Lets see what the Liberals think about these


Heisman Winner
Mar 23, 2004
Most of what I have came from Vets families, guys who fought in WW2 and brought home War Trophies but today and quite honestly for years liberals have been whining and crying about these items being sold online and have gotten them banned on most internet sites and in the past few years some Antique Stores and Antique Shows. My question to the liberal is why do you have problems with things Vets brought back home from the War, they had no problem with these items so why should a sniveling little wuss have a problem with what they brought back as a souvenir? It was their blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice that went to war to give you what you have today so why does the liberal have an issue with it? Explain.






Oh and that vet in the pic was a Medic in WW2 from Oklahoma. The helmet with the red background was one he brought home among other things. I really wish someone could explain to me why they have an issue with what our brave vets brought back with them from the War they fought in, not you. If they had no issue with the stuff why should you?
Oh and...

My late father was a Jug pilot in WWII. He flew over Normandy on D Day. He brought home a couple of the helmets you show with the red background. Same decal. My brother still has them. Anyway, when we were kids, as most kids did back then, we played "war" all summer long. We'd draw straws over who got to be "the Krauts" and get to wear those helmets around the neighborhood. I still have one of the swords he brought back.
According to an article in another thread, anyone who delves in these pieces of history would be considered a neocon as all neocons and patriots are warmongers whose only desire is to start and fight wars to prove the superiority of the US and export US imperialism throughout the world.
My dad fought in the Philippines, have rising sun flag, German Luger, Japanese cigarettes, money from a bunch of countries from that time.

Get a chance, visit the WW2 museum in New Orleans, worth your time.

We must remember as well, or we will forget.
Not sure if this this a liberal vs conservative thing at all.

A dagger or helmet that grandpa brought back is one thing.

But this was being sold at a recent nazi memorabilia auction:

"It was all disturbing, but lot no. 181 turned my stomach. Inside the glass case were a half dozen armbands, including two with the Star of David and one from the Nazi extermination camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau."

It is slightly tasteless and disturbing if you are buying death camp trophies.

One should also have a responsibility to they are selling the items to. If Richard Spencer or Thomas Robb show up to buy it just say no.

Another random thought I have is if the knife of ruger one has was actually used to kill an American soldier. that could bother some, of course they would never know if it was used.

Now I am just babbling.
Most of what I have came from Vets families, guys who fought in WW2 and brought home War Trophies but today and quite honestly for years liberals have been whining and crying about these items being sold online and have gotten them banned on most internet sites and in the past few years some Antique Stores and Antique Shows. My question to the liberal is why do you have problems with things Vets brought back home from the War, they had no problem with these items so why should a sniveling little wuss have a problem with what they brought back as a souvenir? It was their blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice that went to war to give you what you have today so why does the liberal have an issue with it? Explain.







I like how you include "tards" in your thread title then act like you are looking for a reasonable discussion and explanation to your question.
I like how you include "tards" in your thread title then act like you are looking for a reasonable discussion and explanation to your question.

Sorry, I just dislike liberals, it seems they wake up everyday looking for something to be angry about or offended by.
The reason for the post is to try and understand why some people have a problem with Nazi Collectibles. As I said some Cities have banned the sale of such items at Antique Shows. Last year a guy went into an Antique Store in Canada and saw some Nazi items a dealer in the store had for sale, he complained to the owner and the owner made the dealer remove the items.
That is nothing but pure censorship, one person goes into a store and see's some Nazi items and is offended then complains to have them removed and gets his way? One person? It has been tried here at a couple of Antique Stores and both of the Store owners told them to leave if they did not like it.
As far as Neo Nazis buying the Authentic stuff it is very unlikely as most cannot afford to buy a flag for 300 plus or a helmet starting at around 600 and up.
Online sites like ebay have banned them for sale on their site yet some still make it on and are sold before they are removed they have also banned Confederate flags or anything with a Rebel flag on it. What next, Confederate Civil War items? Vietnam War stuff, remember how a lot of them were treated when they returned home? Where does it end? Its a very slippery slope.
As I said if the Vets brought this stuff home and had no issues with it so why should anyone else? As one poster said "an American Soldier might have been killed with a knife or a luger?" Yes its possible but Civil War guns and bayonets did the same thing yet there is no such ban on those at least not yet, only the Confederate flag. If someone does not like looking at certain things then don't look. The same has happened with other things as well, from Porn to Video Games, TV Shows to Movies etc etc.
It seems a lot of our freedoms are being chipped away little by litte. You can't say this, you can't say that, where does it end?
Now I am rambling too.
Sorry, I just dislike liberals, it seems they wake up everyday looking for something to be angry about or offended by.
The reason for the post is to try and understand why some people have a problem with Nazi Collectibles. As I said some Cities have banned the sale of such items at Antique Shows. Last year a guy went into an Antique Store in Canada and saw some Nazi items a dealer in the store had for sale, he complained to the owner and the owner made the dealer remove the items.
That is nothing but pure censorship, one person goes into a store and see's some Nazi items and is offended then complains to have them removed and gets his way? One person? It has been tried here at a couple of Antique Stores and both of the Store owners told them to leave if they did not like it.
As far as Neo Nazis buying the Authentic stuff it is very unlikely as most cannot afford to buy a flag for 300 plus or a helmet starting at around 600 and up.
Online sites like ebay have banned them for sale on their site yet some still make it on and are sold before they are removed they have also banned Confederate flags or anything with a Rebel flag on it. What next, Confederate Civil War items? Vietnam War stuff, remember how a lot of them were treated when they returned home? Where does it end? Its a very slippery slope.
As I said if the Vets brought this stuff home and had no issues with it so why should anyone else? As one poster said "an American Soldier might have been killed with a knife or a luger?" Yes its possible but Civil War guns and bayonets did the same thing yet there is no such ban on those at least not yet, only the Confederate flag. If someone does not like looking at certain things then don't look. The same has happened with other things as well, from Porn to Video Games, TV Shows to Movies etc etc.
It seems a lot of our freedoms are being chipped away little by litte. You can't say this, you can't say that, where does it end?
Now I am rambling too.

Decent post. I'd suggest paragraph spacing.
What if the government stays out of it and private citizens decide it is creepy for someone who didn't kill a nazi to collect nazi memorabilia?
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What if the government stays out of it and private citizens decide it is creepy for someone who didn't kill a nazi to collect nazi memorabilia?


Forgive 07Pily. He puts a lot of energy into fitting in here and saying smart stuff. He frequently asks questions as answers to questions, like smart folks do.
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As I said if the Vets brought this stuff home and had no issues with it so why should anyone else?

I'm going to be as respectful as I can here, despite your use of the word "tards", which suggests to me that you have already made your mind up on this topic.

Do you think that maybe there is a difference between veterans who fought in WW2 and individuals who were victims of the Nazis? The majority of WW2 veterans never saw a prison camp, concentration camp, or any other indication of Nazi atrocities. Many veterans were not well educated, and may not even appreciate, or care about atrocities committed by the Nazis. They killed 6 million Jews and 6 million others that they deemed to be inferior to them. Many of those 12 million people had family members who survived, but who either suffered under the Nazis, or suffered due to loss of loved ones, property, possessions, etc.

The Nazi regime committed one of the most heinous crimes in history, and should not be celebrated in any way. If some one is interested in profiting off of their memorabilia, that is their choice. But to expect those actions to not draw the ire of descendants of victims of the Nazis (or individuals who appreciate the extremism of what the Nazis stood for), is naive at best.

I am Jewish. If I walked into a store and saw that they were selling Nazi memorabilia, I would confront the owner/manager and would definitely not buy anything or return to said store again.
I'm going to be as respectful as I can here, despite your use of the word "tards", which suggests to me that you have already made your mind up on this topic.

Do you think that maybe there is a difference between veterans who fought in WW2 and individuals who were victims of the Nazis? The majority of WW2 veterans never saw a prison camp, concentration camp, or any other indication of Nazi atrocities. Many veterans were not well educated, and may not even appreciate, or care about atrocities committed by the Nazis. They killed 6 million Jews and 6 million others that they deemed to be inferior to them. Many of those 12 million people had family members who survived, but who either suffered under the Nazis, or suffered due to loss of loved ones, property, possessions, etc.

The Nazi regime committed one of the most heinous crimes in history, and should not be celebrated in any way. If some one is interested in profiting off of their memorabilia, that is their choice. But to expect those actions to not draw the ire of descendants of victims of the Nazis (or individuals who appreciate the extremism of what the Nazis stood for), is naive at best.

I am Jewish. If I walked into a store and saw that they were selling Nazi memorabilia, I would confront the owner/manager and would definitely not buy anything or return to said store again.

Walking out and never buying anything from them again is the right answer. Banning them from selling because you happen to not like it (legitimately or not) is the wrong answer. Its not the government's responsibility to ensure that you are never exposed to any symbols or symbolism that you don't happen to approve of.
Walking out and never buying anything from them again is the right answer. Banning them from selling because you happen to not like it (legitimately or not) is the wrong answer. Its not the government's responsibility to ensure that you are never exposed to any symbols or symbolism that you don't happen to approve of.
Ahh this is great news for my new business selling the teeth of heinous criminals that I grave rob.
Love the tank assault badge and K98 bayo in pic #2. What year/make is the bayo?

Been, you would confront them and do what exactly? This is a giant problem with society today, people can't just disagree with something and not patronize the establishment/store. Instead they have to make "their opinion" be known beforehand. Its the reverse Chick-fil-a syndrome in my mind.

You being Jewish, should read the book "Hitler's Jewish Soldiers" and also "Moral Combat." Some nauseatingly pathetic things in there, but also some very enlightening stories.

In January while in Melbourne ran down to a military memorabilia store in Geelong. I'm more interested in filling out my bayo & K98 Mauser collections than anything, but saw a German partisan unit badge selling for $2,000 AUD. In general I stay away from the badges/patches because there is so much skullduggery associated with fakes, but it was the first one had ever seen in person and would have liked to buy, but price was a bit steep. Some of the badges are amazingly collectable (Assault badges 50, assault badges 75 and assault badges 100 being some of the most coveted as well as Iron Cross first class with oaks and diamonds)

Did you know that after WWII ended and Russian Jews who somehow survived the concentration/extermination camps began to return home, they were outright murdered by Russians for simply claiming their own homes back? Russian government also had pogroms after the war. Which heralded the mass migration of eastern European Jews to what would be Israel in 1948.

Someday I'll finish my K98 Mauser collection (1939-1945) from the Styer factory in Austria and that will include an SS marked weapon. Does that make me an extremist? Collections are collections, some are for simple love of the collection items, some are for the appreciation those items represent later on. People who are offended probably should understand I'm indifferent to that objection and I have no idea what the problem is unless I espouse the same views as those who created the items collected.

One last thing of note before running off to the conference today. In Australia when they build pipelines or new additions, if they find an aboriginal artifact. Those artifacts are catalogued with the exact lat/long and when the project is over and where its possible, they rebury those artifacts exactly where they were found. No collecting, no selling and no museum standing.
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Sorry, I just dislike liberals, it seems they wake up everyday looking for something to be angry about or offended by.

Says the guy that runs over and posts a thread because he's angry and offended by.... some unknown people being angry or offended?

I've got a Garand that shoots like a .22. Unreal that a .30-'06 can shoot that smooth and not kick more. I'd hate to to into a firefight against a garand with a bolt action.
I'm going to be as respectful as I can here, despite your use of the word "tards", which suggests to me that you have already made your mind up on this topic.

Do you think that maybe there is a difference between veterans who fought in WW2 and individuals who were victims of the Nazis? The majority of WW2 veterans never saw a prison camp, concentration camp, or any other indication of Nazi atrocities. Many veterans were not well educated, and may not even appreciate, or care about atrocities committed by the Nazis. They killed 6 million Jews and 6 million others that they deemed to be inferior to them. Many of those 12 million people had family members who survived, but who either suffered under the Nazis, or suffered due to loss of loved ones, property, possessions, etc.

The Nazi regime committed one of the most heinous crimes in history, and should not be celebrated in any way. If some one is interested in profiting off of their memorabilia, that is their choice. But to expect those actions to not draw the ire of descendants of victims of the Nazis (or individuals who appreciate the extremism of what the Nazis stood for), is naive at best.

I am Jewish. If I walked into a store and saw that they were selling Nazi memorabilia, I would confront the owner/manager and would definitely not buy anything or return to said store again.

Many of the veterans were not well educated? Guess what, high schools back then actually teached their students and high school diploma meant something. My dad was one of those dumb high school graduates that had a great work ethic and was a self taught electrical engineer that went to work at the Hawthorne Works of Western Electric in Chicago and later moved to OKC, to open the huge OKC works on Reno Avenue.

You do understand you can be smart without a college education, although liberals believe many of the useless college degrees they provide at a huge cost is proof of nuanced education that provides neither intelligence or a job.

The greatest generation skipped college to go to war and came back and built the greatest country on earth.

You really think the guys fighting the actual war did not have enough social IQ to understand what the hell was going on?

Pretty insulting if you ask me.
One last thing of note before running off to the conference today. In Australia when they build pipelines or new additions, if they find an aboriginal artifact. Those artifacts are catalogued with the exact lat/long and when the project is over and where its possible, they rebury those artifacts exactly where they were found. No collecting, no selling and no museum standing.

Thumbs up.

Someday I'll finish my K98 Mauser collection (1939-1945) from the Styer factory in Austria and that will include an SS marked weapon. Does that make me an extremist?

As I said. You have the right to do what you want. I don't think it means you are an extremist, as I can't read minds. However, if you invite me over and see it on display, I might feel offended/uncomfortable. Actually, I'm sure I would.
Many of the veterans were not well educated? Guess what, high schools back then actually teached their students and high school diploma. My dad was one of those dumb high school graduates that had a great work ethic and was a self taught electrical engineer that went to work at the Hawthorne Works of Western Electric in Chicago and later moved to OKC, to open the huge OKC works on Reno Avenue.

You do understand you can be smart without a college education, although liberals believe many of the useless college degrees they provide at a huge cost provide neither intelligence or a job.

The greatest generation skipped college to go to war and came back and built the greatest country on earth.

You really think the guys fighting the actual war did not have enough social IQ to understand what the hell was going on?

Pretty insulting if you ask me.

Give me a break. I said "many". I didn't say "every". It is a subjective word. Don't act like I disparaged your dad, Snowflake.
Thumbs up.

As I said. You have the right to do what you want. I don't think it means you are an extremist, as I can't read minds. However, if you invite me over and see it on display, I might feel offended/uncomfortable. Actually, I'm sure I would.

Fair enough, but unless you ask I wouldn’t show them to you nor have them on display. Always worried some dickhead would steal them and go the pawnshop route where they would never get what that are worth. Fact with the exception of some of the bayos don’t even keep them at the house.
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Give me a break. I said "many". I didn't say "every". It is a subjective word. Don't act like I disparaged your dad, Snowflake.

Hey snowflake, you are the one who made a dumb sweeping comment and I called you out on it specifically and in general.

A lot of those guys gave up college to go fight and die, insulting is insulting. Libs think they get to decide what is insulting on a day to day basis and preform thought control, well you don’t, and you need to be called out on it when your narrative is BS.

You do not even trust men who fought in WW2 to be able to think properly for themselves, as libs define it. That is insulting, whether you call it many or not. Free country with free speech, that is what those troops fought and died for. Love to see you tell a WW2 vet how to put WW2 in proper context, because he might need a little help with that.
Asking respectfully and for the purpose of future interactions: What kind of Jew are you?
Secular / non-religious / ethnic?
Or religious?

I’m not trolling. I love Jews.

I don't think I can answer your question with just one word. It's complicated.

In general, raised Jewish, but we had a Christmas Tree every year and Santa brought us presents when we were kids. Why? Because my mom grew up in OKC and her mom did that when she was a kid because she wanted her children to fit in with other kids. Then my brother and I went away to Jewish summer camp and realized that what we were doing didn't make sense. We made our parents get rid of the tree and only celebrate Hannukah. My older sister was pissed at us.

I celebrated my Bar Mitzvah. My wife is Jewish. My kids were raised Jewish. Most of my close friends are Jewish. One of my closest friends is a Rabbi. I have a strong background of reform Jewish education. However, I don't believe in God and haven't for many years. I don't attend synagogue other than for special occasions. My kids consider themselves to be Jewish, but I don't think either of them believe in God either. As a family, we still celebrate Jewish holidays and Jewish culture. My daughter just returned from her Birthright trip to Israel.

Like I said. It is complicated.
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Hey snowflake, you are the one who made a dumb sweeping comment and I called you out on it specifically and in general.

A lot of those guys gave up college to go fight and die, insulting is insulting. Libs think they get to decide what is insulting on a day to day basis and preform thought control, well you don’t, and you need to be called out on it when your narrative is BS.

You do not even trust men who fought in WW2 to be able to think properly for themselves, as libs define it. That is insulting, whether you call many or not. Free country with free speech, that is what those troops fought and die for. Love to see you tell a WW2 vet how to put WW2 in proper context, because he might need a little help with that.

Whatever. You are just picking a fight. Sorry I hurt your feelings. If it helps, I am 100% sure that MANY WW2 vets understood why they were fighting, appreciated the severity of the atrocities committed by the Nazis, and actually got to witness the results first hand. I am also certain that MANY WW2 vets were educated through HS/into college, and that MANY of the ones who were not had a high IQ and/or strong common sense and could appreciate what was really happening around them.
Not sure if this this a liberal vs conservative thing at all.

A dagger or helmet that grandpa brought back is one thing.

But this was being sold at a recent nazi memorabilia auction:

"It was all disturbing, but lot no. 181 turned my stomach. Inside the glass case were a half dozen armbands, including two with the Star of David and one from the Nazi extermination camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau."

It is slightly tasteless and disturbing if you are buying death camp trophies.

One should also have a responsibility to they are selling the items to. If Richard Spencer or Thomas Robb show up to buy it just say no.

Another random thought I have is if the knife of ruger one has was actually used to kill an American soldier. that could bother some, of course they would never know if it was used.

Now I am just babbling.

Orangestreak, I think it is absolutely appropriate to not sell memorabilia to someone you don’t like as long as the same attitude is granted to say Christian bakers who don’t want to bake cakes for same sex marriages because it runs against their personal/religious views.

Interestingly very few soldiers actually killed another soldier. SLA Marshall has done some studies that indicate less than 20% (think that’s the number and it might be closer to 12% which for some reason is sticking in my mind) of soldiers actually fired their weapons in combat. Many that did fired in the ground or air. Would suspect that bayos/knifes were used even less often.

The vast majority of combatants and civilians killed in WWII were killed by indirect fire or bombings.
I'm going to be as respectful as I can here, despite your use of the word "tards", which suggests to me that you have already made your mind up on this topic.

Do you think that maybe there is a difference between veterans who fought in WW2 and individuals who were victims of the Nazis? The majority of WW2 veterans never saw a prison camp, concentration camp, or any other indication of Nazi atrocities. Many veterans were not well educated, and may not even appreciate, or care about atrocities committed by the Nazis. They killed 6 million Jews and 6 million others that they deemed to be inferior to them. Many of those 12 million people had family members who survived, but who either suffered under the Nazis, or suffered due to loss of loved ones, property, possessions, etc.

The Nazi regime committed one of the most heinous crimes in history, and should not be celebrated in any way. If some one is interested in profiting off of their memorabilia, that is their choice. But to expect those actions to not draw the ire of descendants of victims of the Nazis (or individuals who appreciate the extremism of what the Nazis stood for), is naive at best.

I am Jewish. If I walked into a store and saw that they were selling Nazi memorabilia, I would confront the owner/manager and would definitely not buy anything or return to said store again.
Makes sense. War trophies seem to be from an era long gone.
Specially items that would hurt a groups feeling.
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I'm going to be as respectful as I can here, despite your use of the word "tards", which suggests to me that you have already made your mind up on this topic.

Do you think that maybe there is a difference between veterans who fought in WW2 and individuals who were victims of the Nazis? The majority of WW2 veterans never saw a prison camp, concentration camp, or any other indication of Nazi atrocities. Many veterans were not well educated, and may not even appreciate, or care about atrocities committed by the Nazis. They killed 6 million Jews and 6 million others that they deemed to be inferior to them. Many of those 12 million people had family members who survived, but who either suffered under the Nazis, or suffered due to loss of loved ones, property, possessions, etc.

The Nazi regime committed one of the most heinous crimes in history, and should not be celebrated in any way. If some one is interested in profiting off of their memorabilia, that is their choice. But to expect those actions to not draw the ire of descendants of victims of the Nazis (or individuals who appreciate the extremism of what the Nazis stood for), is naive at best.

I am Jewish. If I walked into a store and saw that they were selling Nazi memorabilia, I would confront the owner/manager and would definitely not buy anything or return to said store again.

Naive? Who is being Naive? You do know Atrocities were committed by the Japanese, Russians and Americans during WW2 as well don't you?
It is estimated over 1 million German Women and kids were raped by the Russian army when they entered Germany and even American soldiers were guilty of this. Ever read about what the Japanese did to Chinese Civillians? And just which Country that ever invaded another Country didn't feel Superior to that of which they were trying to overtake?
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Naive? Who is being Naive? You do know Atrocities were committed by the Japanese, Russians and Americans during WW2 as well don't you?
It is estimated over 1 million German Women and kids were raped by the Russian army when they entered Germany and even American soldiers were guilty of this. Ever read about what the Japanese did to Chinese Civillians? And just which Country that ever invaded another Country didn't feel Superior to that of which they were trying to overtake?

War crimes. Not OK, but not the same as systematic genocide.

For the record, I would feel the same way about memorabilia related to Stalin or Mao Zedong
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Says the guy that runs over and posts a thread because he's angry and offended by.... some unknown people being angry or offended?

I've got a Garand that shoots like a .22. Unreal that a .30-'06 can shoot that smooth and not kick more. I'd hate to to into a firefight against a garand with a bolt action.

I am angry? I am offended? Not hardly but what I am sick of is people thinking their rights are the only rights that matter and then proceed to push those rights until they infringe on mine and others and yes that does piss me off.
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War crimes. Not OK, but not the same as systematic genocide.

For the record, I would feel the same way about memorabilia related to Stalin or Mao Zedong

And every German soldier was involved in the Genocide of Jews and other people?
I would not want anything owned by Hitler or any of his henchmen that put the plan into place. I am sure some collectors do but not me.
And if a Vet dies that brought these things home then what should become of them? Should history be destroyed, burned, smashed and thrown in a landfill?
I am angry? I am offended? Not hardly but what I am sick of is people thinking their rights are the only rights that matter and then proceed to push those rights until they infringe on mine and others and yes that does piss me off.

You sound angry.

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