Liberal Dem Tulsi Gabbard on Clinton, Obama/Biden spy organization

Probably, but maybe not. If she has Joe Rogan, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taubbi, Aaron Mate, Jimmy Dore, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders and others raising an unrelenting insistence to have her included it might sway things her way. Probably not, but weirder things have happened.
Lol at Aaron mate and Jimmy dore making that list.
Lol at Aaron mate and Jimmy dore making that list.
What is it about Aaron Mate and Jimmy Dore that you find so humorous? Are you thinking they don’t have a large enough following to have an impact? Or do you think they are not serious people? The one I though might make you LOL is Bernie Sanders.
What is it about Aaron Mate and Jimmy Dore that you find so humorous? Are you thinking they don’t have a large enough following to have an impact? Or do you think they are not serious people? The one I though might make you LOL is Bernie Sanders.
They are pretty small time compared to everyone else you listed
What do you think are odds are she is positioning herself to run for president again? She would have no chance as a Democrat, they have washed their hands of her. So maybe she could join the Libertarian Party and name Justin Amash as her VP of choice.
I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see Gabbard stage an independent run for the presidency in '24. Gabbard is all about self-promotion and trying her hardest to get someone, anybody, to listen to her. Therefore, an independent run for the presidency makes sense.

I don't know if the Libertarian Party would have her. Perhaps. No one else really wants her.

I still think Gabbard would prefer having her own show on Fox News or somewhere else.

In today's climate of disgust with both parties, which party would have the most to fear from such a ticket? Do you think a Gabbard/Amash ticket could garner as much as 10% of the vote?
No way Gabbard would receive 10% of the vote in a general election.

As for who Gabbard would hurt the most, my guess would be the Republican candidate, if she could actually hurt anyone. I don't know of any voting Democrat who likes or would support Gabbard. On all the Democratic boards I visit, Gabbard is mocked and routinely dismissed (the very few times she is even mentioned nowadays). Democrats don't like her and have no use for her. Even the few progressives who tried to defend her at one time do so no more. She doesn't appeal to Democrats any longer. Democrats are not worried at all about Gabbard.

Therefore, I would guess most of her limited vote would come from those more inclined to support a Republican or an independent candidate. Disgruntled Republicans wanting to send a message and some independent voters (who aren't going to vote for the Democrat or Republicans anyways).

Speaking of a independent or third-party run in 2024, I would keep my eye more on Trump than someone like Gabbard. If Trump runs for the '24 Republican nomination, and loses, would Trump be able to accept this? Would Trump admit defeat and get out of the race or would he claim the nomination was stolen by RINOs and decide to run as an independent candidate? This is something to keep an eye on in my opinion, more so than what some washed-up politician appearing on Fox News is going to do.
They are pretty small time compared to everyone else you listed
Yeah, they are small, but one thing we've learned from progressive left-wing activists is it doesn't take much to have an impact. Mate and Dore are part of a larger network of sensible leftists, and they have influence with them. They may have a bigger influence in getting people active to insist Gabbard be included in the debates than you think, or the two parties want to contemplate.
I wouldn't be surprised in the least to see Gabbard stage an independent run for the presidency in '24. Gabbard is all about self-promotion and trying her hardest to get someone, anybody, to listen to her. Therefore, an independent run for the presidency makes sense.

I don't know if the Libertarian Party would have her. Perhaps. No one else really wants her.

I still think Gabbard would prefer having her own show on Fox News or somewhere else.

No way Gabbard would receive 10% of the vote in a general election.

As for who Gabbard would hurt the most, my guess would be the Republican candidate, if she could actually hurt anyone. I don't know of any voting Democrat who likes or would support Gabbard. On all the Democratic boards I visit, Gabbard is mocked and routinely dismissed (the very few times she is even mentioned nowadays). Democrats don't like her and have no use for her. Even the few progressives who tried to defend her at one time do so no more. She doesn't appeal to Democrats any longer. Democrats are not worried at all about Gabbard.

Therefore, I would guess most of her limited vote would come from those more inclined to support a Republican or an independent candidate. Disgruntled Republicans wanting to send a message and some independent voters (who aren't going to vote for the Democrat or Republicans anyways).

Speaking of a independent or third-party run in 2024, I would keep my eye more on Trump than someone like Gabbard. If Trump runs for the '24 Republican nomination, and loses, would Trump be able to accept this? Would Trump admit defeat and get out of the race or would he claim the nomination was stolen by RINOs and decide to run as an independent candidate? This is something to keep an eye on in my opinion, more so than what some washed-up politician appearing on Fox News is going to do.
Like I said, we knew in advance what you would have to say, and it is not a subject worth discussing with you.
Like I said, we knew in advance what you would have to say, and it is not a subject worth discussing with you.
I know Dan, you always have a hard time with the truth and political reality.

Sorry no one has backed your crazy idea that Gabbard could somehow be relevant in '24. As I've posted, no one really cares about her or sees her as any type of political threat.

If you want to talk about a possible independent run, you should be talking about Trump and what he will do if he runs and is the denied the Republican nomination. That has much more political relevance to '24.
Yeah, they are small, but one thing we've learned from progressive left-wing activists is it doesn't take much to have an impact. Mate and Dore are part of a larger network of sensible leftists, and they have influence with them. They may have a bigger influence in getting people active to insist Gabbard be included in the debates than you think, or the two parties want to contemplate.
Also wrong audience though. Nothing is changing on account of Jimmy Dore's audience.
Also wrong audience though. Nothing is changing on account of Jimmy Dore's audience.
I just don't think stirring up an audience is the wrong audience. I'm not talking about getting people to vote for her. I'm talking about people agitating to let her be in the debates. Dore and Mate have small audiences, but persuading a few dozen of them to agitate may be all that is needed. I know it' s a long shot, but I also think it is possible. If a handful of whacked out left wing agitators can terrify a major corporation to bend its knee to their will, I don't see why the same thing couldn't happen here. Besides, the list included others. It wasn't just those two that were mentioned as possibilities.
Well, I listened in once on an exchange between you and JD about this high falutin' 'rithmetic. He's just a country prosecutor and he corrected you. Am I remembering that right?

I don't know, Sunny, I don't typically take my math from lawyers, that kind of threw me.
Of sixty questions, I missed 3. I missed, How many degrees are in a triangle? I answered 360. 180 is correct.

I never bothered to mention the question CowboyJD missed from my 60 question M test. CowboyJD is well aware.

I answered this question correctly. launch and driad were born April 26, 1982 at 5:10 AM and 46 seconds. Which one is older? Unless you got my memo, you can't answer this question in your wildest dreams. You're one of the board's 6 and you prove it to us with virtually every post you author. You're not a soonerinlOUisiana or 2012Bearcat.
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I just don't think stirring up an audience is the wrong audience. I'm not talking about getting people to vote for her. I'm talking about people agitating to let her be in the debates. Dore and Mate have small audiences, but persuading a few dozen of them to agitate may be all that is needed. I know it' s a long shot, but I also think it is possible. If a handful of whacked out left wing agitators can terrify a major corporation to bend its knee to their will, I don't see why the same thing couldn't happen here. Besides, the list included others. It wasn't just those two that were mentioned as possibilities.
Dore couldn't even move AOC to do some purely symbolic gesture. I doubt he can get the establishment to voluntarily commit suicide.
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Of sixty questions, I missed 3. I missed, How many degrees are in a triangle? I answered 360. 180 is correct.
Dude, that's not an IQ test that's a geometry pop quiz. (one that you biffed in a pretty embarrassing way)
Dore couldn't even move AOC to do some purely symbolic gesture. I doubt he can get the establishment to voluntarily commit suicide.
That's a great point, the admission that allowing Gabbard to be in the debate would be voluntary establishment suicide. But again, it's not about Mate or Dore getting the establishment to do anything. It's about them firing up a handful of people to join the masses that have been fired up by Tucker Carlson and/or Bernie Sanders; the more there are the more credible the insistence the debates should include her.
That's a great point, the admission that allowing Gabbard to be in the debate would be voluntary establishment suicide. But again, it's not about Mate or Dore getting the establishment to do anything. It's about them firing up a handful of people to join the masses that have been fired up by Tucker Carlson and/or Bernie Sanders; the more there are the more credible the insistence the debates should include her.
Dan, the establishment sets the term of the debate. It is not in their interest to allow Gabbard into the debate, no matter how fired up the Dore listeners are.
Dan, the establishment sets the term of the debate. It is not in their interest to allow Gabbard into the debate, no matter how fired up the Dore listeners are.
You’re probably right. But, again, it’s about much more than Jimmy Dore listeners.
You’re probably right. But, again, it’s about much more than Jimmy Dore listeners.
Of course, which is why Joe Rogan, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Bernie Sanders are the meat of the list and Jimmy Dore is the garnish.
Of course, which is why Joe Rogan, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Bernie Sanders are the meat of the list and Jimmy Dore is the garnish.
Exactly, Dore and Mate would just be names added to the list, but the longer the list the better. What was the name of that sawed off little Texas oilman runt that people believe cost Bush an election? Ross Perot? There was enough pressure to get him in the debates. Imagine if Tucker Carlson joined with Bernie Sanders to hold a vigil outside the "debate offices," inviting thousands of people to rally with them to demand Gabbard's inclusion, two people from exact opposite ends of the political spectrum, with speeches, banners, etc. The MSM could not ignore such an event, there would be a lot of pressure to allow her to participate. Will it happen? Most likely not. Could it happen? Yes it could.
Exactly, Dore and Mate would just be names added to the list, but the longer the list the better. What was the name of that sawed off little Texas oilman runt that people believe cost Bush an election? Ross Perot? There was enough pressure to get him in the debates. Imagine if Tucker Carlson joined with Bernie Sanders to hold a vigil outside the "debate offices," inviting thousands of people to rally with them to demand Gabbard's inclusion, two people from exact opposite ends of the political spectrum, with speeches, banners, etc. The MSM could not ignore such an event, there would be a lot of pressure to allow her to participate. Will it happen? Most likely not. Could it happen? Yes it could.
Perot had a political constituency within the establishment.
Imagine if Tucker Carlson joined with Bernie Sanders to hold a vigil outside the "debate offices," inviting thousands of people to rally with them to demand Gabbard's inclusion, two people from exact opposite ends of the political spectrum, with speeches, banners, etc. The MSM could not ignore such an event, there would be a lot of pressure to allow her to participate. Will it happen? Most likely not. Could it happen? Yes it could.
This would never happen. I mean seriously, what fantasy world are you living in Dan? The same one where Biden was going to be denied the Democratic nomination after he won it?🤣🤣

Sanders would not do this. Sanders will support Biden in '24 or he will support whoever the Democratic nominee is. He would not do something like this for Gabbard. Neither would Carlson.

What was the name of that sawed off little Texas oilman runt that people believe cost Bush an election? Ross Perot? There was enough pressure to get him in the debates.
Gabbard is no Perot. Doubt you will understand this, but it is the truth.

Gabbard will never attract the amount of support that Perot did, especially in today's political climate.

Hold my hand if you want. Take a deep breath and say it with me: "It could happen."
Trying so hard to get someone to tell you that your fantasy dream could happen huh?🤣🤣
Dude, that's not an IQ test that's a geometry pop quiz. (one that you biffed in a pretty embarrassing way)
So those 25 or so test patterns I had to be lucky enough to sort out were not designed to measure IQ? Silly me.

In a class room of 56, I was 1 of 4 who answered this question correctly. Are there any among us who has a fear of heights? Unless you got the iasooner2000 memo, you can't answer it either. At the old SoonerSpinZone, soonerinlOUisiana voluntarily answered in under 3 minutes. The question was aimed at no one.

The bright always sees a test as a challenge. The slow always sees a test as a quiz.
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So those 25 or so test patterns I had to be lucky enough to sort out were not designed to measure IQ? Silly me.

In a class room of 56, I was 1 of 4 who answered this question correctly. Are there any among us who has a fear of heights? Unless you got the iasooner2000 memo, you can't answer it either. At the old SoonerSpinZone, soonerinlOUisiana voluntarily answered in under 3 minutes. The question was aimed at no one.

The bright always sees a test as a challenge. The slow always sees a test as a quiz.
Yeah, what I am telling you is that the test you took did not measure IQ and you should be embarrassed by how bad at geometry you are
I answered this question correctly. launch and driad were born April 26, 1982 at 5:10 AM and 46 seconds. Which one is older? Unless you got my memo, you can't answer this question in your wildest dreams. You're one of the board's 6 and you prove it to us with virtually every post you author. You're not a soonerinlOUisiana or 2012Bearcat.
Are Launch and Driad clones?
So was EK Gaylord. So?

Look how they spun his filing. Even he's distancing himself from that spin. Why do you listen to FOX or these people when youj're staring at demonstrable evidence they spun that filing to be something it wasn't?