Let's incentive more kids to the poor...


Heisman Winner
Sep 5, 2001
Our welfare system is already screwed up in that it creates incentives (aka more government $$$s) for having more kids. Now Booker wants to take it another step:

I don't even want to see what the flood of anchor baby mothers would look like if they knew there was a guaranteed check for their kids.

Let's see: Free college tuition, complete student loan forgiveness, universal income, and now savings bonds at birth. Short of just writing people checks, how much closer can we get to just buying votes?
We need to pass a bill to pull all Congressional retirement pay to pay for this. We should also pass bill that Congress will also have to be on Medicare if it passes as well as shutting down the hospital Congress gets access to.

We need Congress to live by the same stupid laws they pass.

None of this will ever pass and they know it, they could introduce all of the legislation today in the House if they wanted.

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