Let's ponder a hypothetical here for just a second


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Let's say Brandon runs again, wins the Democratic nomination and wins the presidency for another 4 year term...

Can you imagine how feeble/frail he'd be. I mean it would be wizard of oz stuff. People behind a curtain pulling strings. (Like they aren't now).

A WSJ article got me to thinking about this possibility.

Probably behind a paywall.
Let's say Brandon runs again, wins the Democratic nomination and wins the presidency for another 4 year term...

Can you imagine how feeble/frail he'd be. I mean it would be wizard of oz stuff. People behind a curtain pulling strings. (Like they aren't now).

A WSJ article got me to thinking about this possibility.

Probably behind a paywall.

Did the prospect of Trump being the oldest president ever at the time stop you from voting for him???

carry on
Dude come on you have to see his mental health not age is the issue.

Yet that was the whole point of the thread…


not your or anyone’s subjective diagnosis of the mental health. If mental health were an actual concern, why did you ever vote for Donald J. Trump and his extreme narcissistic personality disorder?

Cmon man.

carry on
Yet that was the whole point of the thread…


not your or anyone’s subjective diagnosis of the mental health. If mental health were an actual concern, why did you ever vote for Donald J. Trump and his extreme narcissistic personality disorder?

Cmon man.

carry on
So she worked so hard to get pregnant only to want to get rid of the baby? Lol that isn’t abortion dult.
Yet that was the whole point of the thread…


not your or anyone’s subjective diagnosis of the mental health. If mental health were an actual concern, why did you ever vote for Donald J. Trump and his extreme narcissistic personality disorder?

Cmon man.

carry on
I didn’t vote, but if someone had put a gun to my head and said “vote for one of these two” I would have chosen Trump’s narcissism over Hillary’s war mongering narcissism without batting an eye. It is silly to pretend Hillary’s narcissism was shallower than Trump’s.
Did the prospect of Trump being the oldest president ever at the time stop you from voting for him???

carry on
First and foremost, Biden was an idiot 20 years ago. He's an aging idiot now, that needs to have a teleprompter in front of him to keep from putting his foot in his mouth.

Second, and less important, I didn't vote for Trump either time. I don't like Trump the personality. Do like some of his policies. But I didn't feel like Hillary or Biden should be president either. Worthless, especially Hillary. My vote in Oklahoma for Trump isn't important. He was going to win by a large margin. If I had been in another state, I would have voted for him. If only to keep Hillary/Biden/Dems out of the WH.
First and foremost, Biden was an idiot 20 years ago. He's an aging idiot now, that needs to have a teleprompter in front of him to keep from putting his foot in his mouth.

Second, and less important, I didn't vote for Trump either time. I don't like Trump the personality. Do like some of his policies. But I didn't feel like Hillary or Biden should be president either. Worthless, especially Hillary. My vote in Oklahoma for Trump isn't important. He was going to win by a large margin. If I had been in another state, I would have voted for him. If only to keep Hillary/Biden/Dems out of the WH.
My man! 👍
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Let's say Brandon runs again, wins the Democratic nomination and wins the presidency for another 4 year term...

Can you imagine how feeble/frail he'd be. I mean it would be wizard of oz stuff. People behind a curtain pulling strings. (Like they aren't now).

A WSJ article got me to thinking about this possibility.

Probably behind a paywall.
The people have spoken, roe v wade is far more important than our leader having the mental capacity to go toe-to-toe with our greatest threats. They will feel good and “win” until the country isn’t.