.
I did not reside in the USA prior to 2012 and had little interest in American politics.
Well, let me remind you.

1994 was a horrible year for Clinton. It was the year of the "Republican Revolution." Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1952. Everyone was writing Clinton's political obituary. He was being called a lame duck. Republicans were very confident that they would take back the White House in 1996 and that new Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich would usher in Republican control of D.C. for years to come.

How that work out for Republicans?

In 2010, Obama's popularity was the lowest it got during his eight years. The Tea Party was a massive movement. In the midterms, Republicans took back control of the House. Republicans were very confident about 2012 and thought Obama had gone too far to the left and exposed himself as a socialist to the American people.

How that work out for Republicans?

Losing the White House under the current Biden failures and existing circumstances is a win.

And he doubles down with the foolishness.

You cannot be feeling good about your leftist chances in 2022 or 2024.
I fully expect Republicans to have a good midterm because that is historically what happens during the first term of a President. And I fully expect Republicans to overreach afterwards.

As for 2024, I feel very good about Democrats chances if Trump is the Republican nominee again.
I did not reside in the USA prior to 2012 and had little interest in American politics. Losing the White House under the current Biden failures and existing circumstances is a win. You cannot be feeling good about your leftist chances in 2022 or 2024.
Virginia said no to regressive policies. How long has it been since Virginia had a Republican governor? And he started kicking that regressive ass the day he was sworn in.

Democrats have alienated parents by belittling them, shoving leftist nonsense down kids throats, acting like the parents are terrorists (that's an embarrassing scandal), and have been very clear that THEY KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR YOUR CHILD. That's the shot that sank the regressives ship. It's going to be fun to watch.
How long has it been since Virginia had a Republican governor?
2010-2014, Bob McDonnell.

He was elected in 2009, Obama's first year in office. Republicans celebrated back then also and read too much into the win, thinking it spelled political doom for Obama.

Political history often repeats itself. One can learn from it if one takes the time to know and understand it.
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