Let's see if this gets any traction.

Interesting take. But is Trump a conservative? No. Was he the better of the two available choices to most of the right? Unquestionably so. The author ignores this fact as he builds upward from there.

Unless I missed something, which is very possible at this point. I’ve been sleeping like crap lately. Seriously.
Interesting take. But is Trump a conservative? No. Was he the better of the two available choices to most of the right? Unquestionably so. The author ignores this fact as he builds upward from there.

Unless I missed something, which is very possible at this point. I’ve been sleeping like crap lately. Seriously.

The author is speaking as much as anything to those who defend DJT... For a real conservative Pence has to look pretty good.

I'm thinking mostly derision and dismissal will be the response.
What traction do you want it to get? I didn't get past the first part where he tried to paint Tupac Shakur as growing up saintly, just an actor. Sure, he did the study the arts thing, but he was far from sheltered. Both of his parents were notable Black Panther members. Other members of his family were members of the Black Liberation Army. His godparents were both criminals. He may have created a gangster persona, but he ended up living it, and dying by it.

I normally enjoy Kevin Williamson's writings, but I'm going to have to have a free moment to digest this piece. He started this one on the wrong side of the bed. Any Tupac fan would know this immediately, but I'm betting he didn't count on one of us being part of his reading audience.
I'm at a loss for the whole "acting white" thing honestly, but have a few comments about specific parts of his article. Was a long maybe I didn't really catch the full slant.
That said, one thing that he doesn't really address it the absolute and relentless media, political establishment and others that attack Trump, at every turn (Harvard study said 93% of all stories are negative on him). He fights back and in fighting back (sometimes he steps in his own pooh admittedly) he becomes some type of raging populist. Conservatives (and Liberals) are not a belief system anymore, it is a uniform for public consumption while the cameras are on. It would be like me calling myself a lifelong clown because I wear a clown outfit at a child's birthday party, but afterwards I go back to being a salesmen because no one is watching and no cameras are around.

The problem is the political class, before Trump (and again am not a huge Trump fan, but HRC was unthinkable) really has abandoned the American working class (all of them), has not protected our borders and has basically driven the country into what I consider unsustainable debt. I would be thrilled if a more nuanced type "Trump" came along, the only issue is that the whole lot of them (congress) are basically bought and paid for by special interest dollars and couldn't give one shit about people, any people, who just put their heads down go to work, pay taxes and stay the hell out of trouble. They only care about being re-elected and pitting groups against each other.

Hopefully my reading comprehension picked up the right slant here....and Medic thanks for the Tupac lesson, had no idea about his background.
What traction do you want it to get? I didn't get past the first part where he tried to paint Tupac Shakur as growing up saintly, just an actor. Sure, he did the study the arts thing, but he was far from sheltered. Both of his parents were notable Black Panther members. Other members of his family were members of the Black Liberation Army. His godparents were both criminals. He may have created a gangster persona, but he ended up living it, and dying by it.

I normally enjoy Kevin Williamson's writings, but I'm going to have to have a free moment to digest this piece. He started this one on the wrong side of the bed. Any Tupac fan would know this immediately, but I'm betting he didn't count on one of us being part of his reading audience.

I'm not WANTING it to get any particular traction. I'm wanting to see what traction it gets, if any. There is a lot to unpack in the article, and I'm more interested in what people focus on.
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For instance, here are some of the items I found intriguing....

Race is part of this, as it is part of many things in America, but it is easy to make too much of it, too. The white underclass may suffer from “acting white,” but what poor people in general suffer from is acting poor, i.e., repeating the mistakes and habits that left them (or their parents and grandparents, in many cases) in poverty or near-poverty to begin with. The more you know about that world, the less sympathetic you’ll be to it.
Of course there are external forces, economic and otherwise, that act on poor people and poor communities, and one of the intellectual failings of conservative social critics is our tendency to take those into considerably greater account in the case of struggling rural and small-town whites than in the case of struggling urban blacks. “Get off welfare and get a job!” has been replaced by solicitous talk about “globalization.” Likewise, the reaction to the crack-cocaine plague of the 1980s and 1990s was very different from the reaction to the opioid epidemic of the moment, in part because of who is involved — or perceived to be involved.
Feeding such people the lie that their problems are mainly external in origin — that they are the victims of scheming elites, immigrants, black welfare malingerers, superabundantly fecund Mexicans, capitalism with Chinese characteristics, Walmart, Wall Street, their neighbors — is the political equivalent of selling them heroin. (And I have no doubt that it is mostly done for the same reason.) It is an analgesic that is unhealthy even in small doses and disabling or lethal in large ones. The opposite message — that life is hard and unfair, that what is not necessarily your fault may yet be your problem, that you must act and bear responsibility for your actions — is what conservatism used to offer, before it became a white-minstrel show.
Interesting take. But is Trump a conservative? No. Was he the better of the two available choices to most of the right? Unquestionably so. The author ignores this fact as he builds upward from there.

Unless I missed something, which is very possible at this point. I’ve been sleeping like crap lately. Seriously.

I think this article clearly establishes that Trump isn't a conservative and is more speaking about how principled conservatives (in his view) should be responding/reacting to Trump's rhetoric.

I don't think he ignored the fact that Trump isn't a conservative. I think he explicitly concludes he isn't.
I'm not WANTING it to get any particular traction. I'm wanting to see what traction it gets, if any. There is a lot to unpack in the article, and I'm more interested in what people focus on.
Ok. It was a fair question since you led off your OP with this statement:

I'm thinking mostly derision and dismissal will be the response
What traction do you want it to get? I didn't get past the first part where he tried to paint Tupac Shakur as growing up saintly, just an actor. Sure, he did the study the arts thing, but he was far from sheltered. Both of his parents were notable Black Panther members. Other members of his family were members of the Black Liberation Army. His godparents were both criminals. He may have created a gangster persona, but he ended up living it, and dying by it.

I normally enjoy Kevin Williamson's writings, but I'm going to have to have a free moment to digest this piece. He started this one on the wrong side of the bed. Any Tupac fan would know this immediately, but I'm betting he didn't count on one of us being part of his reading audience.
Suge Knight was also a studio gangsta.
The game is to get us to blame each other, to insinuate it's contained to one side only perpetuates the stupidity.
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The game is to get us to blame each other, to insinuate it's contained to one side only perpetuates the stupidity.

I know your limitations. You're incapable of the view that takes in the whole board.
I don't see where professional performers "acting gangster" relates to people who are actually white somehow are "acting white".

I find the whole analogy kind of goofy.

I've got an idea, why doesn't every person, regardless of race or economic circumstances take responsibility for their own life situation and decisions.
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...Harvard study said 93% of all stories are negative on him...
So this is evidence of what? Trump is a doofus? Trump purposely uses the media to distract Americans? The media (like the majority of Americans) has a disfavorable opinion of DJT?

How would this in any way be relevant to Trumps fitness for office?
So this is evidence of what? Trump is a doofus? Trump purposely uses the media to distract Americans? The media (like the majority of Americans) has a disfavorable opinion of DJT?

How would this in any way be relevant to Trumps fitness for office?

it's a ploy for you to immerse yourself into a message board conversation that illuminates your head stuck squarely in the sand
The biggest problem I have with this story is that it leaves out that its those who choose to not 'act white' that call out those who refuse to abide by the cultural stereotypes. Its not the white conservative that's calling Herman Cain "Uncle Tom". I never hear whites telling non-whites to start acting white. Its always the inverse, those who choose to adopt the 'white' cultural identity of learning, self-responsibility, and respecting others are ostracized from the communities whose cultures don't represent such civilized norms.
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So this is evidence of what? Trump is a doofus? Trump purposely uses the media to distract Americans? The media (like the majority of Americans) has a disfavorable opinion of DJT?

How would this in any way be relevant to Trumps fitness for office?

What does the article have anything to do with Trumps fitness for office?
Suge Knight was also a studio gangsta.
He was a gangster before the studio part. He grew up in Compton and was reportedly affiliated with the Bloods as a teenager. Mo money, mo crimes is the story of his life.
He was a gangster before the studio part. He grew up in Compton and was reportedly affiliated with the Bloods as a teenager. Mo money, mo crimes is the story of his life.
Yes, I thought it was completely obvious. I forget about all the whiteys on here, so probably not a bad idea that someone clarified.
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What does the article have anything to do with Trumps fitness for office?

What does Harvard study saying 93% of all articles about Trump are negative have do with this article?

That is the statement to which he was replying.
Off topic spam from a guy who's "red pill" philosophy was coined by two trans women.

Oh the irony.
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From the inter webs:

"You could see the video as a parody of the state of rap; the gender-bending ways of Young Thug mixed with firearm flexing that the young drillers and trappers are so fond of"

Top selling music artist popular with young ones comes out as transexual!! Imagine the damage to children brains with this becoming normal!!

I present to you white guys the next level of culture --- tranny gangster rappers glorifying guns while degrading women.

Highly suggested short view (away from work), just for an idea --- imagine what this type of stuff is doing to impressionable young kids without fathers:

Or if you don't like rap music, there's bodily fluid drinks and cooking classes.



Vice (which put out outstanding documentaries around 2010) actually put this disclaimer after their 'cocktails' article.


I used to love Vice (around 2008) --- but below is the hyper-degeneracy they're promoting these days.

Like millions of Generation X kids raised in the burbs, I bought into the leftist narrative (constantly pushed in pop culture and entertainment) that Christinity and the religious right were America's biggest problem --- and that we needed to remove religion from public life.

Well --- this type of nihilistic destruction is what you get when you remove religion from society.


Jeezuz, all this back and forth about alleged musicians - straw man alert - while the main topic for me/Dbros is swallows/tri-delts/Capistrano. Damn, what a disconnect.:D
So this is evidence of what? Trump is a doofus? Trump purposely uses the media to distract Americans? The media (like the majority of Americans) has a disfavorable opinion of DJT?

How would this in any way be relevant to Trumps fitness for office?
Seriously? You think 93% negative tone in articles about Trump is not evidence of bias? Shot even President Carter acknowledges the media is dogging Trump more than past presidents.
Does Trump create some of this .. no doubt. But to not be able to conclude media bias with facts such as an astounding 93% of media article are anti-Trump - then you have to be willfully blind.
There was talk about rap music in this thread -- you can't credibly discuss rap in 2017 without talking about gays, trannies, and the gay mafia.

In fact, Suge Knight (who was mentioned in this thread) said 95% of rappers are gay.


Several more sources on this (and there are many more --- the music industry makes Harvey Weinstein look like a saint):

More off topic.....rerun...repeat spam from the guy who's "red pill" philosophy was coined by two trans women.

You need some new material.

Go out amongst the internets and get spoon fed something new.
I present to you white guys the next level of culture --- tranny gangster rappers glorifying guns while degrading women.

Highly suggested short view (away from work), just for an idea --- imagine what this type of stuff is doing to impressionable young kids without fathers:

Or if you don't like rap music, there's bodily fluid drinks and cooking classes.



Vice (which put out outstanding documentaries around 2010) actually put this disclaimer after their 'cocktails' article.


I used to love Vice (around 2008) --- but below is the hyper-degeneracy they're promoting these days.

Like millions of Generation X kids raised in the burbs, I bought into the leftist narrative (constantly pushed in pop culture and entertainment) that Christinity and the religious right were America's biggest problem --- and that we needed to remove religion from public life.

Well --- this type of nihilistic destruction is what you get when you remove religion from society.

There was talk about rap music in this thread -- you can't credibly discuss rap in 2017 without talking about gays, trannies, and the gay mafia.

In fact, Suge Knight (who was mentioned in this thread) said 95% of rappers are gay.


Several more sources on this (and there are many more --- the music industry makes Harvey Weinstein look like a saint):

A particularly relevant quote from the original article is really speaking to me know....

"Feeding such people the lie that their problems are mainly external in origin — that they are the victims of scheming elites, immigrants, black welfare malingerers, superabundantly fecund Mexicans, capitalism with Chinese characteristics, Walmart, Wall Street, their neighbors — is the political equivalent of selling them heroin. (And Ihave no doubt that it is mostly done for the same reason.) It is an analgesic that is unhealthy even in small doses and disabling or lethal in large ones. The opposite message — that life is hard and unfair, that what is not necessarily your fault may yet be your problem, that you must act and bear responsibility for your actions — is what conservatism used to offer, before it became a white-minstrel show."

Add the gay mafia and Jews and the article basically sums up NZ's spoonfed world view up nicely and accurate.
This? There's a lot to work with here.

The entertainment industry was a certain "feminist" political candidate's biggest public backers.



A particularly relevant quote from the original article is really speaking to me know....

"Feeding such people the lie that their problems are mainly external in origin — that they are the victims of scheming elites, immigrants, black welfare malingerers, superabundantly fecund Mexicans, capitalism with Chinese characteristics, Walmart, Wall Street, their neighbors — is the political equivalent of selling them heroin. (And Ihave no doubt that it is mostly done for the same reason.) It is an analgesic that is unhealthy even in small doses and disabling or lethal in large ones. The opposite message — that life is hard and unfair, that what is not necessarily your fault may yet be your problem, that you must act and bear responsibility for your actions — is what conservatism used to offer, before it became a white-minstrel show."

Add the gay mafia and Jews and the article basically sums up NZ's spoonfed world view up nicely and accurate.

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